[Shindo L] Metamorphosis (Hard Edition)

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Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Forum Image: https://t.fakku.net/images/upload/hard_edition_announcement.png

The Metamorphosis Hard Edition was originally announced at Anime Expo 2022 this year to be available for preorder this December. I haven't been able to properly provide follow ups on this project until now.

There's good and bad news with this project, the bad news is that the preorder isn't quite available yet for this project and we're a little delayed on it to provide for you all.

The good news is that we aren't terribly delayed with it, and the delays are actually due to us falling down a rabbit hole of more and more things we're able to include in this project and how nice we want it to turn out.

We currently have the book in a semi finished development, but currently are in a back and forth with Shindo L himself on additional items to add to the book and feedback from him to provide a beautiful project from a well loved book with many fans.

The better news is we're in a position where we can positively finish this project by the end of January to submit to the printer and properly have a preorder available for everyone to purchase.

We made a nice mockup of how the book will appear, though don't be surprised if you see this beauty a little thiccer by the time it gets to the printer for actual sizing.

Forum Image: https://t.fakku.net/images/upload/hard_edition_mockup.png

I look forward to providing more updates with our first project going hard! Huehuehue
Woo fancy saki. Of course I'm going to buy this.
Any update on this? I’ve been checking back every day in excitement. When will the preorders go live?
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
tagger101 wrote...
Any update on this? I’ve been checking back every day in excitement. When will the preorders go live?

We're currently narrowing in on details like comments from Shindo himself for more context on pages. The book is going to be split between the normal edition revised for the hard edition, 'the raw side' of the initial drafts of the book, extra short stories, interview, and other small details like timelines of his releases. I wish I could say we're on course for this month, however unfortunately out of everyone's control it's a little slower than anticipated at no one individuals fault. It's still moving along though, first quarter is still going to happen with preorder.

An example of a random spread from "the raw side"
Forum Image: https://t.fakku.net/images/upload/shindo_raw.png
*Update 4/7/23*
I’m hoping I didn’t miss the preorder since we’ve passed the first quarter of 2023! If I haven’t missed it, have there been any timeframe updates?

*Original post*:

That’s wonderful, thanks for your response! Eagerly awaiting this, please take all the time you need to finalize it not trying to rush you.
Hello, are there any updates?
(Bumping this since I don’t want to miss the preorder window)

Any updates on this release?
Soulkey_ wrote...
Forum Image: https://i.imgur.com/a6mnwFd.png

Forum Image: https://files.catbox.moe/ojpgnd.gif
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
I feel you guys to the real core on this, I promise you this hasn't been forgotten, and will be a real treat by the end of it. We vastly underestimated how much time a hardbound would take, especially when putting the book together and everyone between the design team and the artist themselves kept getting more and more ideas to add to it. As soon as I get an update I will post here immediately!

Right now I'm waiting on notes from Shindo L to insert to the book to hear his thought process and comments regarding the book when sketching it out.

Thanks and I apologize!
Thanks for the update! Is there any way to be added to an email list to be notified once preorders go live? If another few months go by I’m worried I may forget at some point and miss out, checking every day gets to be quite a task over the course of many months.
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
Hey Everyone,

Got an update for you, we recently received back a bunch of notes from the author to create a more annotated experience while looking through his original sketches to get an insiders view and understanding of Shindo's thoughts and feelings regarding the series and where he was in the moment at the time of creating it. It took him a good while to really sit down and recall things, but he went out of his way to leave notes on almost every single pages for you to read through.

Forum Image: https://t.fakku.net/images/upload/raw_side.png

This is not a finalized image, but should give you an idea of what kind of content to expect in the second half of the book. Once we're finished applying all the notes, we can submit it back to the author for approval before moving forward.

Thanks everyone for your patience, we hope you're as excited to see the Hard edition and want it to be a very special book for everyone!
Sounds good! Really appreciate these additional notes. It's looking to be a great special edition for such an iconic doujin, I'm excited to see what other ideas you guys have in store for this release.

Thank you for the update.
This is the first I've read about this project and I am excited! Definitely going to get a copy.
Very excited about this!
Was just looking at getting the paper back version is good thing I saw this before. About how much would you say this is gonna go for vs the paperback with all the additions you're doing?

Also possible this year for release?
Brittany FAKKU Production Mngr
BlackStarX wrote...
Was just looking at getting the paper back version is good thing I saw this before. About how much would you say this is gonna go for vs the paperback with all the additions you're doing?

Also possible this year for release?

The retail is going to be $60-80, it isn't quite nailed in yet if I'm completely honest. It's going to be approximately 550 pages which is way larger than we originally intended for, but also extremely exciting. It's also going to be oversized, 7" x 10" in size.

I would like to have it this year, but realistically by the time I get all the approvals from all around, it's more likely to be available first quarter next year. It's been disappointing to have it delayed for so long, but seeing the progress of it coming alive as our first deluxe edition, I'm super proud of how it's coming along and think any fan would be very happy to grab. Shindo L put a lot of love in his commentary for this title.
Thanks for the update! I shall wait and look forward to the hard release 😄
Brittany wrote...
BlackStarX wrote...
Was just looking at getting the paper back version is good thing I saw this before. About how much would you say this is gonna go for vs the paperback with all the additions you're doing?

Also possible this year for release?

The retail is going to be $60-80, it isn't quite nailed in yet if I'm completely honest. It's going to be approximately 550 pages which is way larger than we originally intended for, but also extremely exciting. It's also going to be oversized, 7" x 10" in size.

I would like to have it this year, but realistically by the time I get all the approvals from all around, it's more likely to be available first quarter next year. It's been disappointing to have it delayed for so long, but seeing the progress of it coming alive as our first deluxe edition, I'm super proud of how it's coming along and think any fan would be very happy to grab. Shindo L put a lot of love in his commentary for this title.

Glad to hear some news, I would rather it be delayed and amazing than come out early unfinished
Will this version be available at EU retailers that carry Fakku books as well, or will it be exclusive to the webstore?
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