[Locked] FAKKU Café v5.3

I'm sorry...I'll go to cali in a year or so..I have to do this right... I've decided to bullshit my way through living with these people(until I make enough to move out) and then I move out but stay in the community college and attend it. (Didn't attend it just stayed in my room 5 years)

I'll be able to do school and function as long as I get out and I can. My spirit may be damaged but at this point in my life just having that thought to move to cali was enough to make me feel strong enough to do whatever here that benefits me. If I knew I could go to cali when I graduated high school I would have but no one told me anything, abusive mind twisting parents, just lost children in grown up bodies but I won't take it anymore. I hate them all.

But my siblings and big sister aren't to blame. I will move out and stay here...I never wanted to get mad at my friends I can't believe I'm at this point where I'am and even texted her almost these bad feelings... Once I move out. I won't talk to these mad people ever again. Trying to taint me and fill me with their sadness, anger and negative emotions well I won't be...what bad thing they desperately wanted me to be..I won't be it..
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Kiba Eve Fumihiro wrote...
I'm sorry...I'll go to cali in a year or so..I have to do this right... I've decided to bullshit my way through living with these people(until I make enough to move out) and then I move out but stay in the community college and attend it. (Didn't attend it just stayed in my room 5 years)

I'll be able to do school and function as long as I get out and I can. My spirit may be damaged but at this point in my life just having that thought to move to cali was enough to make me feel strong enough to do whatever here that benefits me. If I knew I could go to cali when I graduated high school I would have but no one told me anything, abusive mind twisting parents, just lost children in grown up bodies but I won't take it anymore. I hate them all.

But my siblings and big sister aren't to blame. I will move out and stay here...I never wanted to get mad at my friends I can't believe I'm at this point where I'am and even texted her almost these bad feelings... Once I move out. I won't talk to these mad people ever again. Trying to taint me and fill me with their sadness, anger and negative emotions well I won't be...what bad thing they desperately wanted me to be..I won't be it..

*hugs tight*
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
Dr Shaneman wrote...
Maybe Data...

Feel free to try.

I dare ya!!!
Data Zero wrote...
Feel free to try.

I dare ya!!!

I haven't decided yet.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
I wonder what would work for Data... Rare weapons?
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
luinthoron wrote...
I wonder what would work for Data... Rare weapons?

Wouldn't you like to know?
luinthoron wrote...
I wonder what would work for Data... Rare weapons?

Something heavy artillery.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
Dr Shaneman wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
I wonder what would work for Data... Rare weapons?

Something heavy artillery.

I like my hardware. Indeed. But not the way you think.
Data Zero wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
I wonder what would work for Data... Rare weapons?

Something heavy artillery.

I like my hardware. Indeed. But not the way you think.

luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Data Zero wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
I wonder what would work for Data... Rare weapons?

Something heavy artillery.

I like my hardware. Indeed. But not the way you think.

Oh, don't worry, the plan instead is to kill you through exhaustion while you're looking up information on it.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
luinthoron wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
Dr Shaneman wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
I wonder what would work for Data... Rare weapons?

Something heavy artillery.

I like my hardware. Indeed. But not the way you think.

Oh, don't worry, the plan instead is to kill you through exhaustion while you're looking up information on it.

I got A in Weapon recognition.

And my knowledge of firearms helps a lot.
echoeagle3 Oppai Overlord
Dr Shaneman wrote...
I might have killed echo with disapproval =P

Im not dead, I'm just disappointed. You have let me down. You have failed me
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Data Zero wrote...
I got A in Weapon recognition.

And my knowledge of firearms helps a lot.

That's why it had to be rare.

Well, off to eat a bit now.
Data Zero Valkyrie Forces CO
luinthoron wrote...
Data Zero wrote...
I got A in Weapon recognition.

And my knowledge of firearms helps a lot.

That's why it had to be rare.

Well, off to eat a bit now.

But rare weapon systems that isn't trash?
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
Back again. ^_^

Data Zero wrote...
But rare weapon systems that isn't trash?

Wouldn't be fun without the challenge.
Where did you go? We were worried, Nyu~......
I thought I was going to be a widow Hatsun... ;-;
EddieBeInBeddie Tea, Coffee, Glances
... yep crazy here still just checking.
Monster Girl
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