League of Legends (LoL)

Sushimi wrote...
Yay, Gold I. Skipped Divisions IV and II~ Now, I'll try if I can climb to Platinum with just supporting, haha. On another note, Heartseeker Ashe. <3

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1886074-8SYCQQN.png

Congrats! That's awesome. Good luck on your climb ^_^

idmb22 wrote...
Ps. How many hearts can you find on this Ashe skin? (does include the ones that don't fully show. C'mon you know it's a heart xD)

About 21? o.o

I think I counted 26 with a friend of mine
Heartseeker ashe is so fitting. She stole my heart and as soon as I saw it, I had to buy.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
Rofl. 8 minute Aram game.

Enemy team (mostly ad) kept trying to focus down the Nasus that almost had his frozen heart completed already.

Which was me.

I would just walk up to their turrets. And just start whacking it. And instantly all of them would dive me while the rest of my team just spammed their abilities onto the now grouped up enemy team.

And they couldn't kill me either. We had a soraka so I would just get a heal halfway through and gain even more armor.
AliceSinWonderland wrote...
Congrats! That's awesome. Good luck on your climb ^_^

Thank you! :)

Supporting with Heartseeker Ashe in a normal game.

I drew first blood. Poke too strong. xD

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1886792-O2VRVCF.png
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
Support Ashe too stronk.

On a side note, has anyone ever told you that your Summoner's name could be of someone who mains Katarina? Just find it funny. xD

Of course there are others like "Katawina" or "Pentarina".
idmb22 wrote...
Support Ashe too stronk.

On a side note, has anyone ever told you that your Summoner's name could be of someone who mains Katarina? Just find it funny. xD

Of course there are others like "Katawina" or "Pentarina".

There was just one person who mentioned something like that, haha. Funny you would mention that now because I just changed my Summoner name, lol. From Catalina to Elsa of Arendelle~ xD

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1887004-RW19H0C.png
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
Sushimi wrote...
From Catalina to Elsa of Arendelle~ xD

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1887004-RW19H0C.png

Went from playing nothing but ARAM's to playing Ranked 5's with friends.
8-6 in the games I've been in.

Anyone have any suggestions on junglers that I might like that are similar to Vi/Shyvana? Or a push heavy mid like Ziggs?

Stats so far:
Got to Plat 4 a while back. So proud of myself.... (not rlly)
Tsujoi wrote...

Woah, so b-beautiful! I just subscribed. She's amazing.

As for your question, I don't really play jungle that much so I'm now very knowledgeable about the role. I only play Vi, Elise, and Eve whenever I go jungling. I've always wanted to play Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao, though. Jarvan IV and Eve are almost always banned whenever I play ranked games (Gold I, currently.) I play in GarenaPH server.
ugh...on my 10th placement match, everyone ingame dc'ed and i lost the game. Even though it said loss prevent riot still counted the 10th game as a loss in my 7/10 games won, and placed me in a division. I still got plat 1, and getitng dia 5 i dont think is possible even if i went 10-0 in my series, but i'm pretty sure i got 50 or so less elo than i should have if i actually had a chance to play that game =3=.
idmb22 Input Gold Rank Here
PandarasBox wrote...
ugh...on my 10th placement match, everyone ingame dc'ed and i lost the game. Even though it said loss prevent riot still counted the 10th game as a loss in my 7/10 games won, and placed me in a division. I still got plat 1, and getitng dia 5 i dont think is possible even if i went 10-0 in my series, but i'm pretty sure i got 50 or so less elo than i should have if i actually had a chance to play that game =3=.

Actually, some Pros have reported to Riot that they got placed in Plat I despite going 10/0 in their placements matches and I am speaking of Pro (and Not Pro) players that were Challenger and/or Diamond I in one or more accounts, so it seems, it is normal to get Plat 1, even if you do 10/0.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear
PandarasBox wrote...
ugh...on my 10th placement match, everyone ingame dc'ed and i lost the game. Even though it said loss prevent riot still counted the 10th game as a loss in my 7/10 games won, and placed me in a division. I still got plat 1, and getitng dia 5 i dont think is possible even if i went 10-0 in my series, but i'm pretty sure i got 50 or so less elo than i should have if i actually had a chance to play that game =3=.

The highest you could get was Plat 1 in placement matches.
LoL is easy though ;_; I played for all of season 3 and ended up in plat 1.
Takerial wrote...
PandarasBox wrote...
ugh...on my 10th placement match, everyone ingame dc'ed and i lost the game. Even though it said loss prevent riot still counted the 10th game as a loss in my 7/10 games won, and placed me in a division. I still got plat 1, and getitng dia 5 i dont think is possible even if i went 10-0 in my series, but i'm pretty sure i got 50 or so less elo than i should have if i actually had a chance to play that game =3=.

The highest you could get was Plat 1 in placement matches.

Didn't say I was hoping to get into diamond 5, i knew plat 1 is highest, but ur hidden MMR is still different depending on how well you did. I duo queued with a dia 1 for 5 of those 10 promo games and won them all. My last match I was placed with all Dia 2+ players currently, ParadoXical from team Dynamic was in my last game. I still would have been in plat 1 regardless of 10-0 i know, but my hidden elo would have been much higher, most likely allowing me to skip divisons with the new elo system. Being chumped out of 1 of the 10 placement matches is actually a pretty big loss assuming if I had won it, which is why I was angry because I didn't even get a chance to play that match which counted pretty heavily towards my mmr.
Soraka's duelists~ <3 I'm just glad I'm not in Master Yi's Snipers anymore. I don't really like Master Yi... Too many bad blind pick memories.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/1888054-AE54GF6.jpg
First Contact

R.I.P Talon.

Also, Hexakill mode is fun.
As much as i love LOL as game, i'm probably not the only thinking that the hentais for it are really not worth it.
Takerial Lovable Teddy Bear

XDG is a fucking joke with Zuna's brother being left unchecked in his Nepatism.
MrTickTock Vanguard of NTR
shadô wrote...
As much as i love LOL as game, i'm probably not the only thinking that the hentais for it are really not worth it.

the doujins maybe not, but the 18+ fan art can be exceptional
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
MrTickTock wrote...
shadô wrote...
As much as i love LOL as game, i'm probably not the only thinking that the hentais for it are really not worth it.

the doujins maybe not, but the 18+ fan art can be exceptional

[color=#ff69b4]The doujins for League try to hard to be something their not. Fan comic's are really good to read best one being Zed x Syndra and some Lee sin x Sona are nice too.
As for the 18+ fan art they can be nice but there is not a lot that i really find myself liking.
Nyaa nyaa~
Monster Girl
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