how much do you pay

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kickiluxxx wrote...
Satsugai wrote...
I work full time and when the mood strikes me, I go and buy one.

There's a store around here in Little Tokyo that I go to buy my figures now, it's called Anime Jungle.

Most of the figures there around usually between $20-30, pretty reasonable, while some are way up there ranging from $100-300.

Today I just bought a SQ Mugi from them for $32.69 (after tax).

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Hmm, it looks adorable. Do you have the whole club?

Yeah, it is pretty adorable, sadly they only have SQ Mugi and Azusa.

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They do have the figures of the rest of the band.
Most I've spent on Anime Merchandise was 60 bucks and that was for a Nendoroid that was for a friend. I generally don't try to get those 200+$ Figmas because I can't afford them. Eventually, I will. But with a Part time job that I only spend 3 days out of 7 working, it ain't happening soon.
For me, it actually depends on the Company who made the figure. But the most expensive that I bought is 1/8 Alter Jubei Awakening Ver. which is around 200$
[color=#9D0A0A]I normally try my best to not get figures that are around the 200 dollar price tag. I don't think im THAT into them. The most expensive one I ever got was around $110. Other than that, majority of the figures I own were around 60 bucks. Anything is possible with a full/part time job. Saving is just the key. [/color]
The cheapest one I got cost $44, the most expensive was $210, I haven't bought any in the last year and a half because I just can't afford it right now (thanks Obama) when the economy turns around I'll get more I'm sure.
I just received my first figure from post, and Misa-nee coasted me 220$+ 70 shipping +80 taxes totaling 370.
Was so expensive.... but totally worth it ;D
I personaly buy a lot of used figures from my friends. The most I have spent on a figure is about 80$. I never buy them when Im at con, they are pretty pricey there
jdennis007 wrote...
Anime cons are one of the best places to get figures, on the last day of a con, close to closing some dealers will give discounts on them rather than take them back.
Also most of us get one at a time only and just build our collection slowly.

Yes! Convention buying I find is cheaper, even before the convention ending discounts.
I personally don't think I'd pay more than 150$ before taxes for a figure, but it would have to be pretty amazing for me to pay that much.

Also like mentioned, buying one here and there is the way!
Monthly reaches around 200-300 usd tbqh...

Yeah, I have alot of stuff to the point some are stuck on the box because I don't know where to put them :x
I mostly buy 80$ items. most expensive I bought was around 130$
But if it's on the range of characters I collect I'm up for even higher :D
Sneakyone wrote...
It is an expensive hobby and I dont buy them all the time, I work full time to be able to afford them.

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