One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Problem with required classes to move on, not existing last semester, told to wait for the next to find out they won't be happening this semester either... Fuck my school...

Also, problems downloading a program that refuses to let me find the download on the website... And the absence of any type of guide... The site is just a huge circle jerk of self promotion of their product linking to self promotion of their product...

I have a final due soon, and I need the software... I'm gonna fail... And I've never been able to get the teachers help... And I've asked for help on multiple occasions...
Coughing, even though once in an hour or two, is very annoying
Been awake the whole night, now i remember that today i had a test. Damm my sleeping patterns/procrastination/weird schedules school.

Its insignificant because there's going to be a second call Monday, so i will even have more time to study.
Feel like I've been ignored all day. And hate feeling like I'm talking to my fricking self. -_-
Gravity cat the adequately amused
I need to fire out all the food I've eaten tonight.
There are ants in the cup :rage:
Negative ten and non-stop snow coupled with my severe dry cough and my roommate being down with a cold...
Being sick because of skinny dipping.
I shit meself...
I kid. I kid.
Not feeling awake eve though its the afternoon.
>tfw dyslexia utterly ruins your work day

I really, REALLY like my job. But when I screw up big time because I forget how to count, I get pissed; I feel like I'm holding everyone up.
my tooth is aching that i want to pull it by a rope and tie it in my door :P
I'v been meaning to get photoshop, but don't want to torrent it.
Laying in my huge king size bed. And I just can't sleep. Miss the bf like mad. But so freakin tired, and I'm on sleeping tablets. :(
screaming child following her mother
Very minor headache that I got from passing out from exhaustion and sleeping for 16 hours. It goes away when I laugh, though.
I had to cite an ebook mla style. It was awful, I had to count the paragraphs until I reached the various intext sections I had originally paraphrased using the location numbers. I cant believe mla thinks the set up is okay. Forcing people to count 60 paragraphs manually is not okay!
I tried mowing the lawn today. Worst attempt ever. Not even a single grass was cut short. I wish I had a proper lawn mower.
I sometimes get into these 'slumps' where I completely forget how to interact with people; and if I even try to, I piss any and everyone off.

And I'm in one of those slumps...
Waking up at 5:45pm.
Monster Girl
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