FAKKU Books: Official Suggestion Topic

new hamao book
darkfriend Always Finish Inside
I'll second Elven Bride by Endou Okito and All You Can Sex by Eroquis.

I also would love to see Monster Musume no Otoshikata by Mizone for the next monster girl book and of course anything by Akatsuki Myuuto.
I would love if Fakku could start translating the Otokonoko Heaven magazine. Hell, more otokonoko period would be amazing.
It was an awesome feeling buying School Love Net physically in Portland at Powell's, thank you!

I have a few suggestions for physical book releases based on publishers you work with:

MuchiMuchi Creampie by Marui Maru, published by GOT
Bitch Stream by Uodenim, published by Wanimagazine
Parasite Queen by Fan no Hitori, published by Kill Time Communication (or Dropout, either would be great)
牝堕機姦~無限淫獄で悶絶する乙女たち~ (Mesu Ochi Kikan~Mugen Ingoku de Monzetsu suru Otome-tachi~) by Yayo (夜与), published by Kill Time Communication
I'd love to see more of Okumoto Yuta

This ones of my favs, I'd love you guys even more if bring this one over <3
the kojima saya book that came out this year
i know project h owns the rights but deepstalker or STRANGE SEX IN PARALLEL WORLDS because maybe the fakku guys could do a better job.
Can we get an Aiue Oka book?
Forum Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/C5QAjh9UcAA3oBa.jpg

mikuni mizuki book 悪女考察 [Akujo Kousatsu] - 20161004
Literally anything or everything by naturalton I’m surprised he’s not on her honestly and I’d love to own a hard copy Forum Image: http://https://hitomi.la/reader/1015193.html#1-

Also another thing I’m surprised hasn’t been added yet even though it’ is a very popular doujinshi is is ane maru mono by Pochi.
Forum Image: http://https://hitomi.la/reader/1179282.html#1-

I'd just really would like to see these to artists here and be able to buy there work and I’m pretty sure others would as well
Forum Image: https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DX5TOQ9VAAA4OAM.jpg:large

this is Aoi Miharu's book

I want to see his book which was released from the fakku.
Why hasn't Anekomori been done yet or Joshi Luck!?
Still hoping you'll publish this wonderful book by Satsuki Mikazu! I need the rest of that glasses series!

So...I know Fakku doesn't really do NTR but would it ever be possible to publish "[Nagare Ippon] Boku no Shiranai Kanojo no Kao - Obscene face of her whom I do not know." book?
More Kisaragi Gunma if possible!
I recently picked up the french edition of Ryuichi Hoshinos 'Sex Medicine' from Taifu and would love to see Fakku do an english translation.
Theyve also done a load of LINDAs stuff, which would always be welome! ;P

Forum Image: https://www.manga-news.com/public/images/series/sex_medicine_taifu.jpg

AiueOkaFan! wrote...
So...I know Fakku doesn't really do NTR but would it ever be possible to publish "[Nagare Ippon] Boku no Shiranai Kanojo no Kao - Obscene face of her whom I do not know." book?

I want all the NTR!
tamatsuyada's Energy Kyo-ka
MakiMyAngeru wrote...
Temptation by Reco
Forum Image: https://www.wani.com/wanicom/wp-content/uploads/2018/06/9784862695772-1.jpg

YES definitely Reco's new book. Her artwork is amazing.
I'd thought to post an update with some books from Wani that have come out in the last few months which I hope Fakku picks up. Some of these have already been mentioned here before, but more mentions can only help them stand out, I'm sure.

  • Akagi Asahito - Rutting Bitch (10 Chapters Total, 0 Untranslated)

  • Reco - Temptation (10 Chapters Total, 0 Untranslated)

Monster Girl
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