Is suicide a legitimate solution?

Suicide can be good, for anyone other than me.

Even if it was a loved one, there is no reason to hold someone back. It's only respectable right? The Japanese. . nevermind, totally not going there.

The only problem with suicide, is if the person is lacking in confidence in the first place. Lower confidence, worse off you are with suicide. (Bullied)

So in the end, it comes to your personal willpower and how you approach suicide. Is it strong to be able to kill oneself? Or is it just a way to get rid of problems and go to dream land?
Is it a solution? no. It solves nothing. When you die everything you were running away from is pushed onto those closest to you on top of your death. Your problems are still there unsolved, you just aren't.

However I'm of the opinion that people should be able to do what they like with their body as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else and I believe suicide should be an option for those who have thought it through properly because ultimately it's their life and they should be able to do what they like with it even if that means throwing it away.

A solution? No. An option? Yes.
(The topic of the thread and the posts about the elderly hit me right in the feels, so this is an emotional response. I'm half-shying away from posting this, but - bah! Here it is. Sorry for the long post.)

I have witnessed two of my great grandmothers die and before they did, or before they stopped speaking, I asked both of them why they still lived despite all the pain and suffering they were going through that they knew would only get worse. One of them, my great grandma that lived up till 105 years, told me that when she lost her eyesight, despite how vulnerable, fearful, and helpless she became when she went completely blind, through that trial, she learned just how much she was valued by those in her village. Where her family failed, those she had helped in the past paid back her kindness (when she was the village healer) by helping her continue living. They helped her cook and washed her. They read to her and even built her the shack she ultimately died in. There's no hospital where she lived at and the only medicine she received was given to her monthly by my grandma or my grandma's sisters, when they could visit her, which sometimes couldn't happen because of storms, hurricanes or floods. My great grandma lived most of her last years enduring intense pain. Every time I visited, I asked her why she didn't leave the shack, why she didn't just come with us to the States, why she didn't want to stay with my grandma and ultimately, why she resisted her attacks, why she didn't just let herself die. Every time I asked, she always answered with a story of a recent act of kindness done to her, or of some trivial positive memory. When the only way I could speak to her was with her tightening my hand and gesturing with her finger, the last time she answered my question she pointed out her open window and squeezed.

I was 15 y.o. the last time I asked her and I didn't understand what she tried to tell me then. Recently, I became depressed and suicidal. The morning right after a failed attempt, I think I understood part of what my grandma was trying to say to me with all her stories. Living sometimes isn't just about what we do with our own lives or about our own experience. Sometimes it's about being grateful for what we have and becoming aware of the world around us, about the life surrounding us, about the simple act of existing, and learning not to take it for granted. Once we feel hopeless about our own lives, we can gather up the remaining pieces of our shattered selves and hold on, wait and learn more about ourselves than we ever could in a perfect world.

Suicide can be a solution. It solves the act of living. To die is a choice just like living is. However, death will always be absolute. There's no escaping it. Therefore, despite all the crap life can dish up, I've decided to squeeze out everything it can offer before I give up my one chance of existing forever. I'm not giving up my life without a fight.
K.Lurker wrote...
(The topic of the thread and the posts about the elderly hit me right in the feels, so this is an emotional response. I'm half-shying away from posting this, but - bah! Here it is. Sorry for the long post.)

I have witnessed two of my great grandmothers die and before they did, or before they stopped speaking, I asked both of them why they still lived despite all the pain and suffering they were going through that they knew would only get worse. One of them, my great grandma that lived up till 105 years, told me that when she lost her eyesight, despite how vulnerable, fearful, and helpless she became when she went completely blind, through that trial, she learned just how much she was valued by those in her village. Where her family failed, those she had helped in the past paid back her kindness (when she was the village healer) by helping her continue living. They helped her cook and washed her. They read to her and even built her the shack she ultimately died in. There's no hospital where she lived at and the only medicine she received was given to her monthly by my grandma or my grandma's sisters, when they could visit her, which sometimes couldn't happen because of storms, hurricanes or floods. My great grandma lived most of her last years enduring intense pain. Every time I visited, I asked her why she didn't leave the shack, why she didn't just come with us to the States, why she didn't want to stay with my grandma and ultimately, why she resisted her attacks, why she didn't just let herself die. Every time I asked, she always answered with a story of a recent act of kindness done to her, or of some trivial positive memory. When the only way I could speak to her was with her tightening my hand and gesturing with her finger, the last time she answered my question she pointed out her open window and squeezed.

