Any upcoming controversial Hentai?

I was looking forward to some tentacle and good futa (like Experiement Sisters, but looking at the release schedule, it seems like nothing like that is coming up.
Seconded, I would very much appreciate some quality futa (and tentacles, why not). Any news would be welcome.
Only good futa though, like Experiment Sisters. None of that patenako futa
In the short term, you'll see more controversial content being added to the subscription than being present in our books. So if you are a subscriber, there is a lot coming (and some new announcements related soon).
sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
Yuri and traps? Various body parts crossed.
Dashiell DirtyDeedsDunDirtCheap
Jacob wrote...
In the short term, you'll see more controversial content being added to the subscription than being present in our books. So if you are a subscriber, there is a lot coming (and some new announcements related soon).

Bring in monster girls and I will press subscribe button with my boner.
Jacob wrote...
In the short term, you'll see more controversial content being added to the subscription than being present in our books. So if you are a subscriber, there is a lot coming (and some new announcements related soon).

gotcha. Unrelated, but is getting Comic Milf on board in the works? A man can hope :D
Monster Girl
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