I graduate in 2 months! Any advice?

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I graduate highschool in 2 very short months! (yes, I'm 18). I've looked into apartments around my area and I'm going to go onto community college....But any advice? It just kinda hit me that I'm actually going to be viewed as an adult and a functioning member of society....it's actually kinda scary.

Any tips for facing the real world?
marry rich.

Try not to get a job in retail or manual labor. Bonus points if it is something you enjoy.
Don't drop the soap.
Rice, beans, pasta and ramen can last you for lunch and dinner for awhile before you get malnutrition. Most stores sell vegs and fruit for cheap when it about to go bad. Most can be dried and frozen. Lrn2coupon. Stock up on cans when they're cheap as fuck. Blowing men isn't that bad. Always made your john's wear a rubber. Roadkill isn't half bad. JOIN THE ARMY. Air force is wimps. ^_^
Live from your parents basement for a while and save money. A lot of people just rush out, if you dont have a plan you going to be what freaky said.
If you put soda crackers and ketchup in hot water you get poor man's soup.
Do your best to make connections. If you're someone who doesn't like to deal with people you're not familiar with, learn to do it anyway. It's very beneficial to be on good terms with lots of different people. You never know who might save your ass when you really need it. Along the same lines, don't be afraid to ask people for help and be happy to accept help whenever it's offered. Even if you're someone who wants to do everything on their own, accepting help is a perfectly good thing sometimes.

One of these days if you're free, grab yourself a piece of paper and write down a few questions to ask yourself. Then lay down for a few hours and try to tackle them. For example:

  • What's my dream career? It can be anything, even if it sounds ridiculous.

  • What kind of work is realistic for me right now? When I'm out of college?

  • Do I want to have children? A large family? What's my plan for supporting them?

Do you have a major in mind for your post-secondary studies? If so is it something you really love or just something you thought would work for you? You should try to get into something you really, really appreciate on many different levels. And if you don't have a major in mind, look for something! Try stuff! Talk to people who are doing these things. There are dozens and dozens of sites online where you can ask people about their studies and get an idea of what they're doing. This is your time to get your hands and feet dirty so try not to be afraid of these things.

There's a lot to think about and lots of decisions to consider. It might be overwhelming now but that's okay as long as you find your way through it. Feel free to shoot me a PM about it.
Dont talk to strangers unless they have puppies and candy in that white van. Then by all means.
No but seriously it wont be to bad. As long as you got a roof over your head and food in your belly you'll be fine. And you said college? Good luck and heres to hopen you pass and all that stuff so you can buy your own white van with your own candy and puppies
Okay first off be smart. Put the needs before wants and if for your wants make a little savings jar for that extra things. Secondly if you want to make sure you continue to have good credit, get a simple credit card and use it for small purchases and basically pay that off 2-3 weeks after payment (buy something for 10 dollars and pay off before you bill is due). This will slowly build your credit as long as you make sure you are paying your other bills that is.

Just cause they say your are an adult doesn't mean you cannot still act childish, but there are certain responsibilities you have now that you need an adult outlook for.
FinalBoss #levelupyourgrind
Save as much money as you can. My grandmother (now deceased) opened a little candy shop in her apartment when I was 7, by the time I was 12, she saved enough money to buy herself a house. Like Freaky said, be cheap but at the same time healthy with your food options. When you can afford to, get yourself a safe and invest in gold. In case an accident happen after doing the deed and you have to coerce your partner into marriage, distract him from thinking about prenup.
When you find a job(s) know that this isn't going to be your dream job so get through it best you can to pay the bills.

Work hard in your classes to get your grade point average up so when you figure out what you want to do with your life you have the grades for anything.

Know what classes you need for any majors you want to get into and keep up with it, most school advisers suck and they'll fuck up your transcript more then once. If they mess up it can affect you and affect your graduation in the future.

Your love life and social group will either be awesome or fucking crazy or both so remember to keep away from the drama and work hard for your future career. None of that shit will matter down the line.

Be safe with both alcohol, drugs and women. It's okay to experiment but don't go too crazy and get too stupid. If you think that drink looks weird or the shit your friends are smoking looks funky, or that chick looks crazy best to trust your gut lol.

