Who would win in a fist fight?

Who would win in a fist fight?

Total Votes : 6,580
My man Gary of course
Draven does it all! With style!

Gary close second.
Gary Oak Professional Mothafucka!!!
Luffy he is made of rubber
I say Luffy cause we still haven't seen everything he can do yet kupo.
seed_of_mayuri wrote...
Better idea: Superman or Goku?

This has already been decided. Even though I hate to say it, Superman wins -__-. His power to absorb sunlight is goku's demise. And also a lot of other factors... You can check it out here:Death Match: Superman vs Goku
Snake1210 wrote...
seed_of_mayuri wrote...
Better idea: Superman or Goku?

This has already been decided. Even though I hate to say it, Superman wins -__-. His power to absorb sunlight is goku's demise. And also a lot of other factors... You can check it out here:Death Match: Superman vs Goku

I wouldn't say that deathbattles are the end all to that debate. Even more so when they don't have numbers calculating how strong Goku is later on.

Goku's power is massive and impossible to calculate after a certain part in the anime/manga. They literally just stop giving you numbers to work with. Super Saiyan forms seem to work on exponential numbers for each form. So their base form x Super saiyan modifier. It isn't like base form power levels stay the same, in actuality as their base form gets stronger their super saiyan form becomes much stronger.

Not to mention I would argue that Goku is the better fighter because of actual experience with enemies that are both experts in fighting and have the ability to beat him. Superman seems to just rely on the fact that he is strong to the point of overpowering. And anybody I know who has practiced martial arts knows that brute strength isn't everything and in some cases can work against you.

Regardless I generally have a dislike of DC because besides Batman, their heroes generally don't seem to be as interesting or appealing to me. Superman is essentially "lets make a guy invincible and extremely marty sue when writing him then call him a hero!" Marvel does a much better job with giving character flaws and preventing somebody from being too perfect. For example, Hulk has anger issues, Iron man has self loathing+Alcoholism, Spiderman can't seem to balance his personal life with hero life, and so on.

On topic, Goku's base form in the buu saga would be more than enough to defeat everybody on there. Except maybe Gary Oak. That dude's dbaggyness creates unbelievable barriers.
セナリオ wrote...
Snake1210 wrote...
seed_of_mayuri wrote...
Better idea: Superman or Goku?

This has already been decided. Even though I hate to say it, Superman wins -__-. His power to absorb sunlight is goku's demise. And also a lot of other factors... You can check it out here:Death Match: Superman vs Goku

I wouldn't say that deathbattles are the end all to that debate. Even more so when they don't have numbers calculating how strong Goku is later on.

Goku's power is massive and impossible to calculate after a certain part in the anime/manga. They literally just stop giving you numbers to work with. Super Saiyan forms seem to work on exponential numbers for each form. So their base form x Super saiyan modifier. It isn't like base form power levels stay the same, in actuality as their base form gets stronger their super saiyan form becomes much stronger.

Not to mention I would argue that Goku is the better fighter because of actual experience with enemies that are both experts in fighting and have the ability to beat him. Superman seems to just rely on the fact that he is strong to the point of overpowering. And anybody I know who has practiced martial arts knows that brute strength isn't everything and in some cases can work against you.

Regardless I generally have a dislike of DC because besides Batman, their heroes generally don't seem to be as interesting or appealing to me. Superman is essentially "lets make a guy invincible and extremely marty sue when writing him then call him a hero!" Marvel does a much better job with giving character flaws and preventing somebody from being too perfect. For example, Hulk has anger issues, Iron man has self loathing+Alcoholism, Spiderman can't seem to balance his personal life with hero life, and so on.

On topic, Goku's base form in the buu saga would be more than enough to defeat everybody on there. Except maybe Gary Oak. That dude's dbaggyness creates unbelievable barriers.

No offense, but did you actually watch that video I linked? Because 90% of what you said, actually is counter-proven there... :/. They do have numbers, they do calculate the super saiyan exponents etc etc. And like I said before, I hate to admit it, but Superman will win against Goku eventually. I always thought Goku was the strongest of them all, until I saw that video.

I totally agree with you on the Marvel/DC issue. Batman is the only DC comic I really like, for the rest, Marvel all the way xD.
I am ACTUALLY surprised Luffy is third place. Guess my estimations were off...
Actually... Guile would WIN THIS!
GOKU cannt be defeated in a fist fight even if a GOD challenges him.
Like in the DBZ-battle of the GODS.
TetraSky wrote...
As much as I would want to vote for Gary for the lulz, power wise, Goku would win. He can pretty much blow up the planet and breathe in space... The others just can't compare, he's that overpowered.

Except Gary Oak inadvertently critically injures people.
DaVoid wrote...
You're all wrong. Chuck Norris would win

Chuck Norris jokes are old please stop
Why, isn't it obvious? The answer is the one and only...
Forum Image: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/168/e/4/gary_oak_by_num1yakuza-d3j7av9.jpg
I Would say Luffy. 'Cause almost every technique he uses, are techniques he only uses his fists for.
Luffy is the only competition to Goku. Goku would win solely on the fact that energy waves can't really be cancelled by any of the One Piece world's lore. Can anything in the other series really make planets explode? No? Nuff said.
Saitama from One-Punch Man
Forum Image: http://i9.photobucket.com/albums/a74/E-Force85/saitama1_zpse86d9d38.png
Love Luffy but why is naruto even there? All he does is spam rasengans' lol. Anyway it'l be a tough fight between Oak and Goku but the porfessor will till win
Can't ignore Gary's girth. Now if TTGL's Simon was here... that'd be a different story.
YouCan wrote...
Bleach Ichigo, anyone??

it said fist fight, not sword fight
Monster Girl
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