What did you want to be when you grew up?

Well, before my teens, i wanted to be a Taxi driver.

then in my 12Th age, i wanted to be a Pilot.
guammastermind671 Da RL Lurker at FAKKU
Chef and archeologist...but that aint happening anymore now.
I wanted to be the god of computers.
I wanted to be a fighter jet pilot.....didnt pan out lol
a writer, when i was in middle school, a drawer in high school and right now i going to study for animator..
I want to be a game designer.. I hope so.
First I wanted to be a paleontologist back when I was a toddler. Then I wanted to be an adventurer. Then I wanted to be an animator/painter. Then a novelist. And now I want to be the Ruler of the World.
Until I was 14 I wanted to become a firefighter, then a pathologist.. I should have known I'm to lazy too study, so now I'm a library supplier ^^'
Back then I wanted to be a pilot, but my eyesight went bad. Now, I'm studying in Law school trying to fulfill may second choice of becoming a lawyer.
I wanted to be an artist
I wanted to be an astronaut for the longest time, to go out into space and explore. Then one time when I was around 8 or 9, my Mom asked me to open those little cardboard cans of biscuits and I couldn't. She then remarked, "My daughter, the astronaut, can't open a can of biscuits." I gave up on my dream after that day.
Back in elementary school I was pretty serious about paleontology and astronomy. I was the Dino & Space nerd in library before all of those budget strikes really screwed up all of the schools. I knew all of the exact distances of everything in our solar system. But then I realized how damn boring paleontology is, and I suck at math so there goes astronomy. Now, I'll probably do something in Computer Networking/Security since those are my strong traits. I hate to admit it, but maybe a teacher too.
Swim teacher, painter, nurse.
First I wanted to be somebody's wife..then I understood that this is not exactly a profession :p

Then I wanted to be a ballerina but after this I decided that this would be painful /I mean you know their legs >.

Then I decided that I can't choose so I will be everything in the same time so I decided to become a journalist. After this I wanted to be a painter and after that a scientist...
I wanted to be a doctor or teacher.
Outside of having successfully written down the rules of Hentai-dom I would have to say writing a successful novel wither it be of romantic origin or not
A meteorologist... I have no idea why...
i wanted to be the very best, like no one ever was...

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/CakOV.gif