Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Do you prefer cats or dogs?

Total Votes : 4,915
Cats. They can be taught like any other animal so no problems with my cat. ^^
It doesn't matter where I go, but dogs hate me with a burning passion. So it's cats all the way for me.
Its been scientifically proven that dogs are better than cats, watch this video if you don't believe me
I love them both,but i have to go with dogs.I got a Shar Pei and Husky :).
I have both, but I love my cat more then my dog.
Dog. Because some of the dog I like is so fluffy.
Cats are furry huggable little bastards. They're always pushing at your hand so you can coddle them. Which makes me love 'em even more.
I like every type of pets, but between these two... Dogs.
A movie said this best "Dogs rule and Cats drool"
This is absolute s**t! How the hell could condescending, narcissistic cats win out over loving and comforting dogs???
why cant there be a both option? i have two dogs and a cat all black and white lol. if i had to choose maybe a cat since its less effort to take care of
cats, because they make you work for their love, unlike a dog who is a slave to man. once i had my cat for a while and we got to know each other, now she's my baby i can pick her up and let her chill on my shoulders or whatever :3
i do like dogs too though!!
Definitely cats. I REALLY don't like dogs. But of course my mom decided to get a big, hyper, slobbery dog she has no idea how to take care of. I've just had so much better experiences with cats. I don't really know why people say cats are assholes. All 3 of the cats I've ever had were perfect. All of them gave me as much love as a dog, while being very low-maintenance.

Rest in peace, Milo. My little orange tabby friend. Struck down in his prime by kidney failure :(
I love both, but I'm going on cats. They don't need the massive amounts of space dogs usually need. I've owned a large property, and taking care of said large property is a huge pain in the ass. Enough of one to outweigh the fun of owning the large dogs that play in it. Dogs are no fun unless they are big dogs; the bigger the better. The bigger dogs are more playful, more loyal, and sweeter than most other pets. The thing about cats, though, is that they mind their own business, and usually perform many more hilarious shenanigans than dogs. ...even though the only reason they stay with us is because they are waiting for us to die so they can eat our corpses. When they leave, that's when they figure out you aren't going to die anytime soon.
Dogs! I agree with Xyphr from page 1 took the words right out of my head. cats are no fun or at least the ones i owned were no fun :P most dogs i have met are all balls of pure awesomeness XD
It's cats for me. And I like them even more if it is a girl whit cat ear and tail. But anyway cats are so cute.
As a citizen of the internet, I am a proud owner of a cat.
I wouldn't say I "like" cats. It's more of a begrudging respect. Cats are assholes who have to be in control. As a wise man once said "Cats don't have owners, cats have staff."
Dogs all the way, cats just dislike me. My dad's tried to scratch my face when i was asleep once
pierape Heartstamp Sweetheart
I LOVE doggies! ^^