What's your dominant hand?

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What's your dominant hand?

Total Votes : 3,081
I'm ambisinistrous meaning I suck with both hands, but I have practiced with my right hand so much that I am slightly better with it, but it is still shaky.
My left hand is only a back-up when my fap hand dies.
i am a proud left hand user! and shoutout to all the other left handed people on here ayyyee
I mainly write with my right arm, but for many other stuff either arm could be better at the job.

Except fapping, in which case I would be ambidextrous.
Write with right hand, use chopstick with left hand.
i'm right handed but i learned how to write with my left a long time ago. my left hand writing is not as neat as my right hand but i can still pul it off.
I usually use my right hand, but that's mainly cause every else around me was right hand dominated so as a kid I just imitated them. With that said, my left hand is just capable as my right, it mainly coming down to which hand has more muscle memory related to the task at hand.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Right-handed. As a weird special skill, I can pour drinks with either hand under any angle, though.
left handed but for whatever reason i use my right hand for nightly activities.
jimmy_russels wrote...
I'm righthanded but I do use my left hand for certain..... activities.
oooh yeah, poll is not clearly
righty, but can use either hand to control the mouse.
Also, my left hand is much more busy when playing violin.
i use my left hand for playing sport, but for writing im using right hand
I can easily swap between my right and left hand for fappsies, despite
being right-handed. My left arm is stronger than my right for some reason.
Left handed, my right hand is pretty useless except for carrying things lol.
AssasinZAssasin Not Hentai Protagonist
Well yeah, I'll be honest and say I'm just like the normal right handed man.

I have been trying to train my left hand to do certain actions a bit better, though...
both hands ^.^
Normal English text:

I am a both handed person since I can hold 2 mac 10 in my hands also the dual sawn. Well that really matters the most for me :3 JELLY?

Gangsta English text:

I be a funky-ass both handed thug since I can hold 2 mac 10 up in mah handz also tha dual sawn. I aint talkin' bout chicken n' gravy biatch. Well dat straight-up mattas da most thugged-out fo' me :3 JELLY, biatch?
Im right handed but i fap with my left weird :p
I'm left handed but tend to only use it for innocent things.. The right hand tho... <.
Right man, but can use both for fapping!
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