Are you afraid of Death?

I know this seems depressing and out of the blue, but I am curious about your opinions since death means leaving everyone and anything behind, which is an awful thing, I bet there is something left undone and you died before you can even settle it or maybe it is already settled...maybe you're lucky, I'm not depressed or all just curious...

Well in my opinion Death is something unexpected....In a bad way, like I said before, death means leaving everything behind especially since I don't know if I'm going to Hell or Heaven, I don't even know if these two exist at the first place... Something left undone is a bad thing for me its like an abandon a mission that I was supposed to do and that is just terrible...So am I afraid of death?? The answer is YES

No, I am not afraid of death.
Tegumi wrote...

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I'm sorta afraid of dying, especially because I still have the responsibility to work for medication money since my father died. My mother still works as a grade school teacher, but that does not suffice the hospital bills we're getting every time my sister is going for chemo therapy.


categorychalice wrote...
I know this seems depressing and out of the blue ,but i wanna know your opinions ,i'm not depressed or all just curious...

You may want to lengthen your opening post (i.e. post your opinion about this topic, since you created it).
My life has never quite been good to me with my work and life, i find more joy in fiction than in reality while life i find it to troublesome and i have tons of questions such like why was i created, are humans just dolls to god, how was god created, does god even exist, what is good and what is bad, who definds that and why. so im not afraid couse one way or another all my questions are to be resolved at death and i may finally be able to relax a bit from the troubles of life
I vary between not giving a shit about dying and being absolutely terrified of it. I don't like that I or anyone else I know could die at any time, I don't like that I don't know what will happen after I die, I don't like knowing that there will be things I couldn't get done, but I also know that there's nothing I can do about it, so there's no use worrying about it. Unfortunately, telling myself not to worry about it doesn't always work.
Peltor wrote...
I'm sorta afraid of dying, especially because I still have the responsibility to work for medication money since my father died. My mother still works as a grade school teacher, but that does not suffice the hospital bills we're getting every time my sister is going for chemo therapy.


categorychalice wrote...
I know this seems depressing and out of the blue ,but i wanna know your opinions ,i'm not depressed or all just curious...

You may want to lengthen your opening post (i.e. post your opinion about this topic, since you created it).

Done!! Its Longer now..and chemo therapy? Oh my sorry to hear that...Hope she get well soon
I'm not ready to die by any means, but death is a fact of life. We have to accept our own mortality or we wind up living in fear of it. I'm not ready to die, I don't want to die ever, but it doesn't scare me and when it happens I think I will be okay. I don't really believe in the after life, my biggest concern about death is that I don't want my loved ones to mourn me.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I believe in reincarnation, so no I'm not really afraid of death since it'll bring a new beginning.
after falling from a third floor attic to the yard, being hit by a car, surviving a toxic jelly fish sting, multiple allergic reactions to stuff i use all the time and swelling up like a puffer fish, and then being attacked while in the NAVY seals by a fellow officer who snapped and wantd to kill me, hrmm nahh not really shit kinda fades after the first few close calls.
No. Dying is a part of the human cycle, therefore, it is a natural occurrence. Just like what I said at a thread from the random section, I grew up on a very dangerous environment that I have nothing to rely on but myself.
I'm not afraid of Death. We are but flickering flames in this sea of life anyways. That doesn't mean I like or abhor it though. Death is just the beginning of another wonderful, unknown journey.
axeltrinity wrote...
Death is just the beginning of another wonderful, unknown journey.

You seem pretty sure of that ... and if was not , if after death was nothing else than eternal nothingness ? Would you have the same opinion abouth death if you knew for certain that there is nothing after death ?
lordisgaea4 wrote...
axeltrinity wrote...
Death is just the beginning of another wonderful, unknown journey.

You seem pretty sure of that ... and if was not , if after death was nothing else than eternal nothingness ? Would you have the same opinion abouth death if you knew for certain that there is nothing after death ?

Well, like what I said, it is an unknown journey. I won't know if it's truly the end of the road until I'm there, yes? If you are indeed right, then so be it. If there's more to go on, like Dante's nine circles of hell, so be it. If there's a paradise of women, then all the better! Worse thing is my difficulty in reporting my findings to you guys when I'm there.
lordisgaea4 wrote...
axeltrinity wrote...
Death is just the beginning of another wonderful, unknown journey.

You seem pretty sure of that ... and if was not , if after death was nothing else than eternal nothingness ? Would you have the same opinion abouth death if you knew for certain that there is nothing after death ?

I agree with lord here....
We don't know if we end up with a new life or end up facing nothing, and what if we go to hell? (if there really is reincarnation) won't it be a miserable journey instead lol
I've been in some really sketchy situations, where I didn't know whether I'd live or die, but death itself isn't something that scares me. When you die, that's it, whatever happens afterward is beyond our control. I find death intriguing in the sense that, in your final moments you are you, but when you die, for all we know, that all disappears. Personality, consciousness, and everything else that makes you who you are dies with the brain. I have concerns about what will happen to me, as the person that I am, when I die, but I'm even more frustrated because no matter what I learn about death, I'll never know until I experience it for myself.
No. I accepted death a long time ago. Many years ago for me, my family, and everyone else. It's going to happen and we can't avoid it in the end. I don't find it depressing. It's just a fact of life that everyone should accept. Does this mean I have a lower value for life? No, but I'm not going to break down when someone dies. This doesn't mean I'm going to do reckless stuff though. If anything I am more careful to preserve my life and those lives around me. I have come to terms that I may witness the death of someone close to me right in front of my very eyes. Life goes on, but it will also come to an end.
Afraid of death? No, but I am afraid of things that could lead to death! Sickness and injuries etc. But death, no.
I'm not afraid of death itself because I know I'm gonna die eventually whether it be tomorrow or 60 years from now, plus there's no telling if I'll even realize I'm dead if an afterlife exists in the first place. What I am afraid of however, is the circumstances of my death I guess. I'd really prefer to not die by the hands of another person because murder shows how scary and cruel a person is capable of being, and that is frightening all by itself when you witness it.
The question itself is stupid. Everyone is afraid of death, it's what makes us human. People will say they aren't, but when the time comes, and death stares them in the eyes, they'll be shitting themselves. I'd like to say I don't care for death, and that I drive in a way to show that, but I don't. I drive carefully, as soon as I feel the arse end slip a bit, my heart skips a beat, and my brain flashes back to my crash, causing me to panic.

To say you're not afraid of death, is lying to yourself and everyone else.
Drifter995 wrote...

To say you're not afraid of death, is lying to yourself and everyone else.

Oh because i suppose you studied enough people in danger of death that previously said they were not afraid of dying to do this statement ? Stop thinking because you are afraid of death that everyone is like you . Study philosophy a little , you'll understand that it's not that hard to accept death .
Monster Girl
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