Do you prefer subs or dubs?

Subs or dubs?

Total Votes : 5,213
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
SekkusuKoneko wrote...
Never... ever in my life will I watch ANY Japanese animation in dubs. English is just one of those languages where you can't try to say anything Japanese. Who wants to hear a fucking high-pitched hoe yelling a horribly mispronounced name? In hentai... English dubs
The way it sounds when they moan on dubs
It also kills the cuteness of some characters. Most of the time it makes them sound like a complete slut. It's horrible! D:
And that's my opinion... o3o

... OK... but what's your opinion on REGULAR anime dubs? While I am mostly pro-dub, even I will admit all hentai dubs are bad, unless we're talking the one Dan Green did (in which case, it's so bad, it's hilarious instead of cringe-worthy).
artcellrox wrote...
Kaeltara wrote...
I mean seriously how does an English voice actor convey a Hiroshima accent in English???!!!!


A Hiroshima accent where, exactly? DBZ? FMA?

I meant more like 2 separate areas. like how you explain they cant do mafia accents and they have some that we cant do.

But people really need to go watch a viable sub of DBZ and FMA and find out how much more different it is from English. Fullmetal Alchmist in English is an almost completely different anime from the Japanese version I feel.
artcellrox The Grey Knight :y
Kaeltara wrote...
But people really need to go watch a viable sub of DBZ and FMA and find out how much more different it is from English. Fullmetal Alchmist in English is an almost completely different anime from the Japanese version I feel.

Perhaps, but I feel like the English one would mainly be the one to watch, because of another reason I forgot to mention: location and setting of the anime. In short, I know FMA doesn't really take place in Japan, so even if Japanese mannerisms and references are made in the sub version, I feel like it can still be strong in the English one, maybe even better.

Can't account for Brotherhood, however, given its... introduction of the Asian characters and the Xing Dynasty. >__>
Both is my preference I typically like whichever one I see first.

Back then if I saw it on AdultSwim or Cartoon Network before I saw the subs I would prefer the dubs much more; same viceversa

Right now I can't remember an anime I've watched that had terrible VA regardless of being Sub or Dub, well except Naruto and I don't watch I read the manga instead.
..... Handcock: "bitch about the dub's One more time." should summerize my feelings on the matter.
Usually, I'm all up for subs. And only prefer subs, normally. But there are times where there's some good dubs out there. For which, I voted for both.
*hides in the corner has he voted dubbed.
I go for both, because sometimes, yes, the English company can do a damn decent job of translating - and then totally muff it on the choice of voice actors. But then you get some of the amazing ones, like El Hazard, Bleach (and yes folks, I'm sorry, but they did pick some damn good ones there), and Cowboy Bebop. Really, I think a lot of the make or break of dub isn't that the vocals are in English. Rather, it's how much emotion and effort does the voice actor/actress put into it.

And I can live with subs because I've accepted that no matter how interesting they are, we still get some shows like Idol Master, Super Robot Taisen Original Generation, and Amagami, that are awesome, and fun, and yet there is just something in it that's probably not going to go over so hot with audiences outside of a certain niche.
I voted 'Both' but now I somewhat regret that decision.

When it comes to regular anime, I can usually handle both but there's a few exceptions where I prefer the subs over dubs giving subs a slight edge.

When it comes to hentai, I can't stand any dub whatsoever because 90%+ of the time, it's half-assed. Subbed is the only way to go for hentai.
Sub that the better
ok i need to say is i like dubs for one reason i have dyslexia and it macks it vary hard to read with anime i have to stop it ever seen to read it and that jast kills the anime i wood love to fallow subs but is jast not possible that is my two cents what do you guys think about that?
subs all the way.
Mmmmm..... subway subs ^^

ahh!.. i mean subs :o
Dubs for the normal stuff. I prefer to watch and focus on the animation. If I wanted to read, I'd sit there and get some manga.

For hentai, subs all the way. The way the dialogue flows in hentai is godawful and no one should ever try to put those lines into English. My lord, that stuff is terrible.
Anime is Anime and that's why I watch anime it about the story, animation and the sound i don't care if it characters sound carp, if the anime is entertaining i watch it. Language has so many flaws in it it's a joke hasn't changed in years and never will. anime is about being entertained, when your a kid you don't care what people sound like (well i didn't) it was just entertaining to watch cars transform. People who say anime shouldn't be dubs are just sad dubs put so much money in the industry and helps anime grow just think if anime was only in japan it world worse of than it is now.

PS. i voted for dub to be nonconformist i love and hate both.
dubs sound pretty ridiculous. I prefer subs any day.
Depends on the anime.. Some have horrible subs, some have horrible dubs... The old school anime, such as trigun, hellsing, nge and such I prefer dub, but stuff like bleach and fairy tail and things I prefer in sub. the dub voice actors generally sound like assholes :/
I generally stick to subs these days for most anime, be it old or current. I grew up mostly on the old school anime which probably had the best dubbing in my opinion compared to the stuff that's been horribly done by few select studios except if its done my Funanimation.
Monster Girl
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