What Made You Pick Your Fakku Username... And Its Origins

Hatsuname was a random name I got from my friends made up name he gave a character from an image. (Ha-Tsun-Ah-Meh)
it's a secret O.o
It's the name of my chuunibyou alter ego.
My username comes from the novel The Trial by Franz Kafka. Titorelli is a painter that appears in one of the chapters. As to why I picked it, it has tit in it and being the childish lad I am I ended up finding it kinda funny so it stuck
"C" is my name. (Sorry, can't tell what it is :P)
"Yan" is a filipino word meaning "It's". (Yes, I'm from Philippines)
"Eh"? Well you can find it in the beginning or at the end of the sentence sometimes, eh?
I am super spice and Wolf fan boy. First anime that i ever cried over, and still my favorite ever. Pretty clears.
When I made this account..Hmm...I love Black* from soul eater manzz. And I was 16 at the time.
I was not a very creative person.
ToyManC Forgot my safe word
Seventeen years selling toys. That's all.
Silence of the Yanderes wrote...
I picked my favorite type of dere, stuck it into the name of a suitable film, et voilà!

that makes a perfect username :D
when I had a numberpad cell phone, I pushed random buttons and the "word" that popped up looked sensible, and it became my username
I tried to think of words that worked like Skittles and I just popped up with Skriggle. It was a good day.
Honestly I just made a story about batman cranking it in the bat cave wile in his suit..... So it happened....
I normally use Zubaru on every site, but when that is taken i add Midori as a kind of last name for the internet.
Hah, well mine was a product of learning Japanese at the time, and feeling like making a product of that while using Fakku in the title, so what i think my name says is "Are you fucked?" But hell if I know, I know thats not even how you would say that sentence, but thats kinda the point aswell, a half-assed-Japanese-ish stupid name :P
I Looked at Fakku, and decided there wasn't enough crime, so I became the first (that I know of) Fakkuza.

This is of course a combination of the word Fakku, and Yakuza.
It's just a tradition for me to base my usernames off of "Hisoka", or a form of it, simply because I'm used to it at this point (even though everyone assumes it's the clown from HunterxHunter which can prove to be interesting).

I'm actually in the process of changing it from my current to "Hisobuu". So cute, can't handle. And more attractive to the eye than underscores and capital letters. :'/
I picked my username based on the fact that I use it for everything else >.
I was watching an Anime called Beelzebub at the time and a demon baby in it keeps making sounds that sound like Dabuh. Found it kinda cool and made it mine.
Well since this usaully isn't the name I go by on the interwebs.. its from a artist called waterflame :3 they make some pretty good music(http://www.youtube.com/user/waterflame89) I just chopped off the 89... :p
Couldn't think of one, so I just made up a random name.
Monster Girl
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