Anime: Murder Princess

Have anyone watch it? It is quite nice and interesting. The sword fighting is quite style and nice. It is pity that the storyline/plot is quite short.
Opening and ending theme is good.
Kaibutsu Oujo?

or maybe Monster Princess?
jonsmth wrote...
Kaibutsu Oujo?

or maybe Monster Princess?

not monster princess, it is murder princess.

Here is the picture

Forum Image:


In the 4th of Month of Jade, Cyndina Era 672, a coup d’etat broke out in Foreland. To escape the assault, Princess Arita fled the castle. She ran screaming into the forest as her guards were killed by unknown assailants. When she exited the forest, she came upon a woman drawing her sword.

The woman, Pharis, was the strongest bounty hunter in history. It is rumored that she killed a dragon and is accompanied by Death. As Arita tried to ask Pharis for help, she bumped into her. This caused the land beneath them to give way and send them crashing off a cliff. While they were falling, a light swallowed them. They landed on the ground, but their souls had been exchanged. Pharis, now in Arita`s body, asked that she be allowed to protect the country as princess and Arita agreed. Now, the strongest and most cruel princess in history is born: Murder Princess. (Taken from AnimeNFO)
it's quite ok,I cant say much cuz it's only has 6 ep's,if you wanna watch it don't expect much though,that's just my 2cent's
It's booooooring...Nothing interesting, just another shounen. And that girl with katana...Long time no see(
P.S. True kenjutsu is NOT LIKE THAT! Battle scenes in Murder Princess suck!
The Swordplay in the last episode was quite interesting.
The unhuman swordspeed was really well made^^
I think I watched a couple episodes, but soon lost interest. Maybe I'll finish it someday...
it was ok, but only 6 episodes was too short to do much with the story
Monster Girl
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