Derailing announcement threads

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Gravity cat the adequately amused
YQII wrote...
Repeatedly commenting on new licenses with some variation of "this is X and I want Y" will no longer be tolerated, and those posts will simply be deleted.

Yeah this got super annoying.
crispycreams Your Local Pervert
RozenLetter wrote...
Alright lets break this down a bit. Firstly going by just the Fakku store's top selling books of all time the top 10 are from 5 years ago more or less correct? Good then going by that no books since then have sold nearly that much, which leads me to believe since then you and your team have not gotten any books that could sell that much, even if you tell me that not much time has passed to justify this, this tells me that no book so far has sold as well as Pandemonium which is a bad sign when you try to run a business which needs to make money.

I feel like this argument is invalid when you consider that many of the top selling books are from 2016 they have had a much longer shelf life than any of the newer books. When you factor in that Fakku's user base and how they are constantly growing it wouldn't be surprising to see these books still selling. All this means is that new people are buying books. Maybe books from 2018 don't have as many sales as books from 2016, there are numerous factors as to why this may be. Some people may have just stopped buying books, every website has several dead accounts and its no surprise that maybe some of the user base that bought Pandemonium isn't around or aware of the latest books to hit the site. There is also the fact that not everyone can buy every book. For me there are tons of books new and old that i want to get, but I cant just throw down the money every time they announce a new book especially when I joined this joined this site much later and have a larger back log to go through. I'm sure its like this for many of the new users, and when they go and start buying books they might go with their tastes or maybe they might just go with the best sellers since they are the best sellers (The They must be great if they sold a lot mentality). You see this a lot even with the piracy sites, People rarely sort by new and instead go with whats popular.
I'm unsure if what I'm getting at makes any sense or not so I'm just gonna end my point on that subject there.

As for derailment of announcement threads I frankly find it toxic and think that people should complain somewhere else. Perhaps incoherent babbling or random is the place for such complaints. I think its sad how when we should be celebrating getting a new release, the thread is instead relegated to arguments over whether or not we should be "disappointed" with Fakku or not. Considering all those at Fakku who go into the forums and interact with the community to outreach to us all for feedback, the constant shit they get with people saying they are disappointed in Fakku, or complain about a release that they are not particularly interested in must be very disheartening and bad for over all moral. They do not need to put up with it and am glad you all are addressing it. I am thankful for any and all releases and am glad we even get to voice our opinions on which books we get. Y'all didn't need to give us a poll to decide which books to release but you did anyways and that's awesome.
There is also the artists themselves who every so often come on Fakku and lurk around thanking those who purchase their books. Some speak English and some might not, but if they came onto the forums to check out the excitement for their books, I don't really think its fair to them to hear people complain about how this isn't what they wanted.
Overall I think Fakku has done a wonderful job bringing over all kinds of ero-manga to the west and this year so far alone has been in my opinion one of their biggest and best yet and we aren't even half way through it. I cant possibly keep up with them all, but I'm still happy to see so many amazing announcements and releases. I cant wait to see how the rest of the year plays out. Keep up the good work!
crispycreams wrote...
RozenLetter wrote...
Alright lets break this down a bit. Firstly going by just the Fakku store's top selling books of all time the top 10 are from 5 years ago more or less correct? Good then going by that no books since then have sold nearly that much, which leads me to believe since then you and your team have not gotten any books that could sell that much, even if you tell me that not much time has passed to justify this, this tells me that no book so far has sold as well as Pandemonium which is a bad sign when you try to run a business which needs to make money.

I feel like this argument is invalid when you consider that many of the top selling books are from 2016 they have had a much longer shelf life than any of the newer books. When you factor in that Fakku's user base and how they are constantly growing it wouldn't be surprising to see these books still selling. All this means is that new people are buying books. Maybe books from 2018 don't have as many sales as books from 2016, there are numerous factors as to why this may be. Some people may have just stopped buying books, every website has several dead accounts and its no surprise that maybe some of the user base that bought Pandemonium isn't around or aware of the latest books to hit the site. There is also the fact that not everyone can buy every book. For me there are tons of books new and old that i want to get, but I cant just throw down the money every time they announce a new book especially when I joined this joined this site much later and have a larger back log to go through. I'm sure its like this for many of the new users, and when they go and start buying books they might go with their tastes or maybe they might just go with the best sellers since they are the best sellers (The They must be great if they sold a lot mentality). You see this a lot even with the piracy sites, People rarely sort by new and instead go with whats popular.
I'm unsure if what I'm getting at makes any sense or not so I'm just gonna end my point on that subject there.

