[Locked] AMERICA, Fuck Yeah!

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Caligula92 wrote...
Uh wow. Holy crap. I don't know what to say.
and anyone who can appreciate a soldier! The FAKKU community is awesome.

Stay classy.

[color=#9D0A0A]Thank you for serving, sir! And your buddies too![/color]

[color=#9D0A0A]If I could friend you I would, but I'll just be a classy lady and internet salute!

*salute* :D[/color]
May god bless the nation, and may god bless you wonderful soldiers who've put your lives on the line to allow us to live our lives and fap peacefully :D
You'd be surprised how many military people actually like it. At least Half my section is into Anime and I know me and one other guy enjoy hentai, hell thats half the crap we talk about while sitting around at drill lol.
Kiruru wrote...
hurrdurrhurr wrote...
guammastermind671 wrote...
Sgt.broski wrote...
hurrdurrhurr wrote...
Sgt.broski wrote...
hurrdurrhurr wrote...
The army is the biggest waste of human resources, nuff said.

inb4 a million neg rep

Inb4 I kick this kids ass.

Astounding arguments

Astounding try hard.

Don't feed the trolls...

Thanks mate

The thing is, he wasn't referring to you. Rather you being a troll who only craves attention.

Thanks Captain Fucking Obvious. Here have a cookie.

Nobody forced you to go play "hero" in middle east. If you can't fap due to these circumstances it's your own choice, no need to glorify this. What's next? The thrilling story of an agoraphobic nerd who can't meet girls irl and is saved by fakku? Ohhh i'm sold.
ponyrein I am not I as appear
Just an observation.
I clicked on his screen name and it said there are no "achievements"
Now I am just an old Retired Marine you understand but:
I would think that just getting back home in any condition (Google Wounded Warriors and Gold Star Families) would constitute one hell of an achievement

Jacob? How about an icon or something on their names if they are active at home or not.

My personal sincere thanks for all of those who serve, world wide from practically every country on the planet.
On land, sea and air.

@ hurrdurrhurr you are wrong on so many levels, I refuse to list them.
However as one who served as our current warriors do. We defend to the death
your right to be so
Edit of edit.

When your command of your native language deserts you.
Your only recourse is to resort to profanity.
How well I know, as before joining the MARINES(Not Army.
No disrespect implied or intended Warriors) and was afforded
the opportunity to go to college. I Swore. Probably a lot

But I still would defend to the death your right to be wrong
ponyrein wrote...

@ hurrdurrhurr you are wrong on so many levels, I refuse to list them.
However as one who served as our current warriors do. We defend to the death
your right to be so

Yay , an articulate one! Too bad you cannot list them , because , y'know , you don't have any. I guess you are lucky to have chosen army, instead of those unlucky bastards that live in a shitty country with compulsory military service, where you waste months of your life for nothing,without your will,taking orders from illiterate pigs and wondering if any of it makes any sense whatsoever. But i guess those bastards are the lucky ones , because they don't have to fight oil wars.

Even the op involuntarily says "Make love not war". Doing anything is better than going "undisclosed" to Kuwait. So i hope that he will indeed return safe mentally and physically and not in some body bag...

tl;dr version: Yeah , this thing blows. There is no reason to stop your productive life so that you'll learn how to yield an instrument of death. There is no reason to leave your wives and gfs for a fallacious ideology. Live and let live.

And fuck you.
As stated earlier and pointing out the obvious, don't feed (reply) to the starving troll above me. The whole thing will soon die out soon enough. Continue rooting for our brave troops fighting for the country they love and endear :)!
Lets all raise our drinks to the fine men and women fighting for the U.S.A over seas, may they be able to return to us swiftly and safely. Stay fapping my friends * me and my penis simultaneously salute*
I love how Fakku is more than a Hentai site. We are a community guys!!! (Though I would like to keep my anonymity)
[color=darkblue][/color] Jacob you are awsome !!!
Man, I never thought soldiers would be into hentai! It's awesome to hear that!

-From Canada
ponyrein wrote...
Just an observation.
I clicked on his screen name and it said there are no "achievements"
Now I am just an old Retired Marine you understand but:
I would think that just getting back home in any condition (Google Wounded Warriors and Gold Star Families) would constitute one hell of an achievement

Jacob? How about an icon or something on their names if they are active at home or not.

My personal sincere thanks for all of those who serve, world wide from practically every country on the planet.
On land, sea and air.

@ hurrdurrhurr you are wrong on so many levels, I refuse to list them.
However as one who served as our current warriors do. We defend to the death
your right to be so
Edit of edit.

When your command of your native language deserts you.
Your only recourse is to resort to profanity.
How well I know, as before joining the MARINES(Not Army.
No disrespect implied or intended Warriors) and was afforded
the opportunity to go to college. I Swore. Probably a lot

But I still would defend to the death your right to be wrong

Oh that's a beautiful costume picture of Brave.
Ive been an active lurker here on FAKKU for over four years now, and as of last year im now a sailor in our Navy. You dont have to be a civilian to enjoy hentai and such, theres otakus everywhere, Navy and Marines included. Hell i know of a few of them on-base here and we exchange doujin recommendations regularly. AOAR Klyde here defending america's right to include and enjoy vanilla in our daily lives.
I'm sure, that Fakku not only supports the US troops, but also the troops of many allies (pretty sure, some Bundeswehr fellas in Afghanistan are bound to read/watch some pr0n from here)! Continue being awesome!
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
hurrdurrhurr wrote...
ponyrein wrote...

