Do you celebrate Halloween?

Do you celebrate Halloween?

Total Votes : 4,356
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Where I live they don't celebrate it. I would like to, once I move to another country. :)

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We don't celebrate that in my country... Thanks Shinki
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
There's only ever really one or two events in big shopping malls 'round here and even then it's not too much of a great thing.

Personally though it is pretty cool.
Every year, thanks to Tim Burton's Nightmare Before Christmas.
[color=#9D0A0A]I celebrate it but not by dressing up and going Trick or Treating. I play horror games while sipping on wine. That's my way of showing respect to the greatest holiday of the year.[/color]
Yes, for the most part. I attend work and/or personal masquerade parties thrown by friends. I cosplay sometimes too, for the larger Cons in my area, so dressing up for Halloween isn't a big stretch. I do more SciFi movie stuff than Anime/Manga though.

it depends on whether or not I feel up to it
The doctor says if I eat any more candy, they're gonna take my foot.....So the answer is no
I live in the UK.

Mass hysteria about child molesters lurking everywhere has more or less stopped trick or treating.

On the plus side, it means I don't have to deal with kids wanting free candy.
Just got back from taking my nephews trick or treating. I celebrate every year, be it as part of a haunted house or wondering the streets turning kids craven. I love any excuse to dress up in costume, and this year I pulled off Two-Face, the cartoon incarnation from the animated series that dates back to my childhood. Gods, I feel old... Good fun and a great night, though! Happy Halloween!
I celebrate Halloween by watching horror movies and scaring people.
I only celebrate when I have money and when I actually have time.
College and family time does suck the fun stuff out of you.
I celebrate halloween as a candy giver. That annual job is a bit scary since these kids doesn't come by pairs or by 5. They come as a platoon since it's an organized event in the neighborhood. They start at the nearby park then tour all the houses in the area. You know they're near since they come with a loud noise.... the horror of that event..
Nope. I'm mexican so...DIA DE MUERTOS!
hell yeah cosplay at school.
Not so much at the moment, I am in between being too old to go out trick or treating/attending halloween parties and too young (unstable?) to own my own place where I can dress up and give out candy. That is the plan at least, I want to be one of those houses that gives out the big bars of candy while dressing up in random/obscure video game/anime costumes.
i'm not 4 years old so no plus don't got time for that
Jigsy wrote...
I live in the UK.

Mass hysteria about child molesters lurking everywhere has more or less stopped trick or treating.

On the plus side, it means I don't have to deal with kids wanting free candy.
I used to as a kid but I don't any more. Now I just hand out the candy at my house.
Monster Girl
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