I was 15 y.o. the last time I asked her and I didn't understand what she tried to tell me then. Recently, I became depressed and suicidal. The morning right after a failed attempt, I think I understood part of what my grandma was trying to say to me with all her stories. Living sometimes isn't just about what we do with our own lives or about our own experience. Sometimes it's about being grateful for what we have and becoming aware of the world around us, about the life surrounding us, about the simple act of existing, and learning not to take it for granted. Once we feel hopeless about our own lives, we can gather up the remaining pieces of our shattered selves and hold on, wait and learn more about ourselves than we ever could in a perfect world.

Suicide can be a solution. It solves the act of living. To die is a choice just like living is. However, death will always be absolute. There's no escaping it. Therefore, despite all the crap life can dish up, I've decided to squeeze out everything it can offer before I give up my one chance of existing forever. I'm not giving up my life without a fight.

Well I am touched by your story, and I wish you the best of luck in living life to its fullest.

On topic: I believe that suicide is a foolish act that can only lead to 3 possible end results if successfully attempted: Dying, Being killed, Or becoming unable to live a normal life/being crippled in some way.

I strongly advise against suicide for anyone, but hey, it's still your choice to make.
NeoStriker wrote...
If others ever end up grieving over my suicide, then that'd be the ultimate irony, because they'd be the cause. Almost makes me go mad with laughter thinking about it.

-Fucking- agreed.
I think suicide is just a cowards way out. Nothing hits harder then life and it will beat you to your knees, and it will keep you there if you let it. You take the hits life throws at you and keep going, even if it seems incoherent. Eventually everyone reaches enlightenment and find peace.
Although this is my first time posting anything on this site (lurker LOL) I feel compelled to contribute to this thread, I may not know who you are or what problems whoever is reading this is facing but believe me that suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem. I won't bore you with the problems I've faced in life because this post isn't about me, its about you. I know how your feeling and I know how bleak the future looks but every day you wake up is another chance to turn everything around. As cheesy and cliche as that might sound I promise you a positive attitude can change your life. I'm not telling you to just automatically start being a happy positive person I'm just asking that you do us all here in the fakku family the favour of taking a few minutes out of your day and look for a silver lining.

Also please don't forget that depression is a clinically recognized disease and there are treatment options available.

Now speaking to whoever started this post. If I ever meet you in real life I'm going to crack your fucking skull open and use your brains as war paint. How dare you try to justify suicide I don't care if its a joke or if you truly feel that way but NEVER ADVOCATE SUICIDE! someone might be coming to this thread because they are at the end of their rope and this could be their last salvation and you saying its just speeding up the inevitable might be what pushes their resolve.

If you have read through this and still feel like there is no reason left to live message me, I promise you will always have someone to talk to.
Absolutely not. It is a terrible loss to ones sense of self and belief in themselves and everything around them. It's extremely sad and should NEVER be thought of as a final solution. It is simply a sad thing for all parties involved.
I'm no expert on the human brain or anything of the sort. This is just my assumption. I'm guessing people who are suicidal still fear death, but there is a difference between just anyone who is suicidal and someone who actually killed their self. In order to kill yourself your mind basically has to be empty or focused on your reason of depression. Typically when someone commits suicide they have one of two facial expressions. Either sadness and regret, or literally no emotion. What I'm trying to say is that you have to overcome your bodies natural instincts to live using emotion or the loss of hope/happiness/etc.
Ultimately, life is filled with many problems. That is an inescapable fact. Thing is, these problems are temporary. Life throws tons of shit your way, and as human beings, it is within our capacity to overcome it and better ourselves. People who seem to contemplate suicide as an escape, in my experience, are looking for the easy way out of dealing with their problems.

Suicide as a legitimate solution is never something i would condone. There's always a way to solve things without removing yourself from the equation entirely.
I'm going to tell you what an old wise man once told me, "Suicide is always an answer, But it is never the right answer." Sure it sounds like it advocates suicide. But this simply states that you shouldn't choose suicide as the correct answer. (Or at least to me.)
Speaking only from personal opinion... Yes. It can be. I was suicidal for years as a teenager, and still have to fight the tendencies in my day to day life. I never imagined I'd live past sixteen, but here I am as a twenty-one year old, and still somehow kicking. Life was hard, but I managed. But, I can't apply my life to another's and say that because I didn't go through with my plans that they shouldn't either. I'm pretty certain my life was heaven compared to other's, so it's not fair of me to judge.

