What Do You Ultimately Want?

i want to exist, i want to have a person next to me who exist with me and i want to have a meaning that i exist for with that person.
- I want to be a Game Designer with my own company, developing open world and lore driven games.

- I want to be with the woman I've been in love with since I was a teenager.

- To learn new skills that would benefit myself and others around me.

- To find a decent job in California soon..

- To achieve and exceed my personal expectations.
To be happy.
TO enjoy what I do, get to do what I like, and share that with a girl who would appreciate/tolerate what I enjoy as well. Be healthy, live long, and feel needed.
To become a successful person.
go into an anime world or something (fantasy)
and accomplished everything I want to do since (reality)
Actually I'm pretty happy with my life
To one day realize the dream of meeting two characters of mine as they recognize me as their creator as I stand on their door step. Largely impossible yes but that is a dream I wish for.
To be able to create the game of my dreams beyond that one (there is really only one) picture on my deviant art (my name here is the same).
I have an unfinished roster beyond the three pictured (if you look at my deviant) but I still want to take that somewhere.
To travel the world for photography and hopefully be with someone that I'd love more than anything.
Its nearly motivating to see this thread surviving two-some years. I find this question to be a daily one that my own mind avoids unfortunately. Like a few other posts in this thread, i find myself feeling like im not living my life or that im moving to where i want it. Due to high anxieties or traumas leading into depressions.

I don't know what i want anymore. At least ultimately. All ive had my sights on was a short term material for too long, with hope of the feeling of accomplishment and moving forward. I want to pose a sub-question.

How do you find and go through the process of discovering and chasing what you want to..want? Its difficult for some, and I'd like to see some posts of inspiration those have found. Even if its due to "because im interested in it".
[color=#993300]Of all the sections of Fakku, I've traveled to 404, IB, and even the Love section but have yet to post in the D&A.

OT: My ultimate wish is to have the power to change the world for the better and fix any problem that comes along the way.

[color=#993300]That and see my girlfriend in person....
To be rich. That way I can buy happiness, and make all my problems just go away.
i want to be happy, and to not be alone.
I just want to die happy.
To earn a shit load of money so that I could one day do this:

Forum Image: http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSfu3gleAcZUVshSML16JbeZxhBX48tSNTrge8qULxc_wqnt-jVaQ

In all seriousness though, it would be nice to never worry about money for the rest of my life.
I want to translate hentai for a living and spread the word of Teruaki Murakami throughout the world.
The universe...
I want to be able to interact with a real life universal sandbox, down from the smallest thing to the largest known part of existence.
Peace of mind.
I want a daughter & a younger son.