Books stop selling after a year since more newer books take the ad spot and the support for pre orders. Lets say we wait 5 more years to see what one of the newest books does and it still doesn't beat Pandemonium, i find it impossible that Pandemonium is still selling that much over 10 years without Fakku plugging it constantly. The reality is much simpler the newer books don't sell as well and it's usually due to Fakku not getting any heavy hitter artists. Some of the artists Fakku gets are great but they just can't pull in the numbers from 5 years ago maybe they should look into getting some more books from the top 10.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
RozenLetter wrote...
Books stop selling after a year since more newer books take the ad spot and the support for pre orders. Lets say we wait 5 more years to see what one of the newest books does and it still doesn't beat Pandemonium, i find it impossible that Pandemonium is still selling that much over 10 years without Fakku plugging it constantly. The reality is much simpler the newer books don't sell as well and it's usually due to Fakku not getting any heavy hitter artists. Some of the artists Fakku gets are great but they just can't pull in the numbers from 5 years ago maybe they should look into getting some more books from the top 10.

If you'd pay even a little bit of attention to the forums, you'd notice the constant threads asking about restocks of older books. Hell, the latest one starts with a post specifically asking about Pandemonium.
RozenLetter wrote...

Books stop selling after a year since more newer books take the ad spot and the support for pre orders. Lets say we wait 5 more years to see what one of the newest books does and it still doesn't beat Pandemonium, i find it impossible that Pandemonium is still selling that much over 10 years without Fakku plugging it constantly. The reality is much simpler the newer books don't sell as well and it's usually due to Fakku not getting any heavy hitter artists. Some of the artists Fakku gets are great but they just can't pull in the numbers from 5 years ago maybe they should look into getting some more books from the top 10.

Mate with all due respect, at this point we get it. You are disappointed. Whenever I'm fed up with something I stay away from it for a while (if it's possible of course, can't stay away from my work or stuff :p). Mayby do the same, because you keep repeating the same over and over no matter what others tell you :(.
JAMAL Mercy main

First at all I want to thanks fakku staff for those last two years, I enjoyed alot of the content on the site, and I'll continue to support fakku with best of my effort, but I have a very small question, is it possible to have comic happening from wani licensed here? I think there's an appeal to it here more than g4m, it's very sad that all of the work for the magazine last year didn't do well here.

One last thing, me and my best friend want Kojima Saya book for long time, if you can't do that then tell us rather than the hard wait for it, again thank you for your hard work and good luck!
YQII FAKKU Translator
JAMAL wrote...
is it possible to have comic happening from wani licensed here? I think there's an appeal to it here more than g4m, it's very sad that all of the work for the magazine last year didn't do well here.

We have some magazine news coming up in the next few months. Likely to be announced at AX, but some might come sooner.

JAMAL wrote...
One last thing, me and my best friend want Kojima Saya book for long time, if you can't do that then tell us rather than the hard wait for it

There's no reason we can't do a book from that artist, but that's unfortunately all I can say on the topic right now.
Gravity cat the adequately amused
Jokke09 wrote...
RozenLetter wrote...

Books stop selling after a year since more newer books take the ad spot and the support for pre orders. Lets say we wait 5 more years to see what one of the newest books does and it still doesn't beat Pandemonium, i find it impossible that Pandemonium is still selling that much over 10 years without Fakku plugging it constantly. The reality is much simpler the newer books don't sell as well and it's usually due to Fakku not getting any heavy hitter artists. Some of the artists Fakku gets are great but they just can't pull in the numbers from 5 years ago maybe they should look into getting some more books from the top 10.

Mate with all due respect, at this point we get it. You are disappointed. Whenever I'm fed up with something I stay away from it for a while (if it's possible of course, can't stay away from my work or stuff :p). Mayby do the same, because you keep repeating the same over and over no matter what others tell you :(.

He did this in this poll, too.
crispycreams Your Local Pervert
JAMAL wrote...

First at all I want to thanks fakku staff for those last two years, I enjoyed alot of the content on the site, and I'll continue to support fakku with best of my effort, but I have a very small question, is it possible to have comic happening from wani licensed here? I think there's an appeal to it here more than g4m, it's very sad that all of the work for the magazine last year didn't do well here.

As a big fan of g4m myself, it saddens me to see no updates in almost a year. But that just be how it be when you take on to many magazines at once and then no one reads it.
YQII wrote...
We have some magazine news coming up in the next few months. Likely to be announced at AX, but some might come sooner.

Now you’ve peaked my curiosity.
sl01 Yuri and Traps FTW
Magazine news, nice, hopefully more Yuri, Trap and Fendom. Or at least more Yuri.
Thanks for removing the useless flaming. I know there are a ton of hurdles that are involved in this sort of business and I feel you all have been doing quite well. While I enjoy vanilla, I also enjoy the alternative and hardcore categories. I hope that in time we will see more than 2/3 releases each, but I will happily continue voting in the poles as well as with my wallet to help you guys pick releases.
luinthoron High Priest of Loli
YQII wrote...
luinthoron wrote...
I'd say there is an argument to be made for finally getting rid of them without seeming like a pervert, and joining the freedom most of the world enjoys.

It would make our lives a lot easier if Japan changed their stance on censorship. However, and I can only speak for myself, I don't think we as a foreign entity have any rights trying to lobby for law changes in another nation, so it's something Japan has so sort for themselves.

