Do you prefer subs or dubs?

Subs or dubs?

Total Votes : 5,213
hentai watching hentai i would say subs but if its just anime it really doesnt matter
I really prefer subs, but there are some exceptions, like Chobits. It has a really good dub.
Without sounding like a weaboo in any sense. I prefer subs.
I guess it's the whole "lost in translation" argument. Things don't feel right usually without the original scripts. Although there are many dubs that pull it off very well.
The one that stands out to me the most of course being, Cowboy Bebop.
I'd split even if some dubs weren't really bad though.
I'd rather not understand bad voice acting
Chose SUBS. I usually use fansubs because its the easiest with the best quality to find and I can improve my english reading skills and at the same time 'kind of' learn japanese from all the anime that I watch.

I rarely,rarely watch anime in dub. If I do want to watch things in english, it's not gonna be anime.
The only dubs I've heard and liked were inuyasha, ghibli, and dragonball z.
tswarthog The Iconoclast
Subs, always, and forever.
greggrey wrote...
in hentai i for one cant stand dubs i mean damn do we ever suck at voice overs leave it to the professionals and let it be spoken the way it was ment to be

but anime i kinda flip flop from time to time like DBZ is way better in english cuz of that epic KA MAY HA MAY HA just sounds so beast but then you get some shit like naruto where they just ruin it and you go back to jap

you speak the truth man...
im sub for everything tough, why? i learn english that way and im learning japanese that way too, so go go subs
If it's hentai, subs.
In anime, it depends. Older things I watched on TV like Pokemon, Card Captors, Sailor Moon, anime on Adult Swim, I prefer the dubbed version. When finding anime online, I watch the subbed.
Subs for me. That way, I learn more japanese (and other languages) from listening and reading. Although in hentai, there's not much to listen to aside from the moans.
I usually prefer sub but the Naruto dub is descent and the DBZ dub is just epic
I would have to say both because they can be both equal quality when it comes to voice acting. Not saying this is always the case or even often the case but when it is it, it is interesting to compare. But that is my personal opinion.
I VERY much prefer subs, especially with hentai. The english voice actors in those sound like they were pulled right off the street. As for anime, there are some good voice actors out there who do decent dubs, but most of them suck, just in my opinion.
Both, I just don't care anymore, some shows are good dubbed (Cowboy Bebop, Hellsing, Haruhi) and some... aren't.
fullmetal alchemist is better dubber but anime like naruto and bleach are sooooooooooooooooooo much better in subs
well i am a straight up sub fan cuz i love the cute voices but they do have some really good dubs like ghost in the shell, dragon ball z and others
For most of the anime shows I watch them dubbed because I sometimes have a problem reading and watching at the same time. Usually my first time around an anime I watch it dubbed. If I really enjoy the series I'll watch it again subbed. However, Hentai definitely subbed.
I like both. Sometimes if the dubbed is awful I will watch the subbed and te vice versa. It all just depends on if I want to read or listen.
Their are a few good dubs out there but not many. Subs really capture the emotion of the anime and make it better to watch. To me, some dubs just sound off.
what is the name of the video above the poll btw?
Monster Girl
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