Meditation at it's finest.

Ok guys this weeks thread theme of the week is - RELAXATION.

This thread will be about meditation, and how you exactly meditate to be at peace.

As many as you know meditation is considered one of the most popular trend among many people who has daily stress and also who wishes to be at permanent peace. Always staying calm is a difficult thing when you are facing constant things in life that disrupts your flow in life and your way of thinking, and thus many turn to this method because many people say it is healthy, you get back in the flow, and you feel really, and I mean really good. ( Literally good )

So the question of this thread is following:
How do you meditate?
How long do you meditate?
Do you feel any positive effects other than feeling relaxed?
How many days do you meditate a week?
Where do you meditate?

Those are the questions I want you to answer. :)

I meditate the old fashion way, by crossing my legs, leaning on the wall, and laying my arms on my thighs and just breathing in and out listening to my surroundings.
My meditation time varies, sometimes from a few minutes to over half an hour if I feel really comfortable.
Other than feeling good, I feel like my brain is calm and I can use a little bit more than mere 10-20% of my brain capacity.
If I can I meditate everyday if I have the time.
I meditate from place to place, in the woods, near the river, or sometimes in my bedroom if I wanna listen to some music that lets me feel that universal vibe.

Please give an appropriate answer my fellow Fakku-ers.
"Relaxation", sounds soothing whenever I hear myself saying that.

Well I meditate pretty much the way you do, old school.

I meditate from 10-20 minutes a few times a week.

Other than feeling relaxed, I feel like I am in total control of my body.

My meditation place also varies, one of the most best place to meditate is the library, it is quiet and you get to hear things you normally wouldn't hear anywhere else, which is intriguing to me.
I meditate much the same way, only in the half lotus position (one foot on top of the other knee).
I'd like to meditate more, but right now it's once a week for anywhere from 15 to 30 minutes.

I had a really good place to meditate at my college- in the middle of a sort of rock pit that was dark and quiet- but since I'm home I use my room or my roof.
If you can find a good guided meditation soundtrack (or heck, a real person to show you once through), it's helpful for keeping your mind on track.

I also tend to enjoy nature sounds or sort of calming world music (I have an old 1996 CD sampler from The Nature Company that works wonders!)
Benefits? Helps me clear my mind, makes me feel in peace with my self.. I try to do it 3 times a week and in the lotus position, from 15 to 30 min. My room has a nice view even when i'm sitting on the floor, so it's a good place to do so. On the weekend i try to do it in an outdoor space, most of the time i go to El Avila (A mountain). You can actually breathe there. The air is completely different than in the city and it's really relaxing.
Don't meditate, but just for this week I'll try, to honor the thread.

Don't know how I'll find the time but that's not an excuse.
About once every 3 weeks, I walk about 8KM, north of my house (As long as the weathers nice) and there is a large depression in the ground where I sit or lay, ussally read a book, play a handheld game or something. During winter I dig put as much as a can and make myself a comfy snow chair-thing.

I've been going since... wow, 2 years ago? started when I was chasing my dog and found it, thought it was a nice place, and later when I was too bored to stay inside I went back and kept going back. During summer, spring, fall I stay for about 2-3 hours, during winter its only 1 hour 30 minutes before it starts getting dark, ahh canada.
Meditation is a glorified way of doing nothing.

Now that I've got that off my chest, I find meditating alone rather difficult. I never could focus on meditating for more than 5 minutes(especially with a PC in the room). I find guided meditation more effective than doing it alone. A local yoga class gives meditation lessons twice every week. I try and go as often as possible.
I haven't meditated properly in years.

However back when I used to do it I meditated maybe 3-5 times/week and ranging from just a few minutes to as much as several hours. I sat positioned pretty much the 'standard' way I think, legs crossed, my hands in my lap and keeping my back straight. I'm not to keen on leaning against anything though, and I find keeping your back straight helps a bit with my posture overall.

Maybe I should start doing it again.
I've never tried to meditate.. maybe I should try later, I need time to do it.
Find a place with a nice cool breeze and fall over dead.
I meditate by listening to music. I dont really think of anything else, just set my 400 song favorites list on youtube play. I usually sit for an hour or two every two weeks. It helps.
I havent done it in years, but when I did I would just turn on music and lay down on my bed, pretty relaxing.
1. I meditate by placing my feet together while in a sitting position. [Arthritis - Can't quite do Lotus Position]

2. As long as it takes.

3. Clarity. I'm usually worrying/thinking about a million things at once.. Meditation for me is like sudden and thorough file organization for my brain.

4. Not as often as I should. v_v

5. Near my laptop, because I meditate to music. I can get to a trance-like calm if I focus completely on the crest-and-fall of a wood flute/sitar.
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This is Yoga. Deal with it.
Sprite wrote...
Find a place with a nice cool breeze and fall over dead.