The positive side of your fears

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Got any?

I'm Cockroach-phobia, whatever you call the fear of roaches. I can't look straight at a close-up of anything roach-related. *shudders*

TIL, when there's a presence of a cockroach nearby up until i'm sure the cockroach is gone, my sense of hearing and touch suddenly enhance to the point I can hear and feel tiny movements EVERYWHERE.

Downside? I can't sleep, especially when I wake up to cockroaches running across my body when I sleep.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
It's katsaridaphobia, by the way.

And I don't think there's any advantage to being acrophobic, and to a lesser extent, monophobic and achluophobic.
My fear of crashing my car? Not much comes out of it, aside from when I get a vivid vision of crashing, I concentrate more, and make sure nothing can go wrong
Scared of snakes... so no positives. And there's a freakin' snake in my biology lab class and that shit scared the fuck outta me when I saw it.
I have had a lot of fears in my in life; I've been afraid of the dark, the lepraucan from the movie, girls and many others. I have been beating those fears, but one has my true fear that is Drowning. Still don't know how to swim.
I've been afraid of having my throat cut randomly ever since I watched Scary Movie 1. Upside is that I'm always watching where I walk due to having my head at an angle where it's hard to get at my neck.
Downside is that I can't lean back and relax all the way or fall asleep sitting down. Not even in my own home. Eh, such is life.
I'm increasingly germophobic - I don't touch doorknobs or handles, I use my sleeve to open everything commonly-touched, barring cabinets and whatnot. I wash dishes very thoroughly, I wash my hands a lot, unless the person is my significant other I don't share glasses or anything like that with sick people. The bonus is I am very mindful of hygiene and taking vitamins during cold and flu season.

I'm slowly getting over my arachnophobia, but seeing spiders in my personal space still creeps me out a little. I feel immense and nagging guilt whenever I kill them though, so I prefer to have a guy come in and do the cup-and-paper trick, because I don't want them to crawl on me and end up somewhere that they get squished or bite me... spider bites itch like hell. The bonus of this fear is that I keep my distance, and try to learn as much about them to know how to properly prevent any run-ins with the venomous species.

I have other phobias that will require years of therapy to overcome. Namely my irrational fear of rape and mild paranoia. These keep me mindful and prepared at night.
My fear of falling makes me a better rock climber. I take my moves slower and attempt riskier holds or movements less. I fall very few times compared to some of my peers as a result.
I'm fearful that I don't really have an actual fear. I treat dangerous things and stuff with the normal caution but I do not have any big fears.
Drifter995 wrote...
My fear of crashing my car? Not much comes out of it, aside from when I get a vivid vision of crashing, I concentrate more, and make sure nothing can go wrong

Personally, I don't drive, not because I'm afraid of driving, I'm afraid of what I might do behind the wheel. I have a natural inclination to do crazy shit. Most likely, I'd be a safe driver, but there is always a chance that I might do something that could either kill me or do irreparable damage to my body, because there are only so many times life presents certain opportunities.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I have Blood-injury phobia, which is a mixture of hemophobia (fear of blood) and traumaphobia (fear of injuries) to an extent. Basically when I see blood and gaping open wounds, I break out into a cold sweat and get so light-headed I nearly pass out. I'm fine with stage blood provided it's not overly convincing, but I can't watch gory movies. Tried Saw 3 once, and couldn't finish it.

Upside to nearly passing out when I see blood and/or injuries? People worry about me when they see me suffering. It's nice to be worried about from time to time. And if I'm hot when it happens, like when it's the middle of Summer, I cool down a lot.

I've also got Acrophobia - fear of heights. I'm fine if I'm fastened into something or I know for sure I'm not going to fall but otherwise I am terrified. The only benefit it has for me is if I'm working on something up a ladder, it motivates me to get the job over and done with so I can get down ASAP.
I have bad paranoia, when I have a fit of it, you can be certain that every little detail will be noted and nothing will be forgotten.
Sneakyone wrote...
I have bad paranoia, when I have a fit of it, you can be certain that every little detail will be noted and nothing will be forgotten.

I have a fear of moths. When I see one I duck and hide in places it can't find me...they're so fucking creepy looking.
Positives: I become very alert and aware of my surroundings.
Look at that shit....Forum Image:
Acrophobia, I have a fear of heights. So whenever I'm at a amusement park I'm too scared to ride any roller coaster. However my douchey friends always makes me go with them. They either trick me, "Don't worry it's nothing like Balder. Trust me, it will be over in a second." or they push me into it.

Positive side: They laugh their asses of at me.

Negative side: I want to kill them so badly.
I have a phobia of axe-wielding psychopaths. That helps when I suspect somebody might be an axe-wielding psychopath, and stay away from them.
I fear miscalculations, not in math but in the approximations of complex operations with higher risk (riding a motorcycle, moving between points up high, etc. Good thing? I'm no less agile, but my vivid imagination plays me making the error and predicts the feelings of the impending trauma as best it can.
astraphobia(fear of thunder) and fear of praying mantis(there is no word for that)
positive side: there fucking isn't one
Fear of miscalculations.

Good side: I almost OC'ed at everything. I alwas make sure that the job is done and good results come out. I feel overjoyed when my calculations are correct (I wasn't pertaining to math).
Bad side: I overthink, which sometimes makes a job longer to finish.
devsonfire 3,000,000th Poster
I have a phobia of fish. No positive sides whatsoever I guess.
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