Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft

I just downloaded and started playing this game just a few hours ago, and I've got to say that it's almost as addicting as playing Magic : The Gathering for me.

Started to play a jank Miracle Rouge (don't have all the cards I need for it yet, so I've gotta grind the card creator to get them), and this is what I was thinking while playing :

"I like to cast Backstab, Deadly Poison onto my Assassin's Blade, SI:7 Agent and deal you 2 damage, Shadowstep my Agent, re-cast him dealing another 2 damage, then I like to Storm out for 6... Wait what do you mean this isn't Magic : The Gathering? Huh, I thought I was playing Modern Storm for a second..."

I really enjoy the Rouge and Priest decks so far. Unfortunately one of my favorite classes to play in any RPG, the Paladin, feels a bit too underpowered IMO, but I'll give him more of a chance once I finish the card grinds for the other decks.

My thoughts on each deck through the eyes of a competitive MtG player a few hours into the game :

Warrior - RG aggro. - Uses a lot of fast creatures and damage spells and as a decent end-game to it.

Rouge - UR Combo/Control - Feels really combo-y, and either over-extending, not drawing the cards you need for the situation, or not playing cards/doing damage accordingly can cost you the game, similar to MtG's Legacy UR Control or MtG's Modern Splinter Twin Combo decks.

Priest - UW Control - Pretty much controls until it can get it's win-cons onto the board. Gains life and a okay drawing system is also similar to UW control in MtG.

Mage - Red Deck Wins - Uses a lot of burn/freeze spells or very cheap effective creatures to win game. Very fast and bursty, but living against it end-game is easy since they really don't have anything else if they waste everything early.

Warlock - Mono Black Control - Kill spells, big nasty creatures, and underhanded ways to cast said creatures. As the great Bob Maher said : "Greatness, at any cost."

Shaman - RUG Tempo - Has a lot of tempo behind it, having ways to pump out constant creatures, and control spells to keep it in line, and if you let it keep it's tempo, it's very hard to beat, but losing it's momentum, can really hurt this deck's game.

Paladin - RW Aggro - Pumps out a lot of creatures fast and a few damage spells. Meh.

For the Druid and the Hunter, I can't think of any comparisons to MtG as of right now, but I'll think about them when I either play with and against the decks more.

All in all, I really enjoy this new virtual carboard-crack game. :)

If anyone wants to add me, let me know. I'm down to play a few games.
I did it! I finally got Legend!

It's too beautiful. I'm just speechless.

My climb this season involved three decks. I climbed from Rank 20 to Rank 9 with Control Warrior because it doesn’t have any bad matchups except against Handlock and Midrange Shaman. It absolutely stomps noob aggro players who don’t understand tempo. Control Warrior is a very good choice because they just can’t handle it once you remove all their threats and start dropping Legendaries one after the other. I consider this part of the climb mostly pay-to-win because skill doesn’t really come into effect around these ranks. No one puts a lot of thought into their plays and many people don’t even have all the staple cards, so a ton of expensive Legendaries just end up being too much for them to handle.

As I went into the single digit ranks, players are becoming more intelligent and start playing around removals and start to make better trades. Control Warrior is actually not the best deck against aggro, since it’s kind of a do-it-all deck that’s not spectacular in any specific area. That’s why I played a Ramp Druid deck with a ton of taunts from Rank 9 to Rank 3. It’s even better against Aggro and you don’t have to worry too much about good trades as the game goes on because the aggro decks usually run out of steam if you can efficiently last the first five turns. It’s not that good against dedicated or more greedy Control decks, but they’re less prominent on the ladder in this meta.

I was actually going to use Ramp Druid all the way up to Legend, but on the final night of the season I queued into two watcher Druids and two token Druids in a row. Upon seeing that, I made a spontaneous decision to play Midrange Hunter, the hard counter to all Druids that isn’t Ramp. It was a risk because of its inability to deal with aggro without a good opening hand, but it turned out to be a brilliant gamble. I ran into pretty much only late-game control decks that entire night. The only exceptions were losing to one Aggro Hunters, two Zoos and one Miracle Rogue. Eventually I defeated a Token Druid in a close game where he failed to draw into Force of Nature to make it into Legend.
Haven't played Hearth since February. What's the real broken shit right now I can climb ladder with quickly?
nacho wrote...
Haven't played Hearth since February. What's the real broken shit right now I can climb ladder with quickly?


