Do you prefer subs or dubs?

Subs or dubs?

Total Votes : 5,213
I'd Have to say both, because i love Brina Palencia But Sometimes I'm Like I Love me a Cute Japanese voice actress, And I'm Talkin like friggin Nana Mizuki!!!!
Generally speaking if my anime is available English dubbed, I watch it dubbed. Shows that aren't available in English I watch subbed.

It makes me sad a lot of people fail to realize that English dub quality has drastically improved as of recent times, and in many cases outperforms Japanese voice acting. Not saying Japan doesn't have excellent voice actors, but in all seriousness, Funimation has been releasing some incredibly high quality English dubs as of late.
Both, sometimes I just want to watch the dub because I really feel like being lazy
I agree with everyone else saying it depends on the show. Sometimes the dub is better than the sub track and vice versa. Though I do tend to find dub tracks less appealing, but I must say the best audio track I've heard was Fruits Basket English Dub.
I like only subs. I will tell you why. The dub version RUINS the whole damned show! For example, i used to watch Yugioh in english. Then when i read some people's post online how kaiba actually remembers his past and serenity likes him in the japanese version, i got pissed! The english version most of the times change the names and plots around! A REAL fan never watches dubs! Also, sailormoon in english was different than the japanese. The japanese voices and episodes were better. English had too much editing!
better heard with its original Jap voices and actually learn a few with the subs. so it's subs for me.
i think dubs voice languange isn't better than subs, so i choose subs ;)
I prefer sub for these reason:
1. I can learn a bit of japanese words here and there, so it's really fun.
2. Sorry to say but English dub lacks the required emotion.
3. Character (mouth)motion was originally match to the Japanese language, so it sometimes look weird when in dub the character still talks while the dub sentence is already finish(know what I mean?)
Yup that's about it :) I even prefer my games like FFXIII and dynasty warrior in Japanese xD
section8magnet Pervert for Life.
Depends, some dubs are good others suck. I like dubs when I want to watch anime and do something else at the same time. No, not that something else.
SigillumDeiAemeth wrote...
I like only subs. I will tell you why. The dub version RUINS the whole damned show! For example, i used to watch Yugioh in english. Then when i read some people's post online how kaiba actually remembers his past and serenity likes him in the japanese version, i got pissed! The english version most of the times change the names and plots around! A REAL fan never watches dubs! Also, sailormoon in english was different than the japanese. The japanese voices and episodes were better. English had too much editing!

Dude. It's a show about people playing cards. What's the point? Why not just go out and play cards yourself? And you can keep your "a REAL fan" to yourself. Those are the words of someone who has yet to figure out all the connotations of "otaku". :P
I Put subs but theere is i think 2 dubs im fine with and that is hellsing and devil may cry but i still prefer the subs

i dont know but dubs seem realy low quality
XDgameDX wrote...
I Put subs but theere is i think 2 dubs im fine with and that is hellsing and devil may cry but i still prefer the subs

i dont know but dubs seem realy low quality

Baccano is a good dub too. The Japanese VAs can't really pull off New York accents
The first problem with dubs is that anime is not culturally accepted in the USA while Japanese voice actors are considered celebrities.

This means that dubbed anime gets the same 10 third rate actors doing the voices for all anime. While japenese voice actors are skilled and plentiful enough so that you can match a person to the character.

Disney / Pixar animated films often get top rated voice actors who do an amazing job, but those actors don't do anime.

The second problem is that "official" subs/dubs completely ruin the plot with their censorship or a misguided attempt to "appeal to the american market"
Subs generally, mainly because I like hearing the Japanese language and I can pick some up this way... Also, no one else in the house can understand what I'm listening to :P
This question can't have a definitive answer, but the answer is so OBVIOUS.
Some People Would rather Watch then Read, and some rather read then watch, it all depends on what youd rather do.
in my opinion eithers good cause i dont really care, but i just cant keep up with some sub'd anime cause some go by real quick.
Only watch subs, but the only dubbed I have ever liked is golden boy
with subs you get the original actors voice with dubs they normaly have to change actors
subs. its kinda rare when i like dubs better like cowboy bebop big o, dbz and a few others. for hentai......subs all the way
Littshepkid wrote...
Of course all dumbasses will pick sub

Not sure if trolling, or just stupid.
Monster Girl
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