[Takeda Hiromitsu] Ima Real

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Just checked the product listing of Ima Real on Rightstuf's and it mentions free digital version with purchase. I wanted to confirm if It's true? Or an error on their part?
kunoichi069 wrote...
Just checked the product listing of Ima Real on Rightstuf's and it mentions free digital version with purchase. I wanted to confirm if It's true? Or an error on their part?

That's an error on their part, ordering the paperback outside of FAKKU does not get you a digital edition. I'll reach out to them
Jacob wrote...
kunoichi069 wrote...
Just checked the product listing of Ima Real on Rightstuf's and it mentions free digital version with purchase. I wanted to confirm if It's true? Or an error on their part?

That's an error on their part, ordering the paperback outside of FAKKU does not get you a digital edition. I'll reach out to them

Gonna piggy back off of this to make sure it gets noticed, but I'm having a weird issue with the book page, I can't see any of the chapters apart from the first one. I can access the second chapter from the front page though.
Forum Image: http://i.imgur.com/wnpdcJu.png
sadmir Moe Connoisseur
Missing page on the latest chapter
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
sadmir wrote...
Missing page on the latest chapter

Which pages?
sadmir Moe Connoisseur
Tsujoi wrote...
sadmir wrote...
Missing page on the latest chapter

Which pages?

It was the last one. Someone fixed though.
I'm ready for the figure of this book so I can add it to my collection
Mr.Everwood will see you now ;)
Download links?
Mr.Everwood wrote...
Download links?

They will be available March 23, 2016 according to the Promo Page.
download links today?
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
meme50superfan wrote...
download links today?

Maybe, the person that uploads them is traveling currently. So either later today or when he gets back/finds time.
We hadn't set a specific time of day for the release because most of the team is traveling. That said, the download links are now online. Enjoy!
Any word on what day the paperback will release in July?
Robearification wrote...
Any word on what day the paperback will release in July?

I got the shipping notice last week.
gunplaman wrote...
I got the shipping notice last week.

Well, then I'll have to buy it next time I get money. Just bought a MEME50 and Bosshi book already.
Received it. Will snap a pic later after I stop puking.
boltsandguns Electroshock TheRapist
It's arrived finally, great quality as always
Forum Image: https://c5.staticflickr.com/8/7287/27676396204_c72f2c300c_b.jpg
KogXXV Loves a good plot
Its coming out tomorrow for me. I haven't finish reading it and now I can finally see whats going on in the story.
still waiting for my shipping confirmation...

pre order on 03/04
**john locke** wrote...
still waiting for my shipping confirmation...

pre order on 03/04

Wow really i pre ordered last month before the physical release happened and i got my shipping confirmation on the 8th of this month.
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