One insignificant thing you dislike about today.

Gravity cat the adequately amused
Someone recommended TERA online to me so I want to try it out. But it's taking forever to download.

What had me hooked was the playable race called the Popori, which is basically just humanoid animals of various species. One of which is a cat. Huehuehue.

I'm having problems downloading it at all. I've had to restart the client 4 times so far due to random errors I get for no reason. To even download the patch has taken nearly a day.

Double edit:
5 times.

Triple edit:
It took nearly a day and 6 client restarts to install it.
I got sticky white stuff all over my fingers.
I have a final in roughly 8 hours. It's "insignificant" because it's a multiple choice computer science final :D
While taking a final, I asked the proctor who happened to be the professor's TA what the professor meant by something he wrote in one of the questions. The TA then proceeds to reread word for word the part of the question that wasn't clear and told me to do that. You piece of shit. I've been reading that fucking question for the past 15 min. I know what it says, as I'm pretty sure I can read. So stupid. He gave everybody the run around. And don't get me started on the professor. Wow this ruined my day big time.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Got home from watching The Hobbit in a good mood. Until my dad casually told me while I was on the laptop telling me that my mum's side of the family never liked or wanted me and wanted me aborted. Then adopted.

In essence it does explain why my Uncle was such a prick to me growing up, I never understood what I did to him to make him dislike me so much. But even still I'm feeling pretty shit about myself right now.
piss poor neighbors and shitty apartments

an online game I play kept logging me out
I reformatted my computer, and now that I have removed everything from my harddrive, Windows is all like "no fuck you" and won't let me install Windows.

A bunch of my friends are going to go see a movie, but I can't go because I have to do some more studying for my last two finals.
I found out I have a cavity.
There are tons of dishes I have to do.
Woke up late.
There was massive power outages through my area for several hours.

At least it's not winter with my heating all electrically powered--oh wait, it is.

I could feel me catching hypothermia...
More snow and an ice storm, fuck this weather.
I checked my bank account. So little money left and I'm not getting more before february .-. Also its freaking christmas time and NO SNOW ;_______;
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Got a call from a number that wasn't saved to my phone and didn't recognise. I hate speaking on Skype let alone answering my phone, so I let it ring and texted them back later. To my annoyance they rung me back after I texted them asking who they were, but at the same time I was excited thinking it was somebody finally contacting me about one of my many job applications. It was a bloke who claimed that his kid had stolen his phone and rang people, and apologised for it.

1) I had my hopes up
2) A random dude whose voice I didn't recognise has my number

There's the possibility that it was a potential employer who'd just made an excuse to end the call quickly because I didn't pick my phone up or didn't like how I sounded. Sad to say kind of discrimination happens a lot in England.
Revelation Defender of DFC
I have to drive 8 hours to visit family for holidays
Woke up with a scratchiness in the back of my throat. I think I'm getting sick..,right before Christmas
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
that it's not christmas yet.
The reff is not working well
Well after today, I've got to look for a new job :(