I think it boils down to the person, their ability to survive and/or cope, and their willingness to continue living. If one says that every person has the right to live, than it only seems logical to me to say that every person likewise has the right to die. Of course, that also branches out towards euthanasia, which has been touched upon... but it IS a form of suicide, so I feel the need to clarify.

In the end, I think that there are some situations with no real escape. Others may have exit routes, but going about to find them can be even more difficult than remaining in the situation that has one contemplating suicide in the first place. Some people can't bear the pain of living. Others don't think of death as an option. And then there's the lucky few who never have to consider such a question.
This is just my opinion, but I personally find suicide pathetic.

Simply put, no matter what situation you find yourself in, there is never a good time to just off yourself. If you find yourself stuck in a one-room building with the door locked from the outside, no windows, and a gun by your side, it wouldn't be fair to quell your life. If you die of starvation due to being unable to obtain food, that's one thing. But killing yourself if just foolish. You shouldn't be whining about how you have no way to escape, you should instead be trying to find SOME way to get out of there. Try to escape, or die trying.
I think suicide is a coward way out when something in life hits one hard and lets it gets to them. Not everyone can solve everything and I can accept it if they don't have the strength to face it.

However, if this is a military situation where you are in a situation of being capture, then suicide is better than being torture.

Now suicide bomber? They are terrorist.
really u should just watch game of thrones...
basically life has almost infinite possibilities wile death is finite.
if u are religious u probably wouldn't go threw with suicide because usually that means much worse situation then u are already in I.E. Hell. from an atheist point of view where death is just then end, death should be the ultimate worst thing. its just an end and all options are over and u are done.
its my view that u are in control of your life and no matter how bad it is ther is a way out. it might be hard and scary, maybe u cant even think of it but ther is. in america if your life is shit u can join the military. then you will be fed, learn how to be strong and have a place to call home, then after that u can go to collage and make a life for yourself. your most basic programing as a human is to not die and so thats why people try not to die. i would guess that people would withdraw at the last moment because they still have a little hope in them. that ther is a way out but they are afraid or to lazy to pursue it.
I'd say yes, but it's only a temporary solution. Life could get better but we wouldn't know it because we are not fortune-tellers.
Suicide is a permanent solution for a temporary problem.
I think part of the reason people fail to commit suicide is because they still have some attachment to the world. They may be in despair but something draws them back. That they are depressed in the first place kind of shows they are still attached to life. They may be disillusioned by its prospects or some giant let down in their materialistic social life but they are only so because they still want something from life. Perhaps there is a fear of death for some as well but I think that fear spawns more from attachment to life rather than from the unknown after death.. At the same time, someone totally detached from life has no reason to commit suicide because there is nothing to cause them the emotional instability thatd lead them to seek an exit. Even though life is pointless and I really desire nothing out of it, why would I end my life? Ive got eroge to play.

As for whether it is legit. Tis kind of a sticky question. I think said depressed person should seek help and support, whether it be psychological, social, philisophical, religious etc. Also they should try and think about and feel life out a bit more. Im not saying they should go be a socially obsessed materialistic ego stroking sycophant by seeking big money, flashy possessions and beautiful romance and sexmates. Just that they should try to come to terms with things. Find stuff to pass the time that they can commit to whatever it may be. Stop thinking about themselves in relation to societal ideals and simply start living by what you enjoy. Or maybe stop thinking about how society is a horrid superficial thing. I mean it really depends on the individuals outlook. If after all of this they still want to commit suicide and they plan to do so without leaving anything behind (no note) then honestly it is a legit solution.. One that I would be unable to comprehend but would none the less entirely respect.

That is not to say those who do not do these things and just commit suicide are "failures" or people who "give up". It is just that I think more could have been done for them, and they could have done more themselves. There is still stuff to try so why end it beforehand type of deal..
At the same time, saying they are in the wrong doesnt really sit well with me. I feel like, seeing as Ive only ever jokingly tossed around the idea of my own suicide in my head and never really experienced the emotional pain some people go through which actually prompts such action, I cannot judge whether commiting suicide is wrong.

So I guess I dont think it is a legitimate or illegitimate answer. I choose to niether condemn nor condone suicide. I think we should do what we can to prevent it but we should never judge someones decision to take their own life as justifiable or not.. :
I agree with most people on this thread,

As a person who has seen suicide a lot in her childhood and teens years, I've been in medical facilities where minors were to protect themselves from them. I've met a 11 years old girl who tried 8 times to kill herself, for exemple. When I lived there, for only two weeks though, we became a family. One was going to turn 18 after living there since she was like 10, another one was 11 and tried 8 times to commit suicide. One who came right after me looked like a punk-style girl. However, she almost never spoke. It only took 2 days however before she became friend to us ; after some days, she started to wear short sleeves and shorts and I discovered that her WHOLE body was covered in scars she made with razor blades (she was my roommate).

