Do you celebrate Christmas?

Do you celebrate Christmas?

Total Votes : 6,122
penny pinching at its best
Working in retail for about 7 years really takes the fun out of Christmas.
huge_pixels Flatchest or bust!
My family don't celebrate christmas, but the national holidays are nice to chill out on fakku.
I love Christmas, but none of my friends or family seem to like it as much as I do.

So I rarely get to do christmasy stuff like drink eggnog or decorate the house with lights. The only thing my family does is have a tree. We don't have presents, or a ham, or cookies shaped like snowmen and trees.
I usually just get presents and that's about as christmasy it gets for my family.
I love all the Christmas specials! <3
Does Jewish Christmas, IE watching a movie and hitting a Chinese restaurant count as a 'different' holiday? Even f the people doing so are not themselves Jewish?
My answer falls into the Yes but Meh category. That is to say I celebrate it by having a family dinner, receiving some gifts (as well as buying some for myself) and... that's it, I guess.

So, while some people criticize Christmas for becoming a comercialized holiday, I support it entirely for that same reason.
I celebrate Christmas but I'm not a all out Christmas guy.
I love this time a year.
Tsamari C.E.O of Pancakes
I do, and i always will.
Christmas deals on stuff FTW. Also, boxing day afterwords.
I celebrate Christmas in word only, because I've lost what little spirit for it I had left thanks to apparently reaching an unspoken point where nobody gets me gifts.
Sure I might put some decorations but that's just it, we'll there's also sending some presents to family by mail and that's really my Christmas.
what did you just ask me?! one of my faves!!! but i still have to do things...p~p
Best holiday ever!
I love buying gifts for my friend and family, and i love having big dinners and hot chocolate, I hate going to my rich, judgemental, unhelpful grandparents house, but the party is at my house! :) Plus you can't go wrong with spiral cut ham and eggnog 'n rum. HMMM. I don't care who u are, that's good stuff. Merry Christmas everyone :)
Oh Christmas is great, and I am most certainly not just saying that because Santa has a 12-gauge pressed against my balls. Nope, that's totally unrelated...
YA! x-miss!!
Admittedly I could do without the whole Christmas hype MONTHS before the actual holiday... but otherwise I love it so... CHRISTMAS MOVIE MARATHON!