Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

Kaimax Best Master-San
ImperialX wrote...
Tsamari wrote...
Kaimax wrote...
Lol, I just won a battle with Deathwing.

[color=#ff69b4]Hey i just said it was a bad card, never said you can't win with him.

But it's not bad at all if you play it correctly - in the super late game where removals have all been used up.

Exactly said, and Deathwing just saved my Ass for the 2nd time. Got beat up badly by a Warrior and by the 10-ish turn I used that, luckily for me he had no counter, and I already damaged him to 5.

Edit: Lol, I just lost because I hesitated on playing Deathwing.
Was playing against A Shaman. He played a Onyxis and got full whelps. Didn't played Deathwing at that point was my doom. Next turn, he used a spell card that adds 3 Atk for that turn to all of his minion, then added windfury to the onyxis. damn.

EDIT2: Fuck, Everyone above Rank 13 is using the same exact cards. No matter what deck they use, they have the same exact neutral cards, I'm starting to see a problem here... dropped to rank 15 instantly
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
I pick Hearthstone back up a few days ago and i've been playing a little bit in the past few days and will i really hope they add more decks sometime soon.
Pretty sure I'm missing out on something, because my last six arena runs have been 1-3 when I used to go 10-3 in closed beta-I mean sure some of the decks and draws were absolute garbage but that doesn't account for all of them I'm sure. Usually I choose not to follow Trump's arena list when drafting simply because I managed on my own before and there's a chance that the mana curve will be garbage or the deck will lack proper synergy but shit happens in arena and clearly I need improvement. I'll probably watch Trump's videos closely to boot.
Forum Image: http://s24.postimg.org/gn7kn9jwh/Hearthstone_Screenshot_2_21_2014_01_13_59.jpg

For four turns Ragnaros burnt everything on my side, including the other Ragnaros I played that hit the player in the face instead of the other Ragnaros. I was laughing so hard it drowned out my tears.
You're making it sound like Trump is an at least decent player. That's weird.
nacho wrote...

Sometimes his plays are atrocious but generally he does well enough that I can maybe get something out of watching him. I respect that you disagree with me, after all it's your opinion not mine.
Is it normal to run into players with lots of legendaries?Because I thought players who are around the same level as me a.k.a just started would have atleast an easier time trying to adjust and experiment.There is only so much i can do with the free cards available and what i can make out of dust.

I only got one which is bloodmage thalnos.

Maybe someone could advice on what I can do better?Attached is my deck
Forum Image: http://i69.photobucket.com/albums/i69/loki_hafiz/Hearthstone_Screenshot_322014015717.png
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Got something to ask you guys. I have not been playing Hearthstone for a bit but i have been watching a lot of it. What do you think about Hearthstone from the spectator point of view?

Also, they should add a spectator mode.
There should be a death knight class
That would be so bad ass
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
shotgun raptor wrote...
There should be a death knight class
That would be so bad ass

[color=#ff69b4]I have been saying that from the start. Arthas need to be part of the of it. I don't care if he's a Death knight class legendary card that only they can use or if he's who you play has but he needs to be in the game.
I read somethong about a Hearthstone on ipad
I think this would be good because now we can play hearthstone on the go but...
One question remains in my mind...

Is it going to be free?
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
shotgun raptor wrote...
I read somethong about a Hearthstone on ipad
I think this would be good because now we can play hearthstone on the go but...
One question remains in my mind...

Is it going to be free?

It's going to be free and it's going to link to your account so you will still have all of your cards and gold.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Hearthstone is being rollout for iPad now.

It's out in Australia, Canada, and New Zealand, with other regions around the world to follow soon.

Your Hearthstone collection and data is shared across all devices.
I did not know so many fellow members on the forums are playing Hearthstone. Perhaps we can have a practice session some time soon?

Are we allowed to share our userIDs here? Then again, I could bend the rules a little. :D

Favourite classes are Mage and Rogue. Mainly because even the tiniest fanservice counts as fanservice. ^_^;;
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
[color=blue]i started to play it literally yesterday, and currently working on unlocking every class so far, but the priest AI is giving me a headache with that healspam on his minions..[/color]
asaforever wrote...
[color=blue]i started to play it literally yesterday, and currently working on unlocking every class so far, but the priest AI is giving me a headache with that healspam on his minions..[/color]

Wait till you encounter the human players using Priest. ^_^;;
asaforever The Lord of Butts!
Gambler wrote...
asaforever wrote...
[color=blue]i started to play it literally yesterday, and currently working on unlocking every class so far, but the priest AI is giving me a headache with that healspam on his minions..[/color]

Wait till you encounter the human players using Priest. ^_^;;

[color=blue]I did already in arena, but that was managable as Shaman .3.[/color]
Heres my deck for the warrior:

1x inner rage
2x bloodsail raider
2x cruel taskmaster
1x execution
1x whirlwind
2x frothing berserker
2x shield block
2x armorsmith
2x warsong commander
2x dread corsair
2x fiery war axe
2x arcanite reaper
2x arathi weaponsmith
1x gorehowl
1x amani berserker
2x raging worgen
1x deathwing
2x korkron elite

Show me your favorite deck :3
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Bit of a PSA: Hearthstone is now available for iPad in US. It's free and everything you have carry over.
2x truesilver champion
1x argent squire
1x argent protector
1x blessing of might
2x aldor peacekeeper
1x big game hunter
1x black knight
1x scarlet crusader
1x chillwind yeti
1x guardian of kings
1x equality
1x consecrate
1x sunwalker
1x blessing of champions
1x swamp ooze
1x knife juggler
1x master swordsmith
1x divine favor
1x blessing of kings
1x hammer of wrath
1x ancient brewmaster
1x defender of argus
1x noble sacrifice
1x azure drake
1x avenging wrath
1x spell breaker
1x shattered sun cleric
1x abusive sergeant

strong early-mid game ^^
So basically Fireside Friends event started today. To unlock the reward card back, just grab three people and have them log on at the same Wi-Fi network and play three games against each other and you'll get the achievement.

If you have no friends like me, you can try what I did. It works as well.

[size=2]forever alone[/h]
Monster Girl
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