@ hurrdurrhurr you are wrong on so many levels, I refuse to list them.
However as one who served as our current warriors do. We defend to the death
your right to be so

Yay , an articulate one! Too bad you cannot list them , because , y'know , you don't have any. I guess you are lucky to have chosen army, instead of those unlucky bastards that live in a shitty country with compulsory military service, where you waste months of your life for nothing,without your will,taking orders from illiterate pigs and wondering if any of it makes any sense whatsoever. But i guess those bastards are the lucky ones , because they don't have to fight oil wars.

Even the op involuntarily says "Make love not war". Doing anything is better than going "undisclosed" to Kuwait. So i hope that he will indeed return safe mentally and physically and not in some body bag...

tl;dr version: Yeah , this thing blows. There is no reason to stop your productive life so that you'll learn how to yield an instrument of death. There is no reason to leave your wives and gfs for a fallacious ideology. Live and let live.

And fuck you.

You're a sad pathetic man.
To much of a coward to actually go into the armed forces.
Sgt.broski wrote...

You're a sad pathetic man.
To much of a coward to actually go into the armed forces.

Yeah , yeah , whatever...
Since this is a 'murcan circlejerk i guess i'll leave before i have another aneurysm from this stupidity.

Enjoy your freedom and learn to distinguish between to and too, "kid".
I'm from Morocco so I'm what is routinely called in the U.S&Co a sandnigger/hajji/etc... and the people praised in this thread are, TO ME, people who have no qualms whatsoever about becoming mass murderers to protect and further Western imperialist ambitions in the World. Anyone who can say with a straight face that they're actually killing women & children half a world away for "freedom", "democracy" or "our way of life" is insane.

Bringing this bloody mess into FAKKU was disappointing for me (I didn't expect to be marginalized in a site I had grown to enjoy because it was free from all that real world shit) but I have grown used to you peoples' complete indifference to the horrors you have been visiting upon us for decades now so I will look away and act as if I am as welcome here as anyone else.

Yoroshiku :)
Tadanga wrote...
I'm from Morocco so I'm what is routinely called in the U.S&Co a sandnigger/hajji/etc... and the people praised in this thread are, TO ME, people who have no qualms whatsoever about becoming mass murderers to protect and further Western imperialist ambitions in the World. Anyone who can say with a straight face that they're actually killing women & children half a world away for "freedom", "democracy" or "our way of life" is insane.

Bringing this bloody mess into FAKKU was disappointing for me (I didn't expect to be marginalized in a site I had grown to enjoy because it was free from all that real world shit) but I have grown used to you peoples' complete indifference to the horrors you have been visiting upon us for decades now so I will look away and act as if I am as welcome here as anyone else.

Yoroshiku :)
Now everyone is welcome to Fakku, but your way of perceiving Westerners are incorrect. Take a look at extremists killing innocent people everyday using suicidal bombs, guns, etc. in the name of Allah. As far as I know of US troops killing civilians, only paranoid fools are suspicous to people from the Middle East, hardly ever happens. Now tell me who are the mass murderers, extremists who conduct attacks on innocent civilians or Western soldiers trying to end the barbarians? Does protecting our country from attacks like 911 seem like an "Imperialist ambition" to you?
I found fakku through google-ing "hentai manga browsing" back in high school :P
Kiruru wrote...
Now everyone is welcome to Fakku, but your way of perceiving Westerners are incorrect. Take a look at extremists killing innocent people everyday using suicidal bombs, guns, etc. in the name of Allah. As far as I know of US troops killing civilians, only paranoid fools are suspicous to people from the Middle East, hardly ever happens. Now tell me who are the mass murderers, extremists who conduct attacks on innocent civilians or Western soldiers trying to end the barbarians? Does protecting our country from attacks like 911 seem like an "Imperialist ambition" to you?

His way of perceiving westerners is incorrect because it isnt the cnn/your way. Your middle eastern extremist example really demonstrates how the whole war on terror rhetoric has been used to garner support for American military action. "It isnt imperialism, we are the good guys defending our nation from evil crazies. We need to go and suppress said evil crazies and then occupy the nation in order to uplift it to good old american democracy because they are currently barbarous in their terrorist extremist nature."

Americas use of "terrorism" is just a replacement for the communist threat of the cold war. In light of all the military action the US has taken since it became the superpower it is, his view really is quite understandable. The US has previously given power to dictators like chaing kai shek and Lee Kuan Yew because of their illogical fear of communism. They also pretty much caused the North/South Korea split with their UN military influx, not to mention the great attrocites in vietnam they rought in order to accomplish nothing and then leave, having Ho Chi Min take control of all of Nam a few years after.

Add in their activity in the middle east and can you honestly name another nation that has this poor of a post WWII military record? The US has, by an large, only brought more violence, destitude and problems through their foreign military action. Now I realize 911 was an horrendous incident but Americas recourse to it only further fueled the hatred of fundamentalist groups (not to mention it garnered the ire of most nonamericans), thereby increasing the likelyhood of future incidents. It has also fueled hatred and misunderstanding of Islam as a whole.

That being said, the fakku troop is a pretty cool dude and I have nothing against individuals within the military. The problem is the leadership behind it that has prompted these wars to happen over the years.

Edits for typos. They tend to happen on ranty late night posts like this and I always miss a couple =.=
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