Or the decks I mentioned in the post above. All of them except for Midrange Hunter are pretty expensive though. Also they're not as straightforward to use as Zoo.
ImperialX wrote...
I did it! I finally got Legend!

It's too beautiful. I'm just speechless.

My climb this season involved three decks. I climbed from Rank 20 to Rank 9 with Control Warrior because it doesn’t have any bad matchups except against Handlock and Midrange Shaman. It absolutely stomps noob aggro players who don’t understand tempo. Control Warrior is a very good choice because they just can’t handle it once you remove all their threats and start dropping Legendaries one after the other. I consider this part of the climb mostly pay-to-win because skill doesn’t really come into effect around these ranks. No one puts a lot of thought into their plays and many people don’t even have all the staple cards, so a ton of expensive Legendaries just end up being too much for them to handle.

As I went into the single digit ranks, players are becoming more intelligent and start playing around removals and start to make better trades. Control Warrior is actually not the best deck against aggro, since it’s kind of a do-it-all deck that’s not spectacular in any specific area. That’s why I played a Ramp Druid deck with a ton of taunts from Rank 9 to Rank 3. It’s even better against Aggro and you don’t have to worry too much about good trades as the game goes on because the aggro decks usually run out of steam if you can efficiently last the first five turns. It’s not that good against dedicated or more greedy Control decks, but they’re less prominent on the ladder in this meta.

I was actually going to use Ramp Druid all the way up to Legend, but on the final night of the season I queued into two watcher Druids and two token Druids in a row. Upon seeing that, I made a spontaneous decision to play Midrange Hunter, the hard counter to all Druids that isn’t Ramp. It was a risk because of its inability to deal with aggro without a good opening hand, but it turned out to be a brilliant gamble. I ran into pretty much only late-game control decks that entire night. The only exceptions were losing to one Aggro Hunters, two Zoos and one Miracle Rogue. Eventually I defeated a Token Druid in a close game where he failed to draw into Force of Nature to make it into Legend.

Forum Image: http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130422044206/glee/images/f/f2/Leo-Toast.gif
ImperialX wrote...

Or the decks I mentioned in the post above. All of them except for Midrange Hunter are pretty expensive though. Also they're not as straightforward to use as Zoo.

Fuck Warlocks, don't like playing that.

I went with pay2win Ramp Druid instead. It's so expensive I'm lacking all the necessary legendaries though, so I filled the gaps with random value.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Maybe i should pick Hearthstone back up. I have not played in a bit, but it should fun to get back into it. I also like the look of the add-on they are working on.
Zoo and Hunter thus far.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]Start playing some more today. Looks like my old deck is still good.
I played for the first time in weeks. My custom mage deck is shittier than I remember.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]If i had all the cards i would love to play with this deck.

I'm back to playing hearthstone, my Druid control deck is doing pretty well despite being about 4 months untouched but once I hit the 14-15, my supplements for better cards are going to hurt me.

I feel like hunter, rogue and warlock are actually pretty weak right now-there's so much inflexibility in their builds requiring certain cards like UtH or Fiery Win Axe, which makes them really easy to predict and play around.

Does anyone else find it funny that Fireside Friends just encouraged people to pull up three computers in a moldy corner somewhere and earn the cosmetic? Well I don't really want that anyways. What I DO want however is return to my binge runs in arena in preparation for the gold burner that is Curse of Naxxramas. I absolutely love the deathrattle themed cards and the nerubian egg is going to change AoE meta (maybe even break flamestrike) and Redemption would be hideous on it. Damn that expansion needs to come soon...
Rogue are almost all Miracles at the top, but it doesn't make it any simpler to deal with them because of their 1 turn 20+ damage potential.
Gawd... Hunter = Jund of this game. Value town all over the place.

Jund is a reference from Magic : The Gathering. Once on of the strongest decks of all time during Modern, was a power-house during the Inndistrad-Return To Ravnica Standard, and once cards got banned from Modern because how strong Jund was in the format, became a deck in Legacy, and even though the deck got nerfed in Modern, is still seeing top 8s.

