Suggestion - Extras tab

InTraining ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Just a suggestion, we've had a number of extras in the form of posts by Jacob; wallpapers and unreleased character art. Just thought it would be cool if these small extras could be placed somewhere within our account, either on our account Books page, or simply on the book page itself. Suppose someone got an interview with Homunculus, that could also be placed with those extras as well.
That's a good idea, kind of like how does it for games.
Hmm that is a good idea, especially as we will h ave a lot more extras as we get further along (interviews, artwork, etc). I'll see if I can figure out a good way to organize it.
Josephl64 Shizuka-chan ~
would love to have this, especially nice since it would be so easily accessible.
Jacob wrote...
Hmm that is a good idea, especially as we will h ave a lot more extras as we get further along (interviews, artwork, etc). I'll see if I can figure out a good way to organize it.

Well since you seem to just be using the same reader for digital purchases (only locked by account and if you've bought it), maybe you can include the download links there? It would be nice to have a full listing of all digital purchases made however.
Jacob wrote...
Hmm that is a good idea, especially as we will h ave a lot more extras as we get further along (interviews, artwork, etc). I'll see if I can figure out a good way to organize it.

This is certainly wondrous news, I myself am not very good at navigating forums, so having an extras tab with all the small extras would be a very nice feature.
InTraining ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
blackice85 wrote...
That's a good idea, kind of like how does it for games.

Yea, I guess something similar to what gog has would pretty much be good enough. I forgot just how much extra content you get with gog..

Jacob wrote...
Hmm that is a good idea, especially as we will h ave a lot more extras as we get further along (interviews, artwork, etc). I'll see if I can figure out a good way to organize it.

I'd say just under your book on your profile page, or in the empty space on the right side of book page. Or both.