Millennium War Aigis (from DDM now available in Eng Nutaku)

yeah not thinking clearly oh well. if i can 3 Scorching Desert I'll break even. If.


Well I managed to do it. Somehow. I can't reproduce it at all but oh well. Broke even on my SC investment so that's good.
Next event is Plat Puppet User FARM. I'm still 23* on Horus event, 2* on Heated Battle and haven't tried Desert battle. Maybe I'll try to 1* Desert and prepare for next event. 24* is enough for perfect Horus, but I'll miss that free sacred crystals ;_; I don't feel like using buffs too
Bleh, farm event...

EDIT: Managed to 3* desert map, but not night battle and heated battle. At least I'll get max Horace...
Weird, I 3* Heated (using Charlotte and Shiho) and Final Night X (4 healer and mass duelist) yet I'm failed to 1* Desert lol. Now I'm just waiting for regen.

Automata event need tank and mage, drop your bashira and spica since they're not quite useful for this event.

Managed to get Rika from 50/5 map, will do 70/7 tomorrow.
Hmmm, I also get her from 50/5 map. Maybe she's sure-drop in that map for 1st run?

Bashira and Spica are not useful against automata and dwarf, but they're still good to pummel down goblin and ogre.
I saw some people on another forum getting none, even until 70/7 map. So we both simply lucky enough to get her from 50/5.

True, but on later stages there's only automata, dwarf, and Ifrit. So archer is kinda undesireable at there. The automata comes in pack, so AoE works wonders.

You need shitloads of tank and healer on 100/2 map, 1 Mage in general is enough
Got one. 3 everything except the G map so I'm already satisfied. The G map is stupid though. Ifrit's walking pattern is just so random and ruins everything. I think I'll pass on that one.
Sadly Nasu use Yurina , Maribel, and Chydis for G map. I better wait till someone makes the nutaku video. But right now I'm prioritizing on CRing Rikka asap. I don't mind using SC too.
Also only 1-starred G map. Not gonna bother with it since I already got all the drops there. Gotta try to grab some Soma then...
I don't remember what formation I used to 3 the 70/7 map LOLOL fail...
First combine : 1 Rika because 100% SU CR
Second combine : 4 Rika result 2cr 3su
Third combine : 4 rika and IT'S FUCKING NOTHING.

Fuck this, I just want to mincost and farm dailies.
Mine's still -2CR 3/10 skill, tho...

Need to farm Soma.........
3 SC used, mincost + 8/10 skill, with bonus 3 Cecily 2 Gustav and 2 Plat armor exp . I'm done with this event. Time to grind phalanx 2 and IB as usual while waiting for next event.
Still no luck in my side, sadly. Not using SC, though...
Break is nice, but why during christmas? Other nutaku games have christmas event and now Aigis got nothing. It's really sad and retarded at the same time.
Do Aigis has X-Mas event in DMM in their 1st year? (not current one obviously)
From what I heard, there was xmas event on DMM 1 year ago.

It's loli. Hahaha now I know why we don't get any events.

You know, they should have given Yurina event during xmas and then give 1 week break after that. It's much more better.
1st Gold Rush event is coming. Hopefully it's not that hard to deal with.
From what I saw on YT, first gold rush is fairly easy. The problem is getting all drops so you can claim the gold units.

Good thing that gold rush only cost 30/2 and there's 10++ maps. So basically free SC and gold units.

I hope I can get Fedora and Bernice, more healer and better tank is always acceptable.

So we get no loli archers, they got replaced by Julian and Stray.

Be warned, the fairy drop rate is SHIT. I suggest you clear the story once for SC and farm gold armors now. The event lasts till 12th January so we have lot of time.
Monster Girl
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