[Locked] Happy Holidays with a 2012 End-of-Year Mega Giveaway!

I'm thankful for being able to do everything i want and still being alive to spend it with the most important people.
Im thankful for being able to go to college and get education. My parents weren't lucky enough to go to college because they didn't have money at the time. But now they have jobs that pay well and can afford for me to go to college :)
I'm thankful for the fact that I have the freedom to choose what to be thankful for. And this isn't in relation with this thread, I mean it in general.
I'm pretty thankful this year because I've had many experiences both good and bad and met some awesome friends both IRL and online, especially here on Fakku.
I'm thankful for the life I've had up to now.
I know so many people are living through hard times,
and the fact that I'm home with my family,
and that I'm able to work on my degree makes me realise just how lucky a person I am.

Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays Guys
P.S.: Congrats on surviving the 21st

P.P.S.: I would post more often, but I prefer the art competitions.
I would have entered that t-shirt one if I had actually watched Eva first.

Yea, anyways, have a good one guys and gals
Im thankful for finding this amazing website at the exact time they have an amazing prize contest going. :D
It's hard to say what I am thankful for this year, from being able to come back to Fakku (being unbanned). To being able to see my family all the time and seeing them during these holidays. Tsujoi's story time was very sugoi! Jacob having a black friday sale!
I am thank for my family and finding this website this year.
I am thankful for all my friends and family, of course. All the people that enjoy hentai around the world. The people that are smart enough and willing to use their time to translate it.
I am Thankful for my family and friends, and their well needed support throughout all the tough times these past few years.
I really don't want to win, I'd have nowhere to keep a prize pack, but I do want to post what I'm thankful for. I'm thankful for my family. In good times or bad, they're always there.
I'm simply thankful for being born and given a chance to make a difference in this world. Thankful for being listened to when I speak and thankful that I'm still alive for yet another day.
I am the most thankful for being healthy and being able to spend the christmas holidays not working this time but with my family and my two beautfiful nieces who just turned two.

Its the greatest joy to watch them grow up and being a part of their lives.
I'm thankful for having a good family that helps me out in times of need and for having a job that supports both my financial needs and my otaku and fapping needs <3
~ Merry Christmas Everyone
I'm thankful for the fact that every once in a while I check in here so I don't miss cool stuff like this. Also, I'm thankful that I didn't get a cold this year, which I usually would have gotten by now. So far, this is one of the better winter seasons, let's keep it rolling.
i am thankful for the continous post of all hentai mangas :) ahahahahaaa
I am thankful for my awesome family, great friends, and of course those running this site.
Thankful for having an awesome family who supports and loves me as I am.
Happy holidays folks.
I am thankful for the Soldiers who protect this nations rights and allow me the freedom to enjoy good hentai.
Livided FAKKU Writer
Recently been learning more about state of the world's drinkable water, so I am very thankful I live in a country that offers clean water with abundance.