[Anime] Zankyou no Terror

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i hope this is not ending soon cause we have yet to see alot more

I want more
creapsmantic wrote...
i hope this is not ending soon cause we have yet to see alot more

I want more

According to its Wikipedia page, it's planned to have 11 episodes, so it's ending real soon. Probably after they've dealt with Five, if I had to guess.

Though this is definitely my favorite of the season and I'll be sad to see it go. I would've loved to see it air for a full 24 episodes, but let's hope we maybe get another season down the line.
Love is in the air tonight.

EDIT: That moment between Five and Lisa was fantastic
Aww shit.

Five's death was pretty anticlimactic, but the nuke threat is anything but.
Something tells me 12 will sacrifice himself next episode to defuse the bomb.
Episode 10 is the best so far. And Lisa literally gets more and more cute every episode.
I've been wondering for awhile now if Five was yandere, and I guess she technically counts as one...barely.

I don't want it to end. I can't wait for the BD to come out so that I can watch it again.
10/10 very good story character an action a must buy

an that music half way in ep 11 hiinnnn
I really don't think ZnT was THAT good, I mean sure some parts were very entertaining but the stagnation of suspense, plot holes and some questionably shallow characters made this show unbearable at certain points.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
WideEyedMan wrote...
I really don't think ZnT was THAT good, I mean sure some parts were very entertaining but the stagnation of suspense, plot holes and some questionably shallow characters made this show unbearable at certain points.

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/bOlkM/43a5adbe63.png

That ending was absolutely not what I expected at all (to an extent), but I'll be damned if I wanted it any other way. All in all, I felt the characters were actually pretty believable, but still different enough to enjoy, and everything felt resolved nicely. Plot, presentation and production. Zankyou no Terror had all this in spades.

Except the bloody Americans, they can go fuck themselves.
Lesson learned:Seeing your bff get noscoped can result in sharp head pain that actually kill the victim especially if you are an uncommon,half-assed terrorist
Forum Image: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img905/4642/19K7Um.png
artcellrox wrote...

Too convenient, shallow explanations(even for an anime that's trying for the "less is more approach").

How did Eleven and Nine get by after escaping the Rising Peace Academy? How did they survive, no thrive against FBI and SDF in their own backyard? Why the hell was the entirety of the beginning spent with the duo using bombs for the sake of the terrorist edge angle, when they should have focused more on their motivation as terrorists(which was a surprise that everyone should have seen coming frankly).

In fact the whole Sphinx deal mixed in with the FBI letting an absolute nutcase from a completely botched experiment handle their operation made me incredibly skeptical from the start. The riddles were complete cockadoodle for the sake of spice rather than intelligence(or actual police work).

Lisa is basically a glorified plot advancement device. Notably her mother disappeared overnight, along with half of the police agency who swore to help Shibazaki. In the ending, Shibazaki literally launched into narratives where he hand-fed the viewer what was going on-rather than making use of an anime's capability and creatively showing what was going on. Also I 100% guarantee that FBI would have gone OUT of their way to kill Shibazaki and Lisa to tie up loose ends, nobody would notice a dead runaway save for an insane mother and the chief of the police bureau who is whipped for all intents and purposes. Shibazaki's family? Tell them he died in the line of duty gunned down by the two, they'll shed a tear and move on. A lot of things in this anime reeked of convenience to me, parts of it felt unnaturally put together and I had trouble believing this is what real organization, terrorist or hell even an angsty teenager would act like.

The suspense was more or less dead to me,I knew Sphinx was never going to kill someone, the nuke was going to be an expensive firework and their past could have been torn out of any generic book concerning unethical human conditioning.

....I don't think ZnT is awful, I think it was entertaining but I don't see why there are 10/10s when this is clearly far from perfection.
Yup its over and like you Art, I totally didn't expect it to end in that way.
Going back on how in the beginning I wanted as little amount of Lisa in the series, I am glad it was kept that way, she was my least cared for character.

artcellrox wrote...
Except the bloody Americans, they can go fuck themselves.

That right there. Big reason why the ending wasn't all that good imo.
Fuck the Americans. Now my signature bothers me every time I look at it.
Man, I loved that ending, but hated it as well... So beautiful but so sad when... That happened. ;~;
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