How to many times do you masterbate a day?

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My fap frequency has declined drastically with age, but when I was
a frisky teenager, I jerked off at least three times a day--once in the
morning to clear my head, once in the late afternoon to relieve the
stress of the day, and once at night to knock me out. That doesn't
include the times I did it while taking a bath or shower. Sometimes
I even jerked off in a public restroom or in the Great Outdoors (but
in a secluded spot). That was pretty exciting, I must admit.

Now I fap only about once or twice a week, with some help from
Fakku. If I find a chapter that's particularly arousing, I might do it
twice in one day, but that's a rare treat.

Ah, to be young again.
1-3 usually, depends on the mood of the day lol
srtetudo wrote...
Can a little rub while reading be considered masturbation?
Or do you have to actually cum?

According to this thread, I assume you have to actually cum,
but prolonged rubbing without cumming is quite pleasant in
its own way, especially if you enjoy the sensation of precum
surging through your body.
Not as much as I'd like to.
this is a coomer thread
Once every 1-2 days. Sometimes twice a day.
Around once every 2 days
like 3 times a week
I don't even really know. Whoops.
Like 2-5 times a week aiming at least two times wet
xkingdgx wrote...
Ironically enough I feel like when I do have sex I tend
to masturbate more often, which seems backwards...

It certainly seems counterintuitive, but your experience is not unusual.
In fact, a man with a satisfying sex life masturbates more frequently
than a lonely man with no sex life. That's because the sexually-active
man is often thinking about the hot sex he just had, or will soon have
again, so his libido is always on "low simmer" and ready to boil over,
which means the slightest titillation is likely to produce an irresistible
urge to fap.

I can vouch for this based on my own experience. During one seven-
year period, I had regular sex with two women. In between the trysts,
I also enjoyed regular phone sex with one of the women (who was a
compulsive masturbator). And yet, I did a lot of jerking off on the side.
It didn't take much to trigger the urge. My sap never stopped flowing,
simply because I was having so much fun with two different women.
This coronavirus stuff got me from doing it once a week/two weeks to doing it basically every day again. I'm so bored now.
Depends mostly 2-3 times tho.
Social distancing and staying in 24/7 has me back to my 2-4 faps a day like my teenage years and early 20s. Nice changeup from my normal 1-2 nuts I usually get nowadays.
Once every 2/3 days in general. Once in a while there are days when i am really horny and i do it twice in a day. There has been a short period when i did it evey day but then it became detrimental to other activities and i started doing some self control.
once a day generally.

except that one time someone on fakku discord linked an hentai asmr. and I found another fetish. I laid there for 12 hours ngl. idk how many times. however sadly those were kinda mind blowing for me the first few times, then they really aren't that great anymore :/
penis-senpai wrote...
For me it’s 5-6 times a day for the past 10 years. Once in the morning, twice at work, once when I get home and once before I go to sleep.

I feel bad for your dick man, once-twice a week is the max for me
seems like zero or two personally
is like, 10 times too many? i think its procrastrubating at this point
I average about 1-2 times a day unless i'm bored with nothing better to do then maybe 3 times.
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