Everyone's getting a 3DS and playing Pokemon X/Y

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artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Forum Image: http://i.qkme.me/3rgdc1.jpg

IB is my personal rant spot because Tumblr is a clusterfuck and Facebook attracts too many unwanted people's eyes.
Luk at dis fag.
cool story broseph lieberman
I haven't even played Black or White yet.

Also I miss Spiderman threads.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
I'd enjoy myself more if I didn't have so much work to do.

It's extremely easy though. The most accessible/casual main game so far.
yurixhentai wrote...
I haven't even played Black or White yet.
I've never owned anything above the 3rd gen. I'll never get the 3ds either.
Play a Vita like a man
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
SirLongShaft3 wrote...
Play a Vita like a man

Eventually. More games on the 3DS appeal to me than on the Vita. Besides, no way in hell I'm missing out on a Mario & Luigi RPG.
SirLongShaft3 wrote...
Play a Vita like a man

Don't worry Spiderman you're not alone.
artcellrox wrote...
SirLongShaft3 wrote...
Play a Vita like a man

Eventually. More games on the 3DS appeal to me than on the Vita. Besides, no way in hell I'm missing out on a Mario & Luigi RPG.

What a Mario Bros. RPG? *looks at Vita*
*vita sweats nervously*
Nah you're right, My vita is like a really expensive phone, it plays a bunch of indie games, otherwise the game selection isn't that great. Its not really useful til the PS4 comes out.
I still need to get something past 3rd gen...

Can't really call myself a fan if I've only ever played 13 games...
I've been wanting to pick up a 3DS for Fire Emblem, Zelda, and because I'm expecting a $70 gift card for a store that doesn't carry much else that's both worthwhile and within my price range. Hell, the only Pokemon game I've bought since Crystal was Soul Silver. It seems that I have a soft spot for Gen 1 and 2, but have trouble warming up to the new rosters.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
psbox362 wrote...
I've been wanting to pick up a 3DS for Fire Emblem, Zelda, and because I'm expecting a $70 gift card for a store that doesn't carry much else that's both worthwhile and in my price range. Hell, the only Pokemon game I've bought since Crystal was Soul Silver. It seems that I have a soft spot for Gen 1 and 2, but have trouble warming up to the new rosters.

The new Gen has a lot of older Pokemon, especially Gen 1 and 2.
artcellrox wrote...
psbox362 wrote...
I've been wanting to pick up a 3DS for Fire Emblem, Zelda, and because I'm expecting a $70 gift card for a store that doesn't carry much else that's both worthwhile and in my price range. Hell, the only Pokemon game I've bought since Crystal was Soul Silver. It seems that I have a soft spot for Gen 1 and 2, but have trouble warming up to the new rosters.

The new Gen has a lot of older Pokemon, especially Gen 1 and 2.

I know, but they're mixed in with these newer, strange pokemon that I don't know (barring the few I've run across in Soul Silver). I'm not sure how to describe it but, it's kinda like seeing your favorite comic book character cameo in a series for some new superhero that you're not really interested in. Does that make sense to you?

It's probably my nostalgia fighting my curiosity, or because I simply haven't seen any Pokemon that would actually catch my attention. I have been considering getting Pokemon Y since it does look interesting, but I'll probably wait till I pick up Fire Emblem first.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I'll probably get it 2 years down the line like the other games. I still need a copy of Diamond Pearl or Platinum that isn't emulated.
Wow, when will the entire internet stop cumming over Y & X and Kill La Kill...
Medzy wrote...
Wow, when will the entire internet stop cumming over Y & X and Kill La Kill...

Dat avi.

I like Kill la Kill, though. ;_;

It's not the best thing I've ever seen, but it certainly has a good start thus far.
SirLongShaft3 wrote...
Play a Vita like a man

Vita hasn't got anything interesting on it.. It's pretty much an overly expensive lap warmer.

Got myself a Y 3ds, because I had a ds lite, and it was time to upgrade/ the lite was shit.
Forum Image: http://cdn1.sbnation.com/uploads/chorus_image/image/18953183/pokemon_xy_3ds_xl_red_hardware_rgb.0_cinema_640.0.png
Selling the ds lite so I can get an advance sp. Only wanted the lite for it's advance/ colour playing... and it doesn't actually play colour games, so fuck that shit. My first and second gen pokemon games can sit there asking for more love till I get an sp.

Have been playing Y a little bit, and it's well worth it. They actually made the graphics decent. It's a massive step up from the ds games. Was considering getting black 2, but after this. nop.
This will whore my attention till I get an sp + finish y, then I'll play heart gold and crystal till they are done, then get onto blue and yellow, and mess around.
I think my character in blue is called panus... My character in Y is called Panus, or 'Big P'
10/10 would recommend ryhorn sitting
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