[Kito Sakeru] Boobies & Twitchy Sticky Weenies

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For some reason I can't go past page 134, the last page of Drunk Communication. Clicking one of the last two chapters starts to load their respective pages before jumping back to that one.
Same issue for me. I'd imagine it needs a cache clear or it's on their end.
Tsujoi Social Media Manager
It looks like this issue was fixed, are you still having issues reading past that page?
Tsujoi wrote...
It looks like this issue was fixed, are you still having issues reading past that page?

Yup! it seems to be all fixed, thanks.
Plutomutt Loli Connoisseur
A Study in Yellow is still missing the Shota tag, as is Kito Sakeru's Story of Urashima, and Boy Meet's Hole... I'd love to volunteer to help tag things on the site if that was an available position, I'm pretty passionate about it.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Great news, advanced copies came in from the printer to let us know the shipment is on its way. You can expect these to arrive in the office by towards the end of April!

Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/h4HFFwR.png
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/uyYj4BOr.png
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/IEhxrvU.png
Romana FAKKU Letterer
I love how hot that pink came out.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Romana wrote...
I love how hot that pink came out.

Same! I was worried about the color coming out, but the printer nailed it pretty good :)
The English cover looks great and I'm glad this was picked up! I can't wait until the books start to ship.
Miku G?
The little woman actually call me and asked who was this.
Forum Image: https://files.catbox.moe/bovzu7.jpg
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
animefreak_usa wrote...
Miku G?
The little woman actually call me and asked who was this.

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