O.o omg I'm fat

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Kenjiz The Dirty Wolf
Hello my name is Kenji or call me Kenji-sama or The Awesome Kenji Harima but anyways I have a dream a goal. I'm a big guy and I want to wear the fakku t-shirt so bad sadly it only comes in a 3x. So I worked out I went from a 6x to a 4x but its like I can't lose more wight whyyy I put on a 3x shirt my belly still hangs out a little cant walk round in a fakku shirt with my belly hanging out that just wrong really wrong..... O.o
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
Keep working at it. It'll be worth it in the end.
I'm not fat... Then again, I play two sports in the same day (both hockey, but ones field, the other is roller/ inline) I don't eat before either game. So I pretty much don't eat till tea time. It's probably a really bad thing, but I can't eat before a game, it just doesn't sit right.
Antw0n Remember me?
Put the fork down?
As long as you have your suit and tie?
That run-on sentence killed my dog. I hate you now.
I eat 4000 calories a day and nothing but fat and meat and i still lose weight and i barely excise these days.
Kenjiz The Dirty Wolf
Foreground Eclipse wrote...
That run-on sentence killed my dog. I hate you now.

Don't hate me I'm sorry
cruz737 wrote...
Keep working at it. It'll be worth it in the end.
Keep working-out, you'll go down a size or two eventually.
Also keep in mind that muscle weights more then fat, so don't look at the scales.
I didn't know shirts even came in size 6x
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Bitch you don't need to be thin to be fabulous.

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/486549_10151110947432922_1478467935_n.jpg
Become a sumo wrestler, then win championships and buy exercise equipment.
Medzy wrote...
Keep working-out, you'll go down a size or two eventually.
Also keep in mind that muscle weights more then fat, so don't look at the scales.

This ^
Jack Black is awesome.
Patience, my child.
Sleep through meals, drink a lot (not soda), and keep working out.
I don't get fat no matter how much I eat.
Wear an undershirt so your belly doesnt stick out. Screw working out.
Don't drink sugary drinks, eat about 5 smaller portioned meals/snacks a day, also avoid fasting or not eating for long periods of time because the rebound from when you start eating again will cause you to gain weight. Do excerscise that feel comfortable but are still intense enough to have effects.
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