How tall are you?

How tall are you?

Total Votes : 552
5'10 last time i checked.
Last time I check (which was about 1 year ago), I was about 6foot 2inches, which is about 189-ish CMs.

But this is about 1 year old.
Medzy wrote...
Last time I check (which was about 1 year ago), I was about 6foot 2inches, which is about 189-ish CMs.

But this is about 1 year old.

Expecting much growth since then? A year shouldn't be that big of a change after puberty, but I'm assuming you're a similar age to me, which may be wrong.
Please_don't_ban_me wrote...
Medzy wrote...
Last time I check (which was about 1 year ago), I was about 6foot 2inches, which is about 189-ish CMs.

But this is about 1 year old.

Expecting much growth since then? A year shouldn't be that big of a change after puberty, but I'm assuming you're a similar age to me, which may be wrong.

I'm 18, turning 19 this May. So you're probably older then me (judging from how mature and rational you act).
I expect some growth to happen over the course of a year, I should probably measure myself today, I'll edit this post when do.

Edit - I'm actually 188 CMs, that's about 6ft 1 inch.
damn, there are a lot of tall people on fakku :P

I am 6 ft :o!

btw, random side, I find it hard to find clothes that fits me properly (especially since a lot of brands are going with the skinny trend, and it doesn't really match with my height D:)
I'm very tall for a woman, I am 5'10". I find that my height is extremely unattractive to a lot of guys despite the fact that I have a decent body. I weigh 130 and am 5'10". I have decent sized boobs too in proportion to my body, they're 36C. Nevertheless a lot of guys I meet find smaller women more attractive, I think there's something more feminine about being shorter.

I don't mind being tall though, in fact at my work I'm just about the tallest and the only girl *shrugs*
I'm very tall for a woman as well. 5'11" to be exact. Most tall girls developed complexes about their height, but I didn't. My mother's 5'8", my sister's 5'10", one of my aunts on my father's side is 6'3". The women on both sides of my family are very tall with only a few exceptions, and the men are all within the same height range of 5'10" to about 6'3". Growing up around it, I saw it as normal for a woman to be the same height as or taller than a man.
5'7. I'm hoping to gorw 2-4 inches before I'm 25
Just at 6'. Tallest one in my immediate family, which is interesting.
5'4 - 115 lb
Yeah I lost around 6 pounds. I'm small but special.
I'm pretty sure that 5'12" is just 6', but whatever.

5'11" here.
6'1", 175 lbs.

I look like a stick sometimes.
ReallyNow wrote...
6'1", 175 lbs.

I look like a stick sometimes.

A friend of mine is 6'4" and 150. We call him "Pipeline" because he also has insane gas if we ever eat fastfood.
H: 6'
W: Like 298 lbs

Yes, sometimes I feel awfully big -_-
157cm, or almost 5'2. Not a legal midget.
6' 200 pounds.
5'5" I've been this height since middle school.
6'3" and glad to be.
5'9" and 195 lbs.