Yakuza Girl

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Maskedsatyr wrote...
The Korolev wrote...
Maskedsatyr wrote...
Edit: Also the cover art totally does not do justice to the art in the manga. The art is a lot better inside.
Especially this page:
Forum Image: http://img45.onemanga.com/mangas/00002252/000083352/12.jpg

I'm waiting for the volume translations to come out because supposedly they are very different, much better, and a lot more graphic.

Chapters 4 onwards I believe are the more graphic version as nipples can be seen in there. The previous chapters had hair covering the nipples or they were just missing.
I just put that there because it was a pretty funny page that I remembered after reading it.
Maskedsatyr wrote...
No point waiting I believe since I doubt onemanga would reupload the updated versions. However if you do find a link or something to the more graphic version send me a PM! :)
Sure thing, no problem, I'll probably have to go to the source directly (the scanlators) to check and download them whenever they come out. No idea when that will be though, hopefully not too long.
GSDAkatsuki wrote...
The story is not bad, but that guy, his motives, and his actions are lame.

exactly what i want to say.

oh well, i'm still reading chapter 2.
I couldn't find any Yakuza Girl threads (or the search omited that page but i am pretty sure not) so i've created one because this manga is pretty good and deserves a thread :D

A young boy named Senguu Fumihiro made a promise to his dying grandmother to find him self a decent wife. With this intention he goes to prestigious school. From then the world is like upside-down. Instead of studying, students start to kill each other, one even turns into a vicious monster. Senguu is saved by a girl named Akari and from then the real adventure starts...

That school was build only for yakuza clans and he was chosed by one of the most powerful clans in the school.

Necro-Bump for awesome...

I just finished reading this...

I daww'd...
This had the potential to be great but was way too short.
I loved the manga, mainly because of the fan service, but the ending was really awkward.

Forum Image: http://media.onemanga.com/mangas/00002252/000148482/34.jpg

who the hell is that girl.
In short, plot fail and budget fail.
its a shame cuz i really liked this series
I remember reading this once, the first chapter showed much potential but it went downhill from there.
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