Doujin works by Mycstea

Hi there all. New to the community but not the IRC community lol.

Here's my site

And my doujin group site:

Currently preparing for sales at local Anime events.

Will be posting my new CGs here soon! (higher res) =D for now here are some previews for my new works. More to come...

For <Belka> CG Set...
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Promo Picture for <Belka> CG Set...
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Promo Picture

And a small teaser from my side of <Mag Mel> CG set...
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Kyou and Ryou

And just out of the oven
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Fuuko (Updated with smaller eyes!)

=3 cheers and i'll add more as i finish more www

Please ask for permission before using any of the above pictures. Thank you =3
Awesome work! I am going to order your Clannad poster/sticker set as you know, and I am excited to get it.

Glad you decided to stop lurking in just the IRC channel and have moved to the forums. :D

Can't wait to see more.
I also look forward to seeing more of your art!
Thank you. 1st post updated with a small preview of Fuuko! Moar to come! (not over the weekend though)
As I've said before on IRC, before the forums heard of you, awesome. I'm always interested in artists and their ability to draw things really well, and you are no exception to this idea.

Now, to coerce you into drawing a nekomimi Rei...
Excelent :D !!! It's amazing! We want moar!
Hehe... Hello Mycstea.
Yeah, you visit my deviant ID before. But i almost never lay my hand there. Too happy for making hentai thing, leave the normal thing >.<

Anyway, I watching your arts. Silently... :?
Nice! Your artworks are really impressive. Hope to see more from you.
Thanks again! Oh and I might do a dedication for Fakku =P

I maintain that i will not draw H/ecchi (personal principle) but i'll try to show more skin for this one =P
Mycstea wrote...
Thanks again! Oh and I might do a dedication for Fakku =P

I maintain that i will not draw H/ecchi (personal principle) but i'll try to show more skin for this one =P

Not to be a dick because I don like your work, but because of what you said above. WHY DID YOU CALL THIS DOUJIN WORKS!?
Doujin works does not mean Hentai or Ecchii pictures.

同人誌(どうじんし)means "a book released by people of the same interest". It does not mean that you have to draw H for a book to be called a doujinshi.

同人 (どうじん) means "people of the same interest". I draw my art with my friends as a group, thus doujin art =)

Examples of non-H Doujinshi includes Noizi Ito's works under her group Fujitsubou Machine, Eereto under her group Utsurauraraka and also Eji Kohmatsu's works under his group PassingRim. Its just that there are too many Doujin groups out there that draw H that it gets stereotyped. =)
Ooooh, very nice works you got there.

And yeah, Doujins don't have to be adult-oriented at all. I generally think of doujinshis as a product of someone's creativity. Hahaha, but yeah, generally a majority of doujinshis have adult content, but there are still that are non adult oriented.

As for Noizi Ito, I thought she did do some H-CGs for some games, but maybe that doesn't tie into doujinshis though. XD

But anyway, I hope you become big with your circle.
Actually i'm a big Noizi Ito fan.

Her works spans from a lot of different mediums. She's most famous for her illustration for light-novels Shakugan no Shana (from 2002) and Suzumiya Haruhi (from 2003) series.

However it does not stop there. Her 18+ games include Be-reave(1999), 忘レナ草~Forget-me-Not (wasure nagusa ~Forget-me-Not, 2002), こもれびに揺れる魂のこえ(komorebi ni wareru tamashii no koe, 2003), Peace@Pieces/わんもあ@ぴぃしぃず (wanmoa@biishiizu, 2004), ななついろ★ドロップス (nanatsuiro ★ drops, 2006) and most recently ALICE❤ぱれーど (ALICE❤Parade, 2007).

Some of her works made it into anime. Most famous still being 灼眼のシャナ(Shakugan no Shana, 2 seasons, [S1-2005, S2-2007] aka Shana of the Blazing Eye) and 涼宮ハルヒの憂鬱 (Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu, aka The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, 2006) and additionally to that, ななついろ★ドロップス (nanatsuiro ★ drops, 2007). Latest news is that a new Suzumiya Haruhi anime is being animated by Kyoto Animation in the latest issue of NewType. However it does not explicitly point out any of the novels/continuation of any of the other novels.

Some of her above works were also serialised as manga. The Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu and Shakugan no Shana have both been serialised as well as Nanatsuiro★Drops. The manga of Shakugan no Shana were both graced with extremely competent and well skilled mangakas (2 series) and Nanatsuiro★Drops as well. However, the mangaka of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuutsu... let's just say they should change him XD

She has released two artbooks (which i have as well) 紅蓮 (Gu-Ren, 2005) and 華焔 (Ka-Ren 2007). Her doujin activities include occasional collaborations with Naru Nanao's group Ice and Choco. She is the current leader of doujin group 富士壺機械 (Fujitsubo-Machine).

I enjoy her works a lot and her style is quite drilled into my art style (if you guys can see). However, i take my painting style more from Naru Nanao haha. She's a perfect example of how hardwork can get you famous =)
Wow that's quite a detailed explaination of your favourite artist.:)
Of course! I'm her loyal follower more then Haruhists follow Haruhism. I bet i'm even more detailed the Wikipedia. Lol

Anyways... horrible practice sketch done in 1 1/2 hrs...

Forum Image:

Had a looot of problems with the loli's back but all drawn with different influences in style. Can you guess where the influences are from? =P

Edit: I found out where the problem is argh but i'm lazy to update =PPPP
Mycstea wrote...
Of course! I'm her loyal follower more then Haruhists follow Haruhism. I bet i'm even more detailed the Wikipedia. Lol

Anyways... horrible practice sketch done in 1 1/2 hrs...

Forum Image:

Had a looot of problems with the loli's back but all drawn with different influences in style. Can you guess where the influences are from? =P

Edit: I found out where the problem is argh but i'm lazy to update =PPPP

Looks a little Haruhi/Kyonko to me :D
Updated with self made Kyou chibi avatar~ =3
Mycstea wrote...
Of course! I'm her loyal follower more then Haruhists follow Haruhism. I bet i'm even more detailed the Wikipedia. Lol

Anyways... horrible practice sketch done in 1 1/2 hrs...

Forum Image:

Had a looot of problems with the loli's back but all drawn with different influences in style. Can you guess where the influences are from? =P

Edit: I found out where the problem is argh but i'm lazy to update =PPPP
FIRST whats haruhism SECOND it was not horible i think it is VERY good for a 1 1/2 hour work quick edit fuck i wish i could draw like that but mine are well they look as good as that but take me 1-2 weeks to do (im not very good at thinking my own drawings are good and i dont blive others when they say im wrong and they are good)
"Haruhism" is the "cult" group of people who believes that Suzumiya Haruhi is the almighty god and "Haruhists" are her followers. It is plainly fiction but fans of Haruhi in real life are sometimes so fanatic that they're viewed as "Haruhists" or "Harutards"

It's bad because i can see the flaws of the picture and i was lazy to draw the composition of the rest of the characters except the loli. =/
Monster Girl
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