A girl about 14 years old came by after one left and if I saw her outside this place, I would have never thought she had problems ; she was perfectly dressed with high quality clothes, her hair always tied in a bun perfectly and she had a perfect way of speaking properly. When people come, some are quiet, but down and cry at night, some are hysterical ; she was one of them. She was always grabbing her parents to tell them to bring her back home. Her mother was crying and her father was trying to tell her that it was only for her own good.

A boy, the only one there except a young, 6 years old, schyzophrenic boy who was almost never with us since he was a more special case -he was really violent-. He didn't say anything, but during activities, he would sometimes just stood up, look angrily at the counselors and tell them "Can I fucking get out of here and go destroy everything?". Everytime, the employees always told him to go rest in his room and he never broke out. He admitted, later, at first, that he told himself that "They're not like me, I'm the only smart one here, I shouldn't be there", but he turned out to be a really sweet guy. When sport class came, the teacher gave him special time and he gave everything he got on the punching bag and always came out with a peaceful smile.

I was 15 at the time ; it's been almost 4 years. When someone left, it was always just a "goodbye" like someone is going to the convenience store and go back right away. I never saw these guys again, nor I even remember their names.

I, however, thought about how stupid I was back then.

All these years of thinking that nobody loved me or that there was nothing in this world for me. I met people who were thinking like me and were trying to get a hold of themselves or just enjoy life back then. Even if there were cameras, the employees there were really kind to us. All this thing average teenagers think are dumb, like 'silence time' to think about us, getting together to talk about what we feel today... the fact that we were totally disconnected from the rest of the world helped ; everything was very relaxing and without my parents who were panicking about me and the bullies at school, I thought about many many things.

I thought that I was a coward. It was so easy to end it here, however, everytime I tried, my hands were trembling too much and I just collapsed.

I had a lot of friends before whom I thought were thinking like me, however, I realized today that they were just attention seekers and haters of everything because "they are so superior to everyone".

Going back to reality was very harsh to me. My parents didn't know how to act around me (but I understand their reaction and I was horrible to them since they're the best parents on the earth), surprisingly friends of my bullies who almost never talked to me told me how much they were worried about my sudden disappearance. I'm not telling life was perfect ; I've been bullied all my life in primary and secondary school, but I learned how to enjoy life at its fullest. Life is full of shit, but also full of fun.

It didn't take even one week after my comeback that I finally decided to talk more to the boy I liked a lot ; I was thinking a lot about him. Now it's been 3 years and a half that we're together and I can't be happier with him ; he knows everything about me and accept it. When I stopped to take my antidepressants pills after 6 years of taking them daily, he really supported me and when I was crying suddenly in the middle of the night, he would comfort me.

I can't talk about all the details since it would be long, but after knowing all sort of people, all can only say that suicide, except when illness are involved, are out of the question for me and if someone talk to me about it, I'm REALLY harsh. Most of the time, there are 14 years old kids who think they're too superior and will never commit suicide, but everyone gives them attention and I can see it now in their eyes ; they like this attention and the thought of being superior. And it disgusts me. Too depressive persons also annoys me, but I do my best to show them good things, learn stuff they like, gives them phone numbers when they're in trouble, introduces them to very supportive friends, etc. but sometimes they just don't WANT to bring themselves up because it seems just too damn easy to be sad and too hard to try to be happy. Some people will probably disagree with me, but those cases are always specific ; I never act the same way with anyone about suicide. I understand since I came through there multiple times that someone can be very depressed and nothing can bring him up ; I mostly tell a specialist to take care of them.

Why am I saying all of this? I don't know. If someone read this through and understood something out of it, I'll be happy. If he rages, well it's his lost. I don't think I can really tell this story, since you really have to live it to understand it to its fullest but oh well.

Oh, and, back then, when I got my bedroom with my roommate, I opened my wardrobe to put my clothes in them and, covered in it, were signatures and encouragements from teenagers who came through this bedroom. The inside of the furniture were COVERED of it. There were also cellphones numbers and email adresses -which were true I swear-.
Well to me suicide is one of the most cowardice decision possible, but assisted suicide if your old and wanting to die or if you really want to see whats on the other side with no regrets is fine IMO. Though suicide through depression is just selfish.