If you live with roommates keep in mind that no matter how shitty they could be they live there too so make the most of it if it turns sour. I've had good and horrible roommates, but unless they are breaking rules/laws or don't pay there rent you can't do too much about it. Some you can talk to calmly while others could hate your guts.

Lastly I look at the 18-early/mid 20s range as young adult rather then being a full on adult. You legally are seen as an adult, but that doesn't mean that you are one just yet. You still have a lot to learn and experience before you get the hang of adulthood. I know for myself it was a hell of an experience and I'm still going through it since I'm only 22, but you start to get the hang of life bit by bit. Won't have it figured out and it will frustrate you to death (that happens at any age), but know you don't have to have it all figured out and it's okay to still be a bit of a kid. I still look to my family for help and advice since I can depend on them as well as my boyfriend and his family. My boyfriend is older (though he acts like such a kid), but he is more of an adult then me so he is helpful to learn from since he has a few more years of knowledge under his belt.
i may be biased, because its what i did, but i think you should take at least a year to go travel out of country. I went to germany for three months, than Tahiti for 7, than i backpacked the seirras for two months. Best year of my life, and im saving to go back to tahiti for a year right now. travel now, its so amazing
Get a job and make sure you can support yourself before you actually move out of your parents' house. Working at restaurants will help you save money on food while also giving you the chance to get some quality food (this of course depends on where you're working); in case you're running low on resources you can always take food home from work to help you through hard times. Try not to spend too much on luxuries/commodities and instead focus on food and clothing (a guy has to look presentable in college). Don't eat out too much and learn to cook your own meals instead.

Or you could join the army and take some time to 'remodel' yourself. I don't know much about the US army myself as I didn't complete national service in the States but if my experiences are any indicators you'll learn how to get along with all kinds of different people, you'll get paid (and you could probably save some money) and you'll even get the chance to study while on active duty.

Forum Image: https://deadhomersociety.files.wordpress.com/2010/11/lisassax3.png

Just don't screw up like you always do.
Go to school. Study hard. Build something.
Jacob wrote...
Go to school. Study hard. Build something.

Step 4: ???
Step 5: Run one of the biggest English hentai sites in the world.
Hmm... tips...

I moved out of my mother's house the day of my 18th birthday and am 22 now. Here's my life advice and it might be good, it might not be, but it's worked well for me over the years. Work experience in a relevant field, even in the most abstract, helps immensely when job hunting after college. Personally I never finished any of my college courses through community college, the most they contributed was a new-found hatred of whatever I was studying.

I got a crap job but I worked hard at it, worked 40 hours at slave wages, and got promoted up and up. After I was promoted enough I applied for higher positions in the same relevant field that paid better elsewhere and then did the same thing at those jobs. The trick is to build a decent resume and after a certain period of time assign yourself a promotion of sorts. If you're getting nowhere in a particular company don't feel stuck there, the benefit is that you're young and you get a lot of practice before finding the right career.

Other tips, self-sufficiency might be extremely hard and stressful but it's worth it in the end. Get yourself a car, even if it's a beater, learn to take care of it, learn to appreciate it. Save your money, build budgets, but still remember to have fun and enjoy your life while you're starting out.

If you ever need resume building tips or proof-reads for cover letters that's pretty much my career now so I'm decent at it, just message me. Good luck!
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Get a job ASAP. Take anything as long as it pays minimum wage at the very least. If you struggle to find anything, try to do Work Experience. You won't get paid for it but it'll be much-needed experience and if you impress them enough they may offer you a job. If not, then you at least have someone to vouch for you.

Once you get a job, keep at it and impress the higher-ups to get a better position. Then you can focus on looking elsewhere.

And shop cheap.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
animefreak_usa wrote...
JOIN THE ARMY. Air force is wimps. ^_^

So close and yet so far away.
In my opinion just take your time with everything. I was going to go to college but decided to work for a year before doing so. Best decision you can make, while all your other classmates are broke and in debt, you're swimming in money.
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