Hunter too stronk.
Zolnir wrote...
Rogue are almost all Miracles at the top, but it doesn't make it any simpler to deal with them because of their 1 turn 20+ damage potential.

I spent a bit of time researching Miracle rogues, and apparently rush does better than average against rogues-I'm not particularly fond of rush decks myself though. Probably the best idea is to play aggressively while treading around betrayal and bladeflurry. Killing the auctioneer initially seems like a good way to slow down the draw, naturally you'll have to bend over backwards and use things like avenging wrath or equality+pyromancers on just him but killing him significantly slows the draw...then again there are two of them. A detection unit in Hearthstone would be a nice addition, Flare is a means of revealing stealth but I feel like adding an early neutral that has True Sight would go a long way especially considering how strong Worgen infiltrator and Blood imp are.

sakabato24 wrote...
Hunter too stronk.

It's all about considering what minions to use to play around UtH, multi-shot, etc., if done right the hunter gets nailed hard because a loss in early game tempo usually means death. One of the biggest threats a hunter can pull is a Savannah Highmane, because it's solid stats and Hyenas guarantee a trade of two cards or more. Silence makes things fairer but the stats remain the same.

A huge mistake that people make is using builds as a template rather than a reference. Even though a constructed deck is certain to work in some situations it's just as likely to fail in others, especially considering the fact that the builds are online-it's practically giving away the cards in your deck and veterans will pick up on that. Crafting a deck that best suits the current meta and your preferred tempo is best imo.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
[color=#ff69b4]I feel like digging this back you because I've been playing more for the past few days.

How is everyone liking some of the new cards from naxxramas?

So far I really like the egg. You can do some pretty mad things with that.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
I enjoyed it and went through heroic. Took a couple times, but wasn't too difficult once I got the hang of it. I only had to remake a deck for Maexxna, because she's tough. I'm not using any of the new cards yet because I don't see the value. The Haunted Creeper was going in my beast deck until I found out the 1/1s aren't beasts. Sad face. It still went into my Shaman token deck.

I'm 32+ on all classes and have relatively solid decks, but I don't have too many legendaries at all. I think my best deck is my paladin and hunter decks, but all of my classes are reliable, I feel. The most fun to play right now is my Shaman token deck which contains all cards that spawn tokens, then rushing bloodlust. It's absolutely silly.

Also, I love TotalBusicuits videos on this game. They carried me through a lot of office work. He's better than talk radio when it comes to him and Hearthstone, or any game for that matter.

Totally up to play a game with anyone sometime, though I play in America and US east. Just PM me for my info, like my signature says.
Xenon wrote...
I'm not using any of the new cards yet because I don't see the value.

Nerubian egg + Poison Seeds is a really strong druid play right now, just adds onto the normal token druid.
Xenon FAKKU Writer
Communistic Scum wrote...
Nerubian egg + Poison Seeds is a really strong druid play right now, just adds onto the normal token druid.

Yeah, some of the new cards can be used well that way, but I lack most of what I need for a good token druid, so I play ramp instead. I don't even have the good ramp cards, either.

Keeping my eye out for good uses, though. Maybe when the next two wings come out, more options will open up.

That said, I just downed the heroic Military wing, so far so good. I can give good decks if anyone's been having trouble so far, but Googling them is great place to start, too. If you have the cards, that is.
Xenon wrote...
Communistic Scum wrote...
Nerubian egg + Poison Seeds is a really strong druid play right now, just adds onto the normal token druid.

Yeah, some of the new cards can be used well that way, but I lack most of what I need for a good token druid, so I play ramp instead. I don't even have the good ramp cards, either.

Keeping my eye out for good uses, though. Maybe when the next two wings come out, more options will open up.

That said, I just downed the heroic Military wing, so far so good. I can give good decks if anyone's been having trouble so far, but Googling them is great place to start, too. If you have the cards, that is.

Doesn't ramp druid contain a shit load of legendaries tho? I don't have a single one, counting out old murk-eye that I use for my Naxx Zoo deck.