Will FUE's mangas ever be released?

When are you going to release FUE's mangas here? i will gladly pay for them!
BitNdragon More Than A God
I might be wrong but isn't that just anot her way of spelling this guy's name F4U or is he a different artist?
Hanayome Ultimate Laziness
BitNdragon wrote...
I might be wrong but isn't that just anot her way of spelling this guy's name F4U or is he a different artist?

Fue is signed under COMIC MILF. Different artist.
Would love to see his works on here considering he's one of my favorite artists.
Fue's works are under the Comic MUJIN label, not Wani Magazine's, so don't expect a Fue release... for now.
Volaverunt wrote...
... for now.
Jacob wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
... for now.

Now that FAKKU has a clean slate it should be easier to work with other publishers, right? I sincerely hope that FAKKU prevails. Doing so will allow others to have confidence in what we're doing.

But I think there's already a lot on their plate. Two simulpubs and monthly books is a lot of stuff to work on. Not to mention whatever additional projects are going on behind the curtains. I imagine more people will be necessary if we want more content. And actually I'm a little worried. Can they maintain the high standard of quality as the business grows? I guess we'll have to wait and see.
xihiroix Sun Worshipper
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...

Can they maintain the high standard of quality as the business grows?

Business grows > More revenue > More room to hire people. Fakku seems to be doing just fine with the quality of employees, so not much concern there.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
Jacob wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
... for now.

Now that FAKKU has a clean slate it should be easier to work with other publishers, right? I sincerely hope that FAKKU prevails. Doing so will allow others to have confidence in what we're doing.

But I think there's already a lot on their plate. Two simulpubs and monthly books is a lot of stuff to work on. Not to mention whatever additional projects are going on behind the curtains. I imagine more people will be necessary if we want more content. And actually I'm a little worried. Can they maintain the high standard of quality as the business grows? I guess we'll have to wait and see.

The Toshio Maeda Kickstarter is a project and a half by itself.
The fact that Jacob said they would make it a Kickstarter as to avoid clashes with their existing lineup of releases was a great point to make.
However I can only imagine the immense amount of resources that will be going into those books.
Jacob wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
... for now.

Forum Image: http://33.media.tumblr.com/6a05e2a143de8872f6a1699f22cd7409/tumblr_inline_n2eu5x9jbt1s582ww.gif

Some of the best oral scenes, would so love to see this happen #2016goals&on
Jacob wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
... for now.

Make it happen, please! Fue is amazing, I love his artstyle. Would pay good money for some uncensored panels :D
Took me a while to connect the dots in my head, but YES PLEASE! Fue does amazing oral scenes and I love me some oral!
Bumping this thread on the grounds that Fue's "Inma no Mikata! Succubi's Supporter!" is maybe the greatest h-manga I've ever read, and I would love to have a physical copy of it on my bookshelf. 😊
Can we get all of Fue's releases please!
I will be happy to shell out tons of my seme- money at if it gets uncensored and released here
Jacob wrote...
Volaverunt wrote...
... for now.

Just need Fue to have my trifecta.... come on Jacob, we know you can do it!
Please let us have some of Fue's works. We can do this together Jacob.