What is the best anime airing right now?

What is the best anime airing right now?

Total Votes : 8,345
I'd say Love Stage!!.
JOJOJOJOJOJO!!!!, Gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun, Haikyuu, SAO, AlD0, Sabagebu and FreeeeeEeEEEee!:Dmmmmspecaliciousssskyakyakyakyakya~
Aldnoah.Zero, what an anime, so good.
Zankyou no Terror, SAO II, Barakamon, Akame ga Kiru, Tokyo ESP, Ao Haru Ride
I'm really loving Hetalia there's so much yaoi all in one fandom
Aldnoah Zero, Mahouka, Psycho Pass (re-edit), SAO2, Zankyou no terror. Following 9 of em at the moment but these are the ones definately worth mentioning. Had to go with zankyou for best since it seemed for me to be the one thats least flawed and most thought out.
SAO II is an overstatement but fun nonetheless. Akame ga Kill! is a much disappointment when compared to the manga, story-wise : interesting character development. Tokyo Ghoul is a serious perplexing tear-jerker and my personal favourite of the three.

I'm currently following on all 3 of these shows including rail wars.
i really liked JoJo, if it weren´t for university, i would watch at least 2 of the listed
was so hard to choose between sao and agk! because they're both spectacular. but i settled with agk! since i knew that the majority would lean towards sao. love them both equally however. and omg you dont have love stage!! on there :( if it was i would have chosen that one.
Space Dandy is the first anime I've enjoyed in years.
No Game No Life! So Good!
Voted for SAO cuz i thought the hate was also overrated. I think hate iself is too mainstream sometimes but I also can understand the flaws but I look past them because they don't need to bother you to like the title.

Anyways I was trying to pick b/w Fate/Kaleid and SAO II

Honestly like others said, Mahouka /Irregular at Magic High School would have been a better option.

I would have picked Mahouka in all honesty if it was on the list...
Barakamon is the heart-warming anime i like that
[size=10]I'm going to go with OTHER because at the moment I am in love with Love Stage!![/h]
SAO II is such a let down
Really Sao2? its so generic
Sword Art Online II is way better than what I was expecting...for now at least.
Aldnoah.Zero and Akame Ga Kill are probably the top candidates to be best of season for me but I guess the more serious tone of the first one makes it deserve the crown.
Meh , you can't simply put all genre animes in same pool :(

I'm watching all ongoings and love all the series , how can i pick just one ?
Monster Girl
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