[Locked] AMERICA, Fuck Yeah!

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Fruid Lurker of Threads
xD, that's not an email you get every lifetime.
So Inspiring..I Salute to you Troops!
As a sailor in the navy, I agree that fakku is a life saver. Internet is too slow to stream but fakku always delivers!
Amazing, Good to hear that, I salute you Soldiers, Keep doing your work and save the world
TFW you personally know the guy and have served with him in the past
lol now thats awesome
Also anyone else foreseeing militaristic hentai in the future...it's all for our poor frustrated soldiers on the frontline of course..

There must now be a special branch of the military known as the Fakku 69th Hellhumpers division dedicated to spreading the glory (and legs) of hentai throughout the world. Brothers! I foresee a new age! Where everyone can raise one arm and jerk furiously to the glory of Hen-tie flags inserted all over the world! HOLD YOUR COCKS (the chicken of course) HIGH!
He's in the army and he has time to read hentai, wow, anyway Fakku FTW
Awesome Sauce! FAKKU, bringing the community together. :D
Wait, what was the artist that was advised not to google? I really want to google it now...
That email is probably the most amazing email I've ever read. Pretty awesome stuff.
What a fantastic email, being one of the most patriotic people around, I truly respect what these people do for our country. My best friend is even serving right now.

He's actually stationed quite close to Jacob-sempai if I recall correctly~
hurrdurrhurr wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
Sgt.broski wrote...
hurrdurrhurr wrote...
Sgt.broski wrote...
hurrdurrhurr wrote...
The army is the biggest waste of human resources, nuff said.

inb4 a million neg rep

Inb4 I kick this kids ass.

Astounding arguments

Astounding try hard.

Don't feed the trolls...

Thanks mate

The thing is, he wasn't referring to you. Rather you being a troll who only craves attention.
I approve of this guy! He's absolutely right: FAKKU has definitely granted us a fast, consistent and better choice of finding fap material.

Rock on, my fellow service members! From the Air Force with love. :)
Reporting in from 101st airborne here! It's good to see I'm not the only service member on fakku. Hooah and Air Assault to you all!!!
Uh wow. Holy crap. I don't know what to say.
I logged on just now to see what's new and BLAM! Front page and all!

But seriously, I didn't think my email would impact some people in such a positive way. Haha. Thanks Jacob! And thanks to everyone and anyone who can appreciate a soldier! The FAKKU community is awesome.

Stay classy.
Wow... Can't believe Horse Masks are the norm nowadays... Still though. Can't believe I own one (>_<)
I personally know this website is a valuable "free time" asset, you have my thanks from the United States AirForce
Glad to see hentai is no longer just a closet case, otaku, or socially repressed stimuli out let, units get a coin and typically commanders consult their subordinates about the design. why not a fakku inspired one? Iv seen a number of yosemite sam and fog horn leg horn inspired ones. why not momoka?
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