My whole reaction to the Kathy thing

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CronaBaka Mellow Yellow
Gravity cat wrote...
Had to Google her.

So she's the one who held up a fake head of Donald Trump.
That's newsworthy?

To people with low standards, yes.
I just find it stupid people care anyways. We had Obama lynching puppets, burning effigies, Bush puppets and Clinton. It's a quite american thing to burn or make puppets of pundits. In the end... who gives a fuck. It's not like she was gonna really kill trump... nature and his body will.
Dunno who that even is.
Never heard of her until this whole thing. From what I see what she did wasn't even that big of a deal. She lost the moment she began apologising. As a comedian, you have to stand by what you do in your acts, otherwise don't do it. She done goofed.
Cruz Dope Stone Lion
CronaBaka wrote...
Cruz wrote...

I'm all for freedom of speech but

Classic Alex Jones line. xD

"but that was a pretty edgy gag so complaining about the negative response is stupid"

I'm all for freedom of speech but...I acknowledge that it has consequences?

This is either terrible bait or you're reaching so desperately that you'd give Kathy a run for her money.
Gwar... mah childhood on mtv.
Sgt.broski Where's the futa Jacob
Just caught a whiff of this on the inside edition and honestly I can't seem to wrap my head around on how people do things that they know will probably have a backlash and act as if they were victimized when the shit hit the fans. I mean I don't like Trump as much as the next guy, but to depict him being beheaded is ridiculous. It's distasteful and it's cringing.
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