[Anime] Valvrave the Liberator

I'm disappointed.. Every episode they torture Shoko.. Sunrise..why'd do you have to that
ZeroOBK wrote...
Sprite wrote...
BloodyWind wrote...
Holy Fucking Yes on that last part! Haruto you have redeemed thyself.

Oh, Sorry for your losses Shoko.

Maybe Shoko will get L-Elf.

I'm pretty sure L-Elf wouldn't want to fall in love with a woman he plans on killing if she ever becomes an unpredictable element again.

Episode 11:
Well, didn't expect that. Is this an "I'll take responsibility" action? Or is it a "Valve-tan is now subconsciously controlling me" action? Valve-tan sure as hell is excited about marriage even after she had her fill of rape last episode. I don't think he fell in love with her. He said he'd marry her, but said nothing about love. If he did somehow love her, I doubt he would even be willing to admit it after the rape.

I dunno, ERU ERUFU is slowly getting defrosted.
1st Fuck You Rukino
2nd Purp Valvrave Broken as Fuck.
3rd Fuck This Im out. Well, more like I wont be around when second season starts airing.
4th Been a good run nonetheless
i think i'll stay around next season, just to see if they can top first season's plot twists

Forum Image: http://www.japanator.com/ul/28926-a-very-special-episode-valvrave-the-liberator-episode-10/1371748646350-noscale.jpg
Episode 12:
Time skip again. But Saki looks different? And that kid... was he Saki's descendent? L-Elf's? A very good way of dodging the marriage question. No one is helped if the reason is merely "responsibility" and Saki doesn't blame Haruto for what happened nor does she fearful of him. Granted, Saki still isn't all that pleased, but she seems to realize that it's better than making everyone miserable. I'm glad L-Elf wasn't portrayed as being completely surprised by Cain's actions, though he was surprised by the poison gas and stuff. Shoko doesn't wind up dead and Akira winds up as the pilot, as a number of people expected. I really liked how Akira's scene worked out. Her uneven tone of voice and near hyperventilation really drove home just how strongly her trauma was keeping her there. Her resignation as a human being perhaps makes the most sense out of the five. If VVV2 could only be activated by inserting Blue, then that makes me wonder how did VVV3-6 get formed without an OS-tan. Code Geass-level season cliffhanger though.
well 12 was interesting

So we all still question what the time skip means, but if it holds true that is the future that would mean, Rukino lives in the end and so does L-Elf to some point.

Cain appears to be some kind of God, who probably was one if not the original Valvrave pilot. He also appears to be part of some secret organization that rules the world from the shadows, (reminds me of The Illuminati) with what looks like the leader from the other country part of it.

Predictions for Season 2
-somebody going to get raped
-some Valavrave pilots are going to die
-MC Dies (dies that he can't be reborn anymore)
-somebody going to get raped
episode 12.....pretty much this.

Sunrise has Jumped the Shark WWWWWAAAAAYYYY too high this time.lolololololol.
Time skip again with Rukino and a silver haired kid; L-Elf's kid? I really like Akira's scene, and her character is really interesting compared to the rest. Should be watching season 2 when it comes, only to finish the story.
so, this happened on derpbook today.

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q71/s720x720/946232_383131801788270_19874192_n.jpg

pretty much sums up about the series..
Gahald_Mills wrote...
so, this happened on derpbook today.

Forum Image: https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/q71/s720x720/946232_383131801788270_19874192_n.jpg

pretty much sums up about the series..

Add the Illuminati in
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
I'll give this series a 6/10. It kept me entertained and that's all that matters to me. I was hoping it would be 26 episodes rather than 12 now and 12 later. Oh well...
The only word I can use to describe this anime is "meh"
Its like the more they introduce the less interested I get. There are too many loose ends in this anime. It also seemed like every space battle was exactly the same except that the Dorrasan Army (cant remember name) would just try something new and ultimately fail. They honestly reminded me of Team Rocket, except they dont yell "we're blasting off again!" after retreating. END RANT

But seriously though, I'd give it 5/10. Maybe the second season will clear things up. But once they introduced the super human race thing I lost interest....
an ok start of season 2 ... there is a bro / yaoi moment

Episode 13:
Apparently, providing "interesting" things for Valve-tan is the fuel for the Valvraves. Haruto's characterization was pretty strong this episode. He was willing to lock himself away so he wouldn't harm people, yet he also understood that if he let himself die, nothing would really change. It would just involve more people and create new victims. While he may have made a new pact with L-Elf, there's no telling if that will be enough to keep Valve-tan satisfied.
Kaimax Best Master-San
Episode 13
Y U NO do it with Rukino instead.
Kaimax wrote...
Episode 13
Y U NO do it with Rukino instead.

Lol, that's exactly what I thought. I would've made a pact with her. Why bite a guy on the neck to recover energy when you can just have sex with Rukino instead. It's not like she doesn't want it.
this first epd cleared up some stuff from the 2nd season. Great 1st epd
not much to say about season 2 ep 2 ... ( wine fest )
Haruto's new weapon reminds me of Kallen's Guren Mk II.

Well, having a brother and sister conflict (Satomi/Akira) resolved while plunging dangerously through the atmosphere is one way to do it...

But of course they just 'had' to land in Zeon/ZAFT-I mean, Dorssia territory. /facepalms
Monster Girl
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