Rate the Last Movie You Saw

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/44433-CSB54F9.jpg
Inglourious Basterds
for now, need to re-watch.

"Entertaining, but not quite a masterpiece."
This film seemed to go a step further than Tarantino's usual ridiculous violence, it's pretty graphic at times. Still, the movie keeps that exploitation-film inspired style we always see in Tarantino's work.

It's definitely an enjoyable movie to watch, wouldn't call it his best though.
Forum Image: http://latemag.com/images/1110.jpg

Been waiting for this movie for ages, and it meet the expectations.

The first half was contrsucted like a mockumentary about how the the first contact with the aliens played out, and how humanity dealt with the 1,8 stranded aliens, the second half was more like a regular sci-fi action flick, which alot of people seemed to have a problem with, i didn't really care though, it was a nice change of pace.

Overall the entire movie was an sci-fi wicked ride, and it acually lived up to the hype too.

First attempt at a review:

Forum Image: http://image.examiner.com/images/blog/wysiwyg/image/the-unborn-2009.jpg

This movie reminded me of "The Ring": Chick finds out something's after her/ her life is in danger. The first few days after she realizes something's wrong, the "threat" fucks with her by making weird shit happen to her and scare the dick out of her. Then, she has enough and starts researching the motherfucker by going to the library and looking through really old records and books. She thinks she has a solutions and tries it out, sadly not all goes as planned. After "conquering" the "demon", she becomes tranquil, and moves on with her life. Oh, and it ends the scary movie cliche where it isn't exactly a happy ending because shit that she most likely will stir up again.

Nothing special here, as this is another one of those films where the female protagonist is screaming throughout the whole movie. Very few surprise/scary moments, and if you're anything like me, none of them will make you jump (If you have experience with horror films, you'll know when these moments are about to happen). A new concept here where some ancient demon can't go to heaven and is stuck in some dimension and needs a mirror to cross over into another's body in the real world, be it an insect, a dog, or a dead human. Not only that, but twins are considered a type of mirror too (fucking a). This demon wanted to take over a twin's body while it was in the womb, the baby died, and now it's haunting the other twin in her adulthood. Why? Cause Jumby wants to be born now.

What I don't understand is how this "demon" is able to make her see creepy illusions without in some way being in her body/mind. It takes over everyone else like it's nothing, but it can't take over her body no matter what it does. If it can fuck with her using realistic illusions, then why isn't it in control of her? Meh.

Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/75528-F1U9UCR.jpg

Awesome movie, although it could've been more fleshed out in various areas, there wasn't really that much explaining of how things worked most of the time.
And even though i liked the concept i think it would've been executed better, buti might be alone in thinking that for all i know.

The designs for some of the characters was just meh while others looked awesome, especially the Incubus'es, i also liked the Pathfinders look.

The plot-twist delivered at the end was really good and lifted the entire movie to another level of wicked imo, without it the movie wouldn't have been as good as it was.

It gets a 4/5.
The latest movie I saw was The Family Stone
a Drama/Comedy... not that funny and not that good over all
but it had it's moments. 3/5
last one i watched was Twilight New Moon.

definitely im not into.

9, didn't turn out like i hoped it to be but overall a good movie 3.5/5
Forum Image: https://www.fakku.net/image-404/images/75749-R653GKT.jpg
Heroes of the East aka Shaolin VS. Ninja

Supposedly the greatest Kung Fu movie ever.

Story-wise it's pretty weak, but the action makes up for it.
Seriously, who wouldn't want to see Chinese Kung Fu vs Ninjitsu and other Japanese martial arts?
Forum Image: http://i677.photobucket.com/albums/vv132/fiv3onit/Precious235.jpg

Very emotional. Didn't start crying until after the movie ended. To be more of a baby, my Mom was there holding my hand x3

Red Dawn


Well I rate it 4/10
KPiC.valkee wrote...

I will rate : 7/10 Ruu...
Crank 2 High Voltage... what the fuck did I just watch? That movie is retarded but at the same time, awesome.
I especially enjoyed the nipples part and Jason Statham ending the movie in a blaze of glory, ridiculously over the top. The downside of the film is that they use a few jokes and shot whole sequences that are just the same as the first movie, the race track scene had a déjà-vu feeling all over it. Also, characters come and go from outta nowhere.
3/10 I dunno.
Dawn of the Dead (the new one)
7/10. Enjoyable.
Forum Image: http://www.88news.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/The-Storm-Warrior-to-Hit-Cinemas-in-December.jpg

Pretty enjoyable if you ask me.. It's like a Dynasty warriors movie with nifty special effects and supernatural power.. It's just.. If you expect a full detailed good plot, you'll be sorry.. The plot is good actually, but 2 hours isn't enough time to tell the tale, so it's kinda get rushed..

Shinichi Miyamoto wrote...
Forum Image: http://www.88news.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/The-Storm-Warrior-to-Hit-Cinemas-in-December.jpg

Pretty enjoyable if you ask me.. It's like a Dynasty warriors movie with nifty special effects and supernatural power.. It's just.. If you expect a full detailed good plot, you'll be sorry.. The plot is good actually, but 2 hours isn't enough time to tell the tale, so it's kinda get rushed..


8.0/10 the story is awesome and i remember correctly the first one i watch already and the name is the storm brothers 1!
The Name of the Rose.
7.5/10 Haven't read the book, so I cannot say anything about that, but Sean Connery surely had funny hair.

Yesterday, I was going to watch some Korean monster movie, forgot the name, but had to go to sleep... meh.
District 9: 10/10

What a movie! The acting was amazing and so were the special effects.
I was really hoping at the end that the Mothership would return...
I feel bad for Wikkus :(
Movie: Up
Rating: 10/10
Comments: This movie was awesome. Second time i saw it. Dog is the best. Kevin is cool, too.
Mega Shark VS Giant Octopus (2009): 2/5
- Some pretty funny shit there. I was expecting worse fare, but it actually wasn't TOO bad. Obviously, the acting and lines were so cheesy it made me laugh a bit. I mean seriously, a shark larger than the size of a commercial airplane jumping thousands of feet into the air and downs an airplane is just insanely ridiculous and humorous at the same time. And the guy acting as Shimada (the Japanese scientist) had the cheesiest lines of them all.

Land of the Lost (2009): 4.5/5
- Now this was a movie (for all its zaniness) that was pure entertainment. If it stars Will Ferrel, you know it's going to be a funny one, and it was funny. It had some pretty good special effects and the dinosaurs looked pretty realistic and awesome in this movie. Plenty of antics, banter, jokes all around. Don't expect a serious survival movie or you'll be in for a big disappointment, but I definitely wasn't disappointed. Plus, the relationship between the grumpy T-Rex and Will Farrel was so cute.