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Harmonian wrote...
I can't expect much from nexon seeing as how they made MapleStory.

This may be great but I just can't give it any love.

Its either WoW or Earth-rise. Nothing inbetween no matter HOW FREE it is.

Maplestory is horrible, so that's a fair judgement. Mabinogi is actually pretty fun, but the fact is, you really can't enjoy it to anywhere near the full extent of it without at least spending around $10 on it.
I use to play it back like 7 years ago, but now I just use it for my hentai -.-. I still love their adorable succubus.
Creek Drank the Cradle wrote...
Lmao, is that what the spawns were like right after they put the servers back up?

Yeah, the servers suck right now.
The site doesn't load, forums go slower, games barely work.
Quadratic wrote...
Creek Drank the Cradle wrote...
Lmao, is that what the spawns were like right after they put the servers back up?

Yeah, the servers suck right now.
The site doesn't load, forums go slower, games barely work.

Strangely, when they first got done upgrading the servers, before they went down for the second maintenance, my connection was godly. Everyone else I knew couldn't even open the site etc etc, but..yeah. Strange.
Harmonian wrote...
I can't expect much from nexon seeing as how they made MapleStory.

This may be great but I just can't give it any love.

Its either WoW or Earth-rise. Nothing inbetween no matter HOW FREE it is.

Final Fantasy 11 for the PC was fun
Its just a few months before G11. Yes!
Nexon can choke on a dick and die.
So, anybody on Fakku still playing Mabinogi?

I got the Alchemist email a few weeks ago, and figured, "Why the hell not?"

But, then it occurred to me.

I hadn't even done G1 when I quit last time.

Hell. Gonna be a pain to find a party for it.
Creek Drank the Cradle wrote...
Harmonian wrote...
I can't expect much from nexon seeing as how they made MapleStory.

This may be great but I just can't give it any love.

Its either WoW or Earth-rise. Nothing inbetween no matter HOW FREE it is.

Maplestory is horrible, so that's a fair judgement. Mabinogi is actually pretty fun, but the fact is, you really can't enjoy it to anywhere near the full extent of it without at least spending around $10 on it.

Im sorry but your wrong. Wizet made Maple Story. Nexon just sponsors it. Maple Story itself is a great game. Its just most of the community is a bunch of immature brats who whine about everything, damage whores, racist, dumbasses. If it wasn't for the community maple story would be good. Also like almost any other company Nexon is greedy as fuck. Thats why JMS is better.
Arizth wrote...
So, anybody on Fakku still playing Mabinogi?

I got the Alchemist email a few weeks ago, and figured, "Why the hell not?"

But, then it occurred to me.

I hadn't even done G1 when I quit last time.

Hell. Gonna be a pain to find a party for it.

I haven't either. O:
I need a party of 3 for the Barri dungeon. <.<;;
Server? I think I play Mari.
HokutoCorpse wrote...
Creek Drank the Cradle wrote...
Harmonian wrote...
I can't expect much from nexon seeing as how they made MapleStory.

This may be great but I just can't give it any love.

Its either WoW or Earth-rise. Nothing inbetween no matter HOW FREE it is.

Maplestory is horrible, so that's a fair judgement. Mabinogi is actually pretty fun, but the fact is, you really can't enjoy it to anywhere near the full extent of it without at least spending around $10 on it.

Im sorry but your wrong. Wizet made Maple Story. Nexon just sponsors it. Maple Story itself is a great game. Its just most of the community is a bunch of immature brats who whine about everything, damage whores, racist, dumbasses. If it wasn't for the community maple story would be good. Also like almost any other company Nexon is greedy as fuck. Thats why JMS is better.

I actually got caught on to MS because I just liked the 2D looked, reminded me of Megaman.
Quadratic wrote...
Arizth wrote...
So, anybody on Fakku still playing Mabinogi?

I got the Alchemist email a few weeks ago, and figured, "Why the hell not?"

But, then it occurred to me.

I hadn't even done G1 when I quit last time.

Hell. Gonna be a pain to find a party for it.

I haven't either. O:
I need a party of 3 for the Barri dungeon. <.<;;
Server? I think I play Mari.

Mari myself.

God damn these RP quests, though.

Who the hell thought they were a good idea, long term?


Sorry for Necro-ing ~_~
Just saying im on Alexina and my username is Omegakonata if you want to add
I have it in my portable hard drive. Still figuring out how to make the damn thing work.
Damn it Generation 11 is probably the hardest Mainstream Campaign up to date. I hate those goddamn missions... well anyway I'm a rather amateur archer on Ruari (Chinese Server.). I almost never use anything besides my bow.
havnt played this game in awhile i used to love it until it got to g7 then i have no idea why but i got bored and quit
Dude mabinogi is no noobish game at all. It requires a lot of skill and time to be leet. I've just recently reached paly after about 2yrs of off and on play and all the rest of the mainstream quests still seem hard as hell.
2 year gap O.o, its understandable with the poor servers now and days.
Any of you lot still play this?
Ikari-sama wrote...
Any of you lot still play this?

Haven't touched it in years, all my old accounts are long lost. I could never find a group to roll with (lol roll) so I ended up getting bored and quitting. (Friends were more interested in Maple at the time so ya...)
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