What brought you to looking at Doujinshi?

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[size=11]It's that feeling right after a series ends, and it's like..."BUT I AM NOT YET SATISFIED!" Thus the search begins. Also, a lot of anime that isn't romance based lacks that lovey-dovey shit that I adore so much, thus I must find content to where that fuzzy feeling inside can be satisfied. In recent occasions I have been noticing a lack of ACTUAL relationships starting in a series, or they just end it right at the moment they hold hands or something, and that is NOT OKAY with me. Don't put me though months and months of emotional turmoil and give me a stinkin' hand hold.
Also, recently there have been a TON of series that play off the harem genre, so even though its obvious which characters they are leading you to believe should end up together, they don't really end up together. Just so they can keep the fans of the other characters happy.
So all that being said, I was lead to look for doujinshis and this is where all my shipping has lead me. Although, it has lead me to some other sources as well. [/h]
When I was about 14 I was looking at anime merchandise and came across some doujinshi. I looked more into it afterwards. I think it was Hellsing or Naruto doujinshi.
My interest and imagination!
Got curious; found this site and another and joined since. Now: just post about my day; nothing more
i believe i first started looking up hentai in general because i found the female characters CC and Karen from Code Geass pretty dang attractive. and even those who like to dismiss hentai as a thing must admit that they've at least fantasised about seeing some attractive cartoon character in the nude before, it's just kind of natural really!

so i found fakku through looking for hentai and up until the point in which i found it i had been kind of dismissing doujinshi as a media because it wasn't "moving" or voiced or coloured in properly like hentai videos are, but i checked a few out on Fakku and with a little imagination, you can get so much more out of a bunch of doujinshi than you'll get a hentai series anyday!
Well, there is nearly no japanese animation with zero ecchi, more or less apparent sexual innuendos and stuff, and I've always found quite frustrating how, I don't know, stuff like that happened all the damn time while nothing concrete happened.
The only anime I've ever watched where sex was somewhat involved, more or less displayed or at least mentioned are: School Days, Evangelion and umh, Yosuga no Sora which I regret watching.
Go ahead and say I haven't watched enough animu, or that I missed the right ones, but the fact stands, it's frustrating how it always beats around the bush without ever achieving completion.

And thus...
Demani wrote...
Go ahead and say I haven't watched enough animu, or that I missed the right ones, but the fact stands, it's frustrating how it always beats around the bush without ever achieving completion.

And thus...

Exactly! That's what really frustrated me as well. So many things that display love or affection, but nothing that actually was satisfying.
I grew up watching anime and whatnot so I suppose what got me into doujinshi was being a teenager and seeing various anime girls in different ecchi situations. A few google searches later and here I am! Happily reading for a long time to come.
I went from hentai fast to manga/doujins.
I was watching hentai and thought "Meh it's not that good" and started looking for manga and found fakku.
Happened within a month or so
Likhos01 Monster Girl Lover
What brought me to looking at Doujinshi?

My dick.

Ok, I don't remember how I started...

Oh yes! Katawa Shoujo. It brought me back to manga and anime, with the added bonus of visual novels. And I talk about the demo. (btw I got a physical copy of Katawa Shoujo. That's fucking useless but I just like it)

For doujins, I guess Futabu is one of the first titles I remember, with Mai Chan's Daily Life, that I enjoyed for it's hilarious story.
spyralhax Traps = confused boner
The ability to see characters from a beloved anime (for me it was One Piece) in a situation what would never come up on the series. Those sweet Luffy x Robin doujins I've read got me started, then I realized it wasn't necessarily the porn with some of the humorous Hollow Ataraxia doujins.
I can't remember when it started, but I like the situations in which the characters find themselves and I like seeing different art styles. You can get some amazing work and some very feelsy/crazy passionate stories in doujin and it feels more fulfilling than hentai.
Its all upper class-men fault and their secret hideout was actually a tree house that their/our alumni left for us seedlings.

After we graduated, 5 years later we heard that our kouhai's was in trouble. poor thing.
My growing imagination as I got older, I loved watching Sailor Moon when I was younger just because of the action but as I got older I started to notice how hot some of the Sailor Scouts where and wondered "What do they look like Naked?". That lead me to my first "adult" site of Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts(flash animation porn FTW). That eventually lead me to finding Doujin-Moe then Fakku and here I am now..
Back when I was starting middle school I saw these group of kids in my computer class looking at hentai involving Sailor Moon and Dragonball Z characters. I immediately told them that that shit was stupid and they should just watch "real" porn instead. At that time I couldn't see how people could get turned on by porn involving cartoon characters and laughed at the fact every time I thought about it.

But as the years went by and I started watching more anime and playing more video games, I, slowly but surely, started developing fantasies of the characters I saw and played as. It was weird at first. Getting a hard on just by looking at a fiction character was definitely not normal around my area. Then one day I finally decided to look at some female fiction characters on google and found some hentai sites involving those characters doing sexual acts.

And now here I am years later, still doing it from time to time. Even discovered some great sites like Fakku.

When I was around 13-14 I was deeply into Shaman King so I was heavily searching all around the internet for ANYTHING Shaman King. And I stumbled on a fansite that had "doujinshis". At the time I had no idea what they were and then I discovered they were fan comics, sometimes really well drawn, and sometimes porn. I've been hooked on doujins since. (Sadly idgaf about Shaman King anymore because it started getting eck..so now I'm stuck with a couple doujins I don't really want)
I saw HOTD characters and was like "wow, I need to see them get fucked"

So I looked up doujinshi for HOTD
My first time actually reading a doujinshi was actually here on Fakku! and ever since then I was hooked on that sweet sweet H-love. I've always loved anime since I was a kid, and had fantasies about having sex with an anime character, then one day when I was about 16 I bought a manga [based on the anime], "Girls Bravo!" It was a ages 16+ manga and had just sent my teenage hormones into overdrive, and my girlfriend at the time really liked it too, so I bought the first volume of the anime, saw the titties and amazing artwork, watched it with her, and proceeded to get frisky while watching Girls Bravo. Good times indeed, but yeah, that really had some impact on my love for hentai, then several years later I found Fakku! and have been a big fan ever since.

Plus learning Japanese for the past few years has made my interest in Japanese things even more of interest.
Power-Senpai This is very custom.
I wanted to prove to myself i did not get a boner from drawn characters.... i was wrong.
My boner and the search to calm that boner down.
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