That said, this is also getting kinda off topic, so I'll once again suggest taking this to the other thread if someone wants to discuss it any further.

Not asking for anyone from the outside to lobby for it, just an idea for how the Japanese themselves could reason this to make a better case for the change than just asking for uncensored porn, which is much harder to gain much public support for, especially in a rather conservative country.
YQII FAKKU Translator
luinthoron wrote...
Not asking for anyone from the outside to lobby for it, just an idea for how the Japanese themselves could reason this to make a better case for the change than just asking for uncensored porn, which is much harder to gain much public support for, especially in a rather conservative country.

Sure, that's one way you can take it and give it a financial spin, but like you said, Japan is a pretty conservative country. Most ero manga authors keep their identity hidden due to the stigma attached to porn, so I still think it's going to be very hard for any politician to champion the reform, much less get it through parliament. It's a silly law to outsiders, but I feel the same way about American TV having to bleed naughty words for clearly adult-themed shows.

That said, I feel it is inevitable in the long run as long as Japan and the world continues down the road of making societies more liberated. Unfortunately, I still think it's a far way off. Any support we can garner here at FAKKU (or through any other legal companies) would likely help to show there is a huge untapped market, and I believe the success of hentai in all forms overseas will help to speed up the process domestically.
YQII wrote...
RychschaX wrote...
I'd have no problem with Fakku merely publishing things uncensored when possible if it meant we could have a greater selection of content

Understandable, but it's a slippery slope. If we allow some to publish their stuff censored, chances are some older partners also want their content censored going forward. This is actually something we've discussed quite a bit internally. When we started out, I was more open to the idea of publishing censored content, but I've changed my stance on it over the years. For the foreseeable future, censorship will remain a deal-breaker for us.

I'm definitely against publishing censored content for the same reason YQII stated. That, and I don't want to see censored content. The censorship on some of the magazine content can get pretty bad. I remember some magazines from Core Magazine used to have censorship that was very minimal, the black bars didn't really cover much of the genitals. Then Core got in trouble with the law and they started applying that blocky mosaic censorship in their magazines which practically covers all the genitalia. And I know some other magazines have used/currently use that awful whiteout censorship. So I definitely don't want to see censored content.

Not to mention...
YQII wrote...
That said, I feel it is inevitable in the long run as long as Japan and the world continues down the road of making societies more liberated. Unfortunately, I still think it's a far way off. Any support we can garner here at FAKKU (or through any other legal companies) would likely help to show there is a huge untapped market, and I believe the success of hentai in all forms overseas will help to speed up the process domestically.

I feel allowing censored content would set us back in making this possible, even if it's a very long way off.
Jacob wrote...
For now, we're holding off on picking up the next issue of Girls forM. Instead, we will be treating this as a rotating magazine slot. That means we might switch between issues of Comic Koh, Girls forM, Comic Unreal, Comic Happining, or one of the many other magazines we have access to.

i guess comic unreal coming to fakku was just a pipe dream
Just a quiet part of the minority who like NTR and other hardcore niche tags. As someone who doesn't post a lot around the forums I would like to agree I see more vanilla then I see NTR/hardcore/etc. While I do enjoy my share of vanilla stories (who doesn't?) I would like to read my good share amount of NTR as well as much the other. Although the figures have already been said laid beforehand, it still feels like Vanilla Trump's all. Also wish there was more then 2-3 books for the extreme titles if Fakku is releasing 22 or 24 books a year. And may I add a suggestion, If there's going to be a poll can we separate the titles by the tag and not mix them in? That poll for kill time communication #1 was a mess. Although it was 2 vs 2 for consent vs non consent, everybody hands down voted for my bride is the demon Lord (although thanks Jacob for still releasing Pandra even though I voted for Dropout). I would like to say despite all this thanks for all the hard work releasing great titles. Just don't forget about the minority who like NTR and etc. (Currently waiting for that aiue oka book)

Sidenote - I would like to say I enjoy the doujins released by the two groups 2-D market and Enshodo because they do a lot of stuff Fakku doesn't do.
YQII FAKKU Translator
SpeedPunk wrote...
Although the figures have already been said laid beforehand, it still feels like Vanilla Trump's all.

That's just the natural order. Look at regular porn and you'll find countless run of the mill man-on-woman videos for every RP cuckoldry stuff. I think a lot of the misconceptions come from the fact that people are used to piracy sites. Even if a certain genre only makes up 1% of the site's content, if you search through tens of thousands of entries, you'll naturally get a good number of hits. It's mostly an issue with quantity and the industry having to play it safe.

Sidenote - I would like to say I enjoy the doujins released by the two groups 2-D market and Enshodo because they do a lot of stuff Fakku doesn't do.

Ties in to what I just said, but that has to do with the media itself. Doujinshi is typically where you'll find alternative stuff, because of the low risks involved. It's the exact same thing as with any other media when comparing commercial big budget releases vs. self published small-scale projects—be it games, movies, or ero manga.
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