Upcoming genres?

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tweed LoliChocoSwag314BakeIt
So where's all that loli you talked about at AX2015? I've seen nothing but a spam of oppai in subscription. A lot of better pettanko/petite is in books. What's the incentive for me to keep my subscription?
tweed wrote...
So where's all that loli you talked about at AX2015? I've seen nothing but a spam of oppai in subscription. A lot of better pettanko/petite is in books. What's the incentive for me to keep my subscription?

Do you have controversial content turned on?
angryaria Pretty Cure All Star
I mean if it's straight up loli they're looking for it really isn't very common compared to pettanko

Forum Image: http://puu.sh/n62iQ/cfbb10ea58.png
To bad they haven't got comic lo or tenma
tweed LoliChocoSwag314BakeIt
Yes, I do have controversial content turned on. My main gripe is that stuff I'm not into gets updated daily (oppai / bbw / curves). I have nothing against people who like that content, don't get me wrong. If you compare pages of content, Pettanko has 10 total pages with mostly book content starting at page 6; the update frequency starts at: 1 day ago, 1 week ago (x2), 2 weeks ago, etc. Loli is worse off with 1.5 total pages; updates start: 3 weeks ago, 2 months ago, 4 months ago, etc. Where as content such as Oppai (comparison topic) has 44 pages with content posted daily (books starting around page 32), sometimes even twice or more daily. I can't justify continuing my subscription if nothing I like is published. Now I know there is a bit of friction getting licensed content and the whole 'controversial content' issue that comes with being an American company, but I'm just speaking from a customer standpoint. I was hoping for some update or foreshadowing of content to come, on a higher frequency than what's the current norm. I really love supporting Fakku, but receiving just a few chapters a month in comparison to other content deters me from continuing my subscription. Thanks in advance for the reply.
angryaria Pretty Cure All Star
I'm honestly kind of with you. I'm treating my subscription as sort of an investment and just hoping more of my things come out soon. I'm not frustrated to the point of cancelling yet, but I'm not sure where I'll be in six months if the only magazine content is still the same kind of mostly vanilla mostly busty almost entirely straight.
I want everyone to be completely satisfied with their subscription, but I do not expect the overall percentage of controversial content (in comparison to the rest of the content we release) to increase. So if you are unhappy now you probably won't be happy in the future. Obviously I want you to stay, but it's more important to be honest.

That said, we do have some big announcements about more content coming to the subscription that I am excited to share in the next few weeks (possibly as early as next week).
angryaria Pretty Cure All Star
I appreciate that, Jacob! That said I really support what you guys are doing here, so as long as it's economically feasible I really do want to keep on this train (and more importantly, constantly spread the word around the internet as I tend to do!)

From a business standpoint I can understand most controversial content being minimized, though I'd be surprised to hear if yuri/yaoi falls under that umbrella.
YQII FAKKU Translator
angryaria wrote...
From a business standpoint I can understand most controversial content being minimized, though I'd be surprised to hear if yuri/yaoi falls under that umbrella.

It's not that we avoid controversial content. Right now we're publishing two of the biggest magazines in Japan, and they're popular because they appeal to a majority of people. For any give niche, you'll only find maybe one or two chapters every month, and we currently have ten months worth of magazines out, so it's to be expected that certain tags will only have around a page of content as of now.

There are/have been magazines that cater exclusively to certain genres. For instance, there used to be magazines that had nothing but futanari, but none of those are around anymore, so I can only speculate that there wasn't enough demand for a magazine like that. There are more successful niche magazines and anthologies out there, but that's something we can look into later on. We could only chose two magazines to start with, so the best choice—for us as a business and for you as consumers—was to pick something that would appeal to over 50% of the users, rather than less than 10%.

However, there are other ways to diversify the catalog, and as Jacob already hinted at, this is something we're currently working on.
sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
Have my fingers crossed that more Yuri is on the way. Speaking of which is "434 not found" going to post anything new?
angryaria Pretty Cure All Star
sl01 wrote...
Have my fingers crossed that more Yuri is on the way. Speaking of which is "434 not found" going to post anything new?

(I'm definitely hoping this announcement they're teasing has to do with partnerships, like the yuri-ism release of that Precure doujin)
Is it bad to want more hardcore stuff like NTR, bondage etc... I mean I like vanilla as much as everybody else but fakku has so much of it. Yes I'm looking at you Fakku books >_>
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
SpeedPunk wrote...
Is it bad to want more hardcore stuff like NTR, bondage etc... I mean I like vanilla as much as everybody else but fakku has so much of it. Yes I'm looking at you Fakku books >_>

Ima Real will be one of the next releases and NTR² will also come eventually so you´ll get a little something to satisfy your lust for NTR
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...
SpeedPunk wrote...
Is it bad to want more hardcore stuff like NTR, bondage etc... I mean I like vanilla as much as everybody else but fakku has so much of it. Yes I'm looking at you Fakku books >_>

Ima Real will be one of the next releases and NTR² will also come eventually so you´ll get a little something to satisfy your lust for NTR

I'm not really looking forward to it but NTR² was announced way back in 2014 (one of the first books to be announced) and fans of the genre are still waiting. Current status is more information soonTM. It's preeeetty late, so I hope it comes around soon.
I am hoping for Girls forM magazines to come if you guys are planning to do so.
ChrisBRosado123 wrote...
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...
SpeedPunk wrote...
Is it bad to want more hardcore stuff like NTR, bondage etc... I mean I like vanilla as much as everybody else but fakku has so much of it. Yes I'm looking at you Fakku books >_>

Ima Real will be one of the next releases and NTR² will also come eventually so you´ll get a little something to satisfy your lust for NTR

I'm not really looking forward to it but NTR² was announced way back in 2014 (one of the first books to be announced) and fans of the genre are still waiting. Current status is more information soonTM. It's preeeetty late, so I hope it comes around soon.

Yes I've been waiting to give Jacob my money for this one since Oct 02, 2014.

And what happened to printing [Okama] Hanafuda
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
leonheart55 wrote...
I am hoping for Girls forM magazines to come if you guys are planning to do so.

I can't decide if I should like Girls for M or not...
Antw0n Remember me?
Futanari where

I mean besides Doxy's work
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...
leonheart55 wrote...
I am hoping for Girls forM magazines to come if you guys are planning to do so.

I can't decide if I should like Girls for M or not...

Its only full of guro, NTR, vore, and bondage whats not to like.

And the occasional Milf like Takasugi Kou draws just no Vanilla.
GODsHandOnEarth (Not-so-)Grim Reaper
Cat-ness wrote...
GODsHandOnEarth wrote...
leonheart55 wrote...
I am hoping for Girls forM magazines to come if you guys are planning to do so.

I can't decide if I should like Girls for M or not...

Its only full of guro, NTR, vore, and bondage whats not to like.

And the occasional Milf like Takasugi Kou draws just no Vanilla.

The combination of Girls for M and Takasugi Kou sounds horrible... I like his art style and everytime he draws a nicer story (like MM 2) it's always a great read!
But maybe I